Post Vaccination Behavior

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This J and J vaccine news is concerning, I think it just pushes normal farther down the road.

If you meant "concerning" in terms of pausing the vaccinations with so few problematic cases, I would agree on that.
If you meant "concerning" in terms of pausing the vaccinations with so few problematic cases, I would agree on that.
We appear to be overreacting to rare side effects of both the AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines, especially since COVID carries a very large risk of blood clots, including sudden deaths in cases that were asymptomatic (or almost so).
What are you going to do if everyone doesn't get vaccinated? Let's say by some miracle we get a 70% national rate, does that mean you aren't going where at all. I don't know if you have a high risk condition, but at some point us vaccinated folks are just going to have to get on with it and have faith in the science.
It’s simple really. I will watch for my area cases to come way down before mixing with the general public such as eating out at restaurants.

Once I am fully vaccinated I will be comfortable interacting with other fully vaccinated people in small groups. Yes, I’m choosing to continue to be almost as careful between my first and second dose as I was before my first.

I don’t see how this is discouraging.

It does require some patience.
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I've been invited to a family get-together 11 days after my 2nd shot. All the adults there will have had at least one shot; there may be some unvaccinated children. I don't know all the details but if the weather is good, this will probably be an outdoor thing, but if the weather is bad it would move inside. Of course masks will be off to allow for eating.

Just wondering what all of you think about going? I will be close to full immunity but not quite there. I said yes but have had second thoughts; then had second thoughts about my second thoughts, etc etc.

Absolutely would NOT go in a million years, for the following reasons..

- Variants. Not sure which vacc you got, but it was just announced yesterday that Israel did a study on the S. African one and found that the Pfizer (they didn't test Moderna, apparently) did not protect that great against the SA one..and we already knew it doesn't protect that well against the Brazillian one. Maybe others. So, you're probably ~95% protected against TWO (original and UK - AKA B.117) variants and not that well protected against many others.

- Unvaccinated kids - this one gets me. We've been told for almost a year "kids don't get it!" and "if they DO get it, they can't pass it to adults!". Both, of course, have been shown to be utter nonsense, which many of us thought from the first moment any of that was said. OF COURSE kids get it. And they pass it to adults. Here in MI, the kids are getting slammed. I personally view kids and young adults as among the singularly most dangerous people I can come into contact with.

- Potential for inside - enough said. If you go inside, you're going into an environment where the virus (if any, presumably so), can hang in the air for hours after being exhaled by a COVID positive person. That's a major no go for me right there.

- My own experiences - DW has a brother that lost a good friend who got COVID at a family event (Thanksgiving, last year). They were sick of "dealing" with COVID so got together. DW's brother's buddy caught it at Thanksgiving..died 2 weeks later. But not until giving it to his wife. She died shortly after hubby. Tragic. Neither were "frail", "elderly", etc. Healthy people can and do die of COVID regularly. To me, NO party is worth the risk. Wife has a VERY social and big family. I've refused to go to ANY event - even outside - for the last year and have avoided COVID to date. Others have not been so lucky..

Just remember that your vaccine lowers your risk..but it is certainly not an immunity idol to keep you get from getting voted off the island. Same procedures (masks, social distancing, etc) we've all done over the last year or so are still needed until we get through this thing, unfortunately. And social distancing probably means parties and social gatherings (which I've read are among the top if not "the" top way this spreads) are, at least for me, a DEFINITE no-go until the numbers are way, WAY down from what they are now..I feel for you having to decide, but there's not enough $$ in the world to convince me to go to a social event or party at the moment..
It’s simple really. I will watch for my area cases to come way down before mixing with the general public such as eating out at restaurants.

Once I am fully vaccinated I will be comfortable interacting with other fully vaccinated people in small groups. Yes, I’m choosing to continue to be almost as careful between my first and second dose as I was before my first.

I don’t see how this is discouraging.

It does require some patience.

That's it. You said what I will be doing as well. My county just rolled backwards from phase 3 to 2, because of those case numbers.
I think of what my parents had to do, the sacrifices they made. For me to take some care and wear a mask is really nothing at all.
It’s simple really. I will watch for my area cases to come way down before mixing with the general public such as eating out at restaurants.

Once I am fully vaccinated I will be comfortable interacting with other fully vaccinated people in small groups. Yes, I’m choosing to continue to be almost as careful between my first and second dose as I was before my first.

