Poll: Flu 2017/18 Season - Flu and Shot

Flu and Shot

  • Yes I got a Flu shot this season and have not got the Flu (so far)

    Votes: 168 62.0%
  • Yes I got a Flu shot this season and still got the Flu

    Votes: 21 7.7%
  • No I did not get a Flu shot this season and have not got the Flu (so far)

    Votes: 71 26.2%
  • No I did not get a Flu shot this season and I did get the Flu

    Votes: 6 2.2%
  • I don't know if it was the Flu but I was sick as a dog

    Votes: 5 1.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think I caught the same cold. No fever, but had a lingering cough that kept me up at night. It scared me into getting the shot.

I had the cough and nasal drip no fever, but a stuffed up head. Until this week we have had a mild winter, so I was able to do my 5 mile a day walk, come home and take a nap. Oh and of course plenty of adult beverages.
We both got the flu shot, same as always.

Not sure whether we got the flu or not, though! Best guess is that we either got a bad head cold, or a mild flu, with symptoms reduced by having flu shot.

DW came down with it on Christmas Eve, and recovered in about 2 weeks. She has always been blessed with a strong immune system.

I came down with it the day after Christmas, and now, 3 weeks later, slowly shaking off the last of it. Blocked sinuses, dry cough, low grade fever, and most of all, deep fatigue, sense of not really being fully conscious or all here. Years ago, I had the true, 1 week, “run over by a truck” flu, and this isn’t it, but neither does it feel like a run of the mill head cold. So, who knows?
I went to Dr. last night, confirmed I had flu, type B. I had flu shot back in September. My Dr. said he's only seeing the flu shot as being 10% effective.
Got flu shots at work and at the doctor's office for many years. Last flu shot put me in the emergency room four hours later. Sick for several weeks after that. Never again!

Staying home and only making necessary trips to the grocery store and gas station when there are fewer people there, especially children, is my approach. Fingers crossed I miss this flu!
So far...

Of people who got the shot, 17% say they got the flu anyway
Of the people who didnt get the shot, 4% say they got the flu.

I haven't had a flu shot since I left the Army 30 years ago and Ive never gotten the flu. I have about zero confidence in flu shots and this poll only adds to my lack of confidence.
I’ve only had the flu twice in my life that I recall, it is awful. I’ve gotten the shot every year for about the last ten, never got one before that. One data point...

The flu shot is a cheap and easy precaution to me (I get mine with my annual physical), we all know effectiveness varies and it’s never going to be anywhere near 100%.
My Google research says:per NHS.UK

Flu viruses

Flu viruses capable of being transferred to hands and causing an infection can survive on hard surfaces for 24 hours.

Infectious flu viruses can survive on tissues for only 15 minutes.

Like cold viruses, infectious flu viruses survive for much shorter periods on the hands. After five minutes the amount of flu virus on hands falls to low levels.

Flu viruses can also survive as droplets in the air for several hours; low temperatures increase their survival in the air.

Parainfluenza virus, which causes croup in children, can survive for up to 10 hours on hard surfaces and up to four hours on soft surfaces.
So far...

Of people who got the shot, 17% say they got the flu anyway
Of the people who didnt get the shot, 4% say they got the flu.

I haven't had a flu shot since I left the Army 30 years ago and Ive never gotten the flu. I have about zero confidence in flu shots and this poll only adds to my lack of confidence.

Unless every person responding went to the DR and had a positive flu test, you know these numbers are flawed. But I guess you used them to express your contempt for flu shots. Unless you went to the doctor for a flu test every time you have gotten a winter illness in the last 30 years your data is a little suspect as well.
Had a flu shot no flu yet...but have spent the last 10-14 days on minimum exposure to people since the DH is going to be scheduled for some surgery in the very near future.

My best tip is always carry a pair of the stretch knit gloves in you coat pocket they don't keep your hands warm but I put them on and leave them on every time I enter a public space where I am going to be touching things..ie grocery store..

We have one urgent care clinic in our smaller town and the wait time has been between 15-30 minutes all this week, which I consider normal.
We both get the shot every year and so far no flu but it is early yet. But with the cold weather we're pretty much in "hibernation mode" and generally only go out for the gym and to buy food until March or April.
No flu shot, no flu, at least so far. But apparently Louisiana is having one of the worst years for flu in recent memory, so I might end up with the flu.
So far...

