Picard Season 3, Anyone?

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Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 11, 2018
Did anybody watch the premiere episode of Picard Season 3 on Paramount Plus yesterday?

Even though I'm a Star Trek fan I am extremely reluctant to watch this because of the soul crushingly disappointment the series has been thus far.

Season 1 was doing fairly well until with a couple of episodes remaining there was a deus ex machina moment when all conflict and tension was magically wiped away with a single action.

Season 2 was a mess from the get-go, full of uncharacteristic actions, contradictions, meandering plot full of holes, and generally stupid writing. The political bent was overtly presented (yes, even more than usual.)

Season 3 promises a reunion with Next Generation characters. This sounds like a self aware nostalgic fan-fic extravaganza, where the aged characters perform superhuman feats.

If you watched S03E01, please weigh in with your observations and reviews.
I've been debating should I watch Picard or not.

Watched the first episode of season 1 and it seemed pretty good.

But I'm hesitant for a couple of reasons. 1) The actors look so old now as so many years have passed and 2) I think the way TNG ended was a great ending. Kind of just wish to let the past be the past.

Capt. Picard was already old when TNG started and of all the cast members, he probably aged the best.

Didn't get much into TNG's movies.
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This thread reminded me it is out there, so I turned off the computer, went to the TV, and just watched it.

I'm going to give season 3 a chance. It is again very different than the other two seasons. Strange New Worlds gives us a new story each episode. Picard gives us a new story each season. Basically throw the other two away, they are (mostly) starting fresh. Laris, Rafi and Seven are dragged along, but you probably don't need to know their back stories.

Speaking of which, I hope this is true because I haven't watched DS9 or Voyager yet. Just haven't gotten around to it. I'm hearing there will be fan service.

Speaking of which again, there is cross-seeding fan service. There are a lot of easter-eggs in this first episodes. To me, there are very clear references to the following. See if you agree, and I'll do it now without spoiling:
- Blade Runner (actually, IN YOUR FACE reference)
- Battlestar Galactica, can't say why because it would spoil
- Alien/Aliens/Prometheus, near the end, and I "have a bad feeling about this"
- War of the Worlds (remake), tripod trumpet sounds

So you say: "Joe, are you serious? War of the Worlds? Alien? Must be dark, eh?"

Oh yeah, this season starts out confusing and dark, and the light of day never shines on it. This is not going to be a cheery reunion. About the only thing cheery is one of the TNG character's child, who is beautiful (of course) and optimistic. Everyone else is seemingly recovering from a hangover or producing a hangover, especially our new captain character.

Smoking? Yep. Drinking? Yep, a lot. Money? Yep. Addiction? Yep. Swearing? Yep, about 10 times. Gene is rolling at warp 5 in his grave. Sh-t!

Picard goes grunge in a different way than Disco. Picard has clear fan service to the over 50 crowd, even pushing against themes of dementia. Disco delved more in contemporary topics and themes probably more on the mind of the under 30 crowd. Both shows are going to make you feel uncomfortable at times.

I actually do not mind the tough themes like addiction, because I think we've learned they'll always be with us, even in Gene's utopia. Sorry.

Something I don't care for is the theme of: "Let's get the old band together and be outlaws." That's been done too many times. Don't like it. Plot crutch.

Finally, we have a few threads here about ChatGPT. Although it wasn't out when they produced this, there is plenty of "fan service" to Smart Speakers and Chat AIs. That's actually kind of cool. We've come a long way from Kirk saying: "Computer..." and computer saying "Working... <chug-a-chug-a-chug>..." Now the computers have cute names that are alarmingly like "Alexa."
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I saw it yesterday. It was okay but Patrick Stewart needs to retire.

What ST needs is another leap of 100 years into the future with a new crew, and a new Enterprise. It would be to TNG what TNG was to the original series.

Why they like to trash the Enterprise is beyond me.

A real fan favorite would be the captain, after his/her patience runs out with some nasty alien, saying something like, "Number one, let's show this arrogant so-and-so what the flagship of the fleet can do," and then promptly thrashing the nogoodnicks. :D Much better than the Enterprise getting crippled by some POS alien rust bucket. I've had enough of that.
What ST needs is another leap of 100 years into the future with a new crew, and a new Enterprise. It would be to TNG what TNG was to the original series.

