Poll: Have you had Covid?

Have you had Covid?

  • Yes

    Votes: 221 55.4%
  • No

    Votes: 178 44.6%

  • Total voters


Moderator Emeritus
Aug 23, 2007
Northern Illinois
Have you had Covid? I never have. DW has. Just trying to get an idea on the pct of folks here who have had it.
Thread moved to the Covid forum
DW and I haven't had it, but everyone else in the family (brothers, sister, mother, kids, grandkids) have had it. I went over for a week to take care of brother and mother (92) while they were sick with covid last year. I wore a black rubber half-mask with the purple cartridges while I was in the same part of the house as they were, and came away without getting sick.
We both have had it. We both were fully vaccinated. Symptoms were like a cold.
I have lived in a bubble for four years taking care of my 90 year old parents.

I have yet to catch COVID or so I hope.

I rescued mom from the nursing home and she had the runs for nearly a month, so she may have had COVID but we never did any testing. I wore an N95 the first 15 days.

Before mom died this summer she was again in a facility and it had a COVID cluster. I was in there every day for over a week with my N95 and I did not catch it.

Step-dad had not caught it, but last week he was in a rehab facility that had some COVID cases and he tested positive last Monday. I was in there 6 hours each day for the three before they tested him. I had my N95 on and have tested negative the past two days. Praying to God that I stay clear until after my surgery next week.
Nope. Neither the DW or I have had it (yet). I could only vote once :) BTW, I had one shot and she had none.
DW and I probably had it twice. Once prior to the availability of the booster shots (August 2021) and 11 months later (July 2022). If we have had it since the summer of 2022, it was so mild we didn't know it. In our mind, our first natural infection acted as a booster and so we have never received any further booster other than our 2nd natural infection. Just for record, we never mask and neither does the rest of Western Colorado.

1st Infection
During our first natural infection, we both lost our sense of taste and smell (me for maybe 1-4 weeks and DW for 4+weeks and hers is still not right, which typically would be considered long COVID). DW didn't do our normal 1 hour of exercise for 1 day and I missed our routine exercise for 3 days. My only long term symptoms might be pursing of my lips which I noticed maybe 4 or 5 months later. My PCP took a chest X-ray at my annual, but told me he thinks it is just a habit. He also stated that pursing of lips is common in COPD patients as they are trying to create back pressure, but I didn't get a chance to follow up about the function of back pressure.:facepalm:

2nd Infection
DW got an eye injection and a few other symptoms, tested negative, but never really shook her cold symptoms. However, about a week later we both seemed to have very bad sore throats, headache, runny nose, etc., so we weren't really sure when DW actually got it. Because we were hiking in Crested Butte by then, we didn't test tho we only ate outside or at the VRBO :)angel:).
Neither DW nor I have gotten it yet. We've gotten all our shots and still mask in crowded indoor settings, but have no illusions of invulnerability. I expect we'll get it sooner or later - we're just trying to make it as later as possible.
To my knowledge, no. Vaccinated and boosted, but took some road trips during COVID, went to Alaska in August, 2021 (small-ship cruise curtailed after 2 cases on board, likely due to a couple who went bar-hopping the night before), went to Munich and Malta in May of last year. I masked where required and sometimes in places where I was just too close to others for comfort. I've tested multiple times-not due to symptoms but after having been around people who had it or when required for travel.

I know a ton of people who have had it by now, sometimes multiple times. DS and his family have had it twice- adults were vaccinated, kids were not. Thank heaven it sems to be a lot milder now.
We both have had it. We both were fully vaccinated. Symptoms were like a cold.
We’ve both had it, but we’ve maintained vaccinations from the start, 2 vaccines and 3 annual boosters for both of us. It was pretty debilitating for one day for me, like a mild cold for a few days thereafter. A little more severe for longer for DW, but nothing to worry about. Nowhere near as rough as the flu for either of us.
I got it in early January 2023 because I was stupid and went to a crowded bar on New Year's Eve night. I was fully vaccinated including booster with no risk factors and it was still basically the worst cold of my entire life. I weathered thru with no medications or doctor visits. No one else in my family has had it, that we know of.
A better poll would be how many times have you had Covid:


Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've had it 3 times - once very early in the epidemic before vax (suspected, there were no tests back then) and twice after vax/booster (confirmed).
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Everyone's experience differs a bit.

My sore throat was moderate. My body aches and fatigue were horrible. Fever was moderately high, just short of getting scary.

Despite it likely being Omicron, I got the loss of taste and smell. Once I got my taste back after 2weeks or so, I treated myself to massive eating and gained 10 pounds. I deserved it after all the suffering. Dumb move. I have since lost the weight.
i have, DW has not. I got it from a girl that sat next to me for the day when I went into the office the one and only time since COVID was a thing.