Of people who got the shot, 17% say they got the flu anyway
Of the people who didnt get the shot, 4% say they got the flu.

I haven't had a flu shot since I left the Army 30 years ago and Ive never gotten the flu. I have about zero confidence in flu shots and this poll only adds to my lack of confidence.

People prone to get the flu--lower resistance perhaps, or just more exposed in their daily activities--tend to get a flu shot. People who don't usually get the flu are less likely to get a shot. So I wouldn't read too much into the stats. But since you don't get the flu, there's probably no reason to get a shot.
Had the shot but I'm getting something. Been fighting for 3 days, chills, weak, and body ache. I was doing a little better but after getting groceries and hanging out with sick people I feel worse.

A nap... that sounds right.
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Flu shot in every year (except one) since 1971. In all those 46 years, I've had the flu exactly once (no, it wasn't the year I skipped the shot).

Looking at individual years isn't the point, IMHO. I'm quite sure that all those shots containing all those different strains have generally strengthened my immune system, making it better able to defend me from whatever flu virus is around.
We have the flu shots, but no flu yet (knock knock on wooden heads). I have asthma, so if the flu shot reduces my odds of getting influenza I will take it.
I have had a viral infection though. Not fun, actually missed out on a family reunion because of it. DW still symptom free.
No flu shot until joining the military at age 23. Flu shot every year until leaving the military at age 31. No flu shot from 31 to age 71. Only one known case of the flu, at age 51 when I, along with a lot of other people, caught it while attending the 1998 Winter Olympics: Washingtonpost.com: Athletes Reported Sick With Flu-Like Symptoms
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So far...

Of people who got the shot, 17% say they got the flu anyway
Of the people who didnt get the shot, 4% say they got the flu.

I haven't had a flu shot since I left the Army 30 years ago and Ive never gotten the flu. I have about zero confidence in flu shots and this poll only adds to my lack of confidence.
Or look at in another perspective. I had flu shot this year. Dr. confirmed with test yesterday I have flu. So I'm one of the original 17% you mentioned. However, I've had flu shot for past 15 years, never had flu in that time. And before that I had the flu several times without any shots for prevention. So not sure what you can make of it all.
Flu shot in every year (except one) since 1971. In all those 46 years, I've had the flu exactly once (no, it wasn't the year I skipped the shot).

Looking at individual years isn't the point, IMHO. I'm quite sure that all those shots containing all those different strains have generally strengthened my immune system, making it better able to defend me from whatever flu virus is around.

this is also my opinion Ive only been getting the shot since the early 1980's, so essentially 95% of my adult life. Got the flu twice in that time, incl this yr. Started right after Christmas and lasted into early Jan. Fever body aches some congestion really felt washed out for a few days afterwards too but nothing as severe as what I hear on the news here in GA for people who did not get the shot and got the flu.
If reports are accurate, it seems more children than senior adults are being hospitalized because of it. Have no idea if that is unusual or somehow a function of the strain(s) the shot this yr is not effective against
I had the shot as normally done and did not get the flu. I usually get mild symptoms for about a week though like I am fighting something off and sleep a little more than usual.
Got the high dose flu vaccine (for seniors) and have not had the flu so far. I've been getting the vaccine for years and have not got the flu or reacted in any way to the vaccine. I've always felt that even if the vaccine is not fully effective, if it lessens the severity and/or the length of the illness it's worth it.
I get the flu shot every year and so far I have never had the flu (and hope I never do!). I am 66 and last year for the first time I received the high dose vaccine for seniors. The high dose vaccine made me sick --ran a fever for a couple of days and felt awful. I talked to my doctor who said that some people cannot handle the high dose vaccine and recommended that I just take the regular dose from now on. This year I had the regular dose vaccine with no side effects.
Had the shot, as I do every year. Last Saturday found me in urgent care - flu confirmed by nasal swab. The Unindicted Co-Conspirator came down with it last Sunday.

Starting to come out of it, but it's been a thoroughly miserable time.
Got the shot and no flu so far.

Got a shot last year but got the flu (tested positive for influenza A). I’ve heard several reports that caution that many people get a bad cold but think it’s flu. They say if you feel like you were hit by a truck, then it’s flu. If you get better in a day or two, it’s a cold.

I’ll get one next season, too, regardless of what happens. (Re-reading that sentence it’s not clear if I mean get a shot or get the flu. Maybe either is valid.)

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