I don’t see how this is discouraging.

It does require some patience.

We don't think all same way, I do think the same way as you do..Someone who is on the fence about vaccinating might think the reward is not worth the risk or effort if they are constantly told don't do this. I want these people to think getting vaccinated will open doors for them. It's all about getting jabs in the arms...
I've been invited to a family get-together 11 days after my 2nd shot. All the adults there will have had at least one shot; there may be some unvaccinated children. I don't know all the details but if the weather is good, this will probably be an outdoor thing, but if the weather is bad it would move inside. Of course masks will be off to allow for eating.

Just wondering what all of you think about going? I will be close to full immunity but not quite there. I said yes but have had second thoughts; then had second thoughts about my second thoughts, etc etc.
I would go if inclined to an outing like that. I'm almost 2 weeks past 2nd dose.

My reasoning is that there's no large fraction of fully vaccinated people showing up at the hospitals, as far as I can tell. Some stories of some fully vaccinated people getting the disease isn't enough to keep me sequestered. If fully vaccinated people start dying in significant numbers as compared to the total of that cohort that are healthy or have a mild case, then I will revisit the decision. I was worried about death and long-term consequences before, but no longer. Unless public health population data indicates a significant risk of a severe case for vaccined individuals, I'm going to do whatever they'll let me do.
If you meant "concerning" in terms of pausing the vaccinations with so few problematic cases, I would agree on that.

That.. and the very fact it was paused will give some people second thoughts about using J and J if/when it starts up again. The one and done aspect would really pump up vaccination numbers.
I've been invited to a family get-together 11 days after my 2nd shot. All the adults there will have had at least one shot; there may be some unvaccinated children. I don't know all the details but if the weather is good, this will probably be an outdoor thing, but if the weather is bad it would move inside. Of course masks will be off to allow for eating.

Just wondering what all of you think about going? I will be close to full immunity but not quite there. I said yes but have had second thoughts; then had second thoughts about my second thoughts, etc etc.

It doesn't really make sense to have the event now, vs. say, 30 days from whatever the date is. Everyone will have had at least one shot, so presumably that's several folks in between, "almost" in the clear, like you. Another month and everyone would be 2shots+2weeks. I doubt you'll be the only one with reservations.

So perhaps a nudge to the host to say "we'd love to, any chance we can move this out until everyone's had their 2nd jab...for all our sakes?" Their response would then inform how I'd proceed. TBH, anyone I'm close enough to consider close family worthy of a get-together, at this point, would be someone I'd feel comfortable enough to ask for a slight postponement. It's been a year, a few more weeks to be that much safer for everyone seems like common sense.
It doesn't really make sense to have the event now, vs. say, 30 days from whatever the date is. Everyone will have had at least one shot, so presumably that's several folks in between, "almost" in the clear, like you. Another month and everyone would be 2shots+2weeks. I doubt you'll be the only one with reservations.

So perhaps a nudge to the host to say "we'd love to, any chance we can move this out until everyone's had their 2nd jab...for all our sakes?" Their response would then inform how I'd proceed. TBH, anyone I'm close enough to consider close family worthy of a get-together, at this point, would be someone I'd feel comfortable enough to ask for a slight postponement. It's been a year, a few more weeks to be that much safer for everyone seems like common sense.

You can certainly ask,and decide what to do from there. We are one month past second shot and will meet up Saturday for GD 10th birthday, will be us the other set of GP's one month past second shot..DD and SIL about 2 weeks past 1st jab. They work from home and don't go out.

That's acceptable to us..
DW and I were pondering a two day car trip across several states. Our final two weeks waiting period is up next week. So we considered that some medical folks are pointing out that even after we get to some semblance of national herd immunity, that will not be a national number but will change with each geographic area, similar to the pockets of high and low coronavirus spread risk we have now.

This means if I'm driving across the country, each region or even county will be at a different level of vaccinated people. I could drive right into a place with an 80% vaccination rate, then the next day hit a spot with 50%. or 20%. And also drive to and from various geographic pockets of individual mutations.