I gave it to my dad, and he gave it to my mom, and then she turned around and gave it back into my family to my 2 yr old daughter. Needless to say it was a massive inconvenience at that moment in time. I was surprised DW didn't get it because we spent the WHOLE weekend together (found out I had been exposed right before leaving on a flight out of town without any kids for our first time since we had kids).

So we still went on the trip. I masked up. DW and I had a lot of fun that weekend if you know what I mean..we were childless. She still did not catch COVID. I started feeling "different" than I ever had been and knew I had COVID as we were in the plane on our way back from our trip. I had been exposed but felt fine so I ddin't test myself right away. Plus it was a very busy time...coaching kids baseball games, getting ready for the trip...3 little kids yada, yada and mainly I was not feeling sick at all so I never felt tempted to test.

BUT...when we landed, I knew I was sick. I hung my head out the window most of the drive home from the airport just trying to get some fresh air.

Dad caught it from that trip home in the car. I did have my mask on but it didn't matter. Again DW was with in that same car but did not get it. She still hasn't had it.

Just the 1 time for me.
Everyone's experience differs a bit.

My sore throat was moderate. My body aches and fatigue were horrible. Fever was moderately high, just short of getting scary.

Despite it likely being Omicron, I got the loss of taste and smell. Once I got my taste back after 2weeks or so, I treated myself to massive eating and gained 10 pounds. I deserved it after all the suffering. Dumb move. I have since lost the weight.

I did not lose taste. But I did get a nice fever and aches and slept a lot. I had a VERY bad sore throat another time, nurse was adamant I had COVID until my test result came back negative. She looked at me and said well I'll be damned, you are the only person to step foot into this clinic complaining about a sore throat this week that did NOT test positive for COVID. Apparently like 70 some other people did, but I didn't She tested me again because she didn't believed the result. But it was negative. And that sore throat was WORSE than when I actually had COVID. They gave me antibiotics and some throat numbing gel that was a lifesaver.

My cousin almost died from COVID. Did not get the shot. He is a little person, with comprimised immune system, lifelong smoker. He had to have breathing asssistance when he waas in the ER a couple times. They were about to discuss DNR and pulling the plug and all of a sudden he woke up and his health improved greatly. He is now on Oxygen for the rest of his life. 42 yrs old and on Oxygem for the rest of his life. Don't smoke those cigs kids.
I had it summer 22. DH had it fall 22. Sister just had it a few weeks ago. Just visited cousins who have dodged it. One cousin is a visiting nurse, so potentially lots of exposure. One son has not had it. The other son has had multiple infections.
Not yet.
Oh, one other symptom you don't hear about a lot: night sweats. Bad for 2 weeks, then tailed off for two more weeks.

Never had that symptom in my life until Covid.
There is no slot for I don't know. I had the symptoms (barring loss of taste), but I never tested positive, and when I was tested for antibodies after the fact - nada.

My DIL (who worked in ICU on Covid patients, including during the initial outbreak) never got it. This is in spite of her husband (DS) getting it. Her father did not get it, her mother did.
I voted no since I've never tested positive for it. But my PCP recently told me that 90+% of the population has likely had it whether they know it or not.

Twice (late in 2021 & again a year later) I woke up with an EXTREMELY sore throat & a temperature of 101.5 degrees -- very rare for me -- & was thinking that might be it. But I tested negative twice, & both times by the 3rd day I felt normal. Maybe I should have tested more, who knows?
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I don’t know anyone personally who did not have it. Some multiple times.
I was hospitalized in the ICU for three weeks with the delta variant of Covid (which in my case became Covid double pneumonia), back in 2021. I was extremely sick. They had me on oxygen, IV antibiotics and steroids, and who knows what else (I was unconscious much of the time). Still don't know if they had me on a respirator or not. Anyway, I am very thankful that I survived.

Never had the problem with smell and taste AFAIK, although I apparently didn't eat much since I lost 23 pounds in the hospital. So, maybe? who knows. Lost most of my hair, though, which I am told is an even more common symptom than loss of smell and taste during Covid recovery. It grew back after a few months.

Frank has never had it, although we spend about half of our waking hours together. My doctor said that is not unusual.
My wife and I both got Covid while on our May 2023 Mediterranean cruise. Mine progressed to pneumonia in one lung; she developed pneumonia in both lungs. We were both fully vaccinated and boosted. It was pretty bad, although neither of us had to be hospitalized. I am planning on getting an “extra” booster in March before our “do over” cruise in April.
I haven't had it.

Most of my family members in this local area have had it at least once.
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