Yes. It doesn't have to be 900 years, and for peets sake, no spore drives.
Yes. It doesn't have to be 900 years, and for peets sake, no spore drives.

Spore drive has to be a new low in science fiction.

Star Trek and it's producers need to realize the goal of the Enterprise is to seek out new life and go where [-]no man[/-] nobody has gone before. Its purpose is not to offer us a bunch of severely emotionally crippled people, who make crucial decisions based on how they feel at the moment.

"The ship is about to suffer a warp core breach and blow us all to pieces. Only we two can possibly prevent that, but first let's talk about why you left me on Bipolar 3 and never bothered to contact me again." Ugh!

But, I am a Trekkie and will try to watch season 3. But, not right away.
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Just watched the new Picard season 3 episode 1 and I liked it. A reunion of sorts but with some new faces too and a new enemy. I love the new ship and the visuals. Seems like it will be a more traditional Star Trek season. I think I am going to enjoy watching it.
I enjoyed it.
Season 3 will be the end of the series so I figure I'll see how Jean Luke fades into the universe.
Well, I finally caved in and started watching this. It certainly appears it's going to be a fannish show written for fans by fannish fans. Heigh ho, heigh ho, the gang's all here!

Darkly lit bridges, Star Fleet officer insubordination, over-the-top villian bordering on farcical, absolutely overused trope employed on Dr. Beverly Crusher's son origin story.

Speaking of Dr. Crusher, who knew phaser "shotguns" were pump action?
I'm through E4. It's really gotten good. There are some deeply emotional, personal moments between a couple of regular characters that were the most powerful of any scenes ever in TNG history. They were really well done and well acted. It was a scene with realistic dialogue, not mawkish, or trite.

I also like the way the script pokes fun of the "legends" of StarFleet. There were several times I had a silly smile plastered on my face.

Jonathan Frakes (who plays Riker) directed E3 and E4 and it's no wonder it's been so good. He's directed a lot of TV shows over the years and is excellent at his craft. E4 is would be the best TNG episode ever, if the show wasn't titled "Picard".

Crossing my fingers that the quality can be maintained and the story won't implode on itself.
I am also watching Season 3, by far the best season, really enjoying it.
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Have been watching reluctantly and will continue. Not their finest hour but I don't think the worst ST either.
Have been watching reluctantly and will continue. Not their finest hour but I don't think the worst ST either.
Better than Discovery
It certainly appears it's going to be a fannish show written for fans by fannish fans. Heigh ho, heigh ho, the gang's all here!

Episode 6. Wow. Talk about fannish things written by fans for fannish fans!

A brief list without context, so no spoilers. The Genesis device, Kirk's remains, Tribbles, Data, Professor Soong, Lor, Moriarty, all the different versions of the starships (including theme music from each show), etc.

I'm sure I'm missing some things. If you know of more, please list them here.

Now that we've gotten the love letter to the fans out of the way, let's get on with the plot, which is very good, actually.
I really enjoyed Star Trek Strange New Worlds on Paramount+

Better than Picard IMO, though I did enjoy Picard.
Spore drive has to be a new low in science fiction.

Star Trek and it's producers need to realize the goal of the Enterprise is to seek out new life and go where [-]no man[/-] nobody has gone before. Its purpose is not to offer us a bunch of severely emotionally crippled people, who make crucial decisions based on how they feel at the moment.

"The ship is about to suffer a warp core breach and blow us all to pieces. Only we two can possibly prevent that, but first let's talk about why you left me on Bipolar 3 and never bothered to contact me again." Ugh!

But, I am a Trekkie and will try to watch season 3. But, not right away.
LOL! You nailed it! And nice planet name.

I'll wait for all of them to drop and go through at least the two Frakes' episodes. Last season was a fail.
Start Trek Picard was okay but I'm waiting for season two of Strange New Worlds which is one of the best since Next Generation.
Done with episode 8, only 2 more remaining. It's been a fun ride. I have fears that the writers are going to pull another deus ex machina out of thin air with Jack's "talents" to save the day.
I'm on season 2, binge watching. So glad that I decided to watch Picard. It's very well done.

Thought the show would make me feel old seeing the old actors age. But instead makes me feel young again like when I'd get the weekly TNG fix recording each episode to VHS to watch.
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