This driving trip could be done if even the fully vaccinated keep to the standard personal protocols recommended by the CDC. And with better masks that actually protect the wearer. DW vetoed the trip though, to wait to see what happens with the variants. (But we are going to start patio dining!)
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After my second shot and two weeks, I'll be looking first at getting a hair cut, getting my teeth cleaned and checked and maybe an orthopedist.

Been well over 1 year for all those things.
Absolutely would NOT go in a million years, for the following reasons..

- Variants. Not sure which vacc you got, but it was just announced yesterday that Israel did a study on the S. African one and found that the Pfizer (they didn't test Moderna, apparently) did not protect that great against the SA one..and we already knew it doesn't protect that well against the Brazillian one. Maybe others. So, you're probably ~95% protected against TWO (original and UK - AKA B.117) variants and not that well protected against many others.

- Unvaccinated kids - this one gets me. We've been told for almost a year "kids don't get it!" and "if they DO get it, they can't pass it to adults!". Both, of course, have been shown to be utter nonsense, which many of us thought from the first moment any of that was said. OF COURSE kids get it. And they pass it to adults. Here in MI, the kids are getting slammed. I personally view kids and young adults as among the singularly most dangerous people I can come into contact with.

- Potential for inside - enough said. If you go inside, you're going into an environment where the virus (if any, presumably so), can hang in the air for hours after being exhaled by a COVID positive person. That's a major no go for me right there.

- My own experiences - DW has a brother that lost a good friend who got COVID at a family event (Thanksgiving, last year). They were sick of "dealing" with COVID so got together. DW's brother's buddy caught it at Thanksgiving..died 2 weeks later. But not until giving it to his wife. She died shortly after hubby. Tragic. Neither were "frail", "elderly", etc. Healthy people can and do die of COVID regularly. To me, NO party is worth the risk. Wife has a VERY social and big family. I've refused to go to ANY event - even outside - for the last year and have avoided COVID to date. Others have not been so lucky..

Just remember that your vaccine lowers your risk..but it is certainly not an immunity idol to keep you get from getting voted off the island. Same procedures (masks, social distancing, etc) we've all done over the last year or so are still needed until we get through this thing, unfortunately. And social distancing probably means parties and social gatherings (which I've read are among the top if not "the" top way this spreads) are, at least for me, a DEFINITE no-go until the numbers are way, WAY down from what they are now..I feel for you having to decide, but there's not enough $$ in the world to convince me to go to a social event or party at the moment..

I have friends who have been vaccinated for several weeks, as have I, and they want to get together for a visit. They have a 13 year old son who obviously is not vaccinated yet, and I don't feel comfortable getting together with them. Their son has been participating in youth sports for the past several months, even though he is doing the bulk of his schooling remotely.

From what I have read, youth sports is a prime vector for spreading Covid. With the possibilities of variants out there, I will be waiting as you say for the numbers to go way, way down from what they are now, and for him to be vaccinated, before I feel comfortable visiting.
They're trying to get kids vaccinated. Pfizer has applied for EUA on 12-16 year olds.

Other vaccines will probably follow suit.

I'm sure the goal is to vaccinate the kids before the fall semester starts.
DW and I were pondering a two day car trip across several states. Our final two weeks waiting period is up next week. So we considered that some medical folks are pointing out that even after we get to some semblance of national herd immunity, that will not be a national number but will change with each geographic area, similar to the pockets of high and low coronavirus spread risk we have now.

This means if I'm driving across the country, each region or even county will be at a different level of vaccinated people. I could drive right into a place with an 80% vaccination rate, then the next day hit a spot with 50%. or 20%. And also drive to and from various geographic pockets of individual mutations.

This driving trip could be done if even the fully vaccinated keep to the standard personal protocols recommended by the CDC. And with better masks that actually protect the wearer. DW vetoed the trip though, to wait to see what happens with the variants. (But we going to start patio dining!)
Road trips - it’s super easy to do these in a contactless way. We feel comfortable because we avoid other people. Encounters if any are super fleeting. We carry all our own food and don’t eat around anyone else.

We had to do this several times before anyone was vaccinated due to DF and then his estate.
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Just tried to book to Tucson... $1200 round trip for 2 tickets coach. What pandemic?
After my second shot and two weeks, I'll be looking first at getting a hair cut, getting my teeth cleaned and checked and maybe an orthopedist.

Been well over 1 year for all those things.

At the end of next week, DW's and my last 2 week vaccine period will be done. We have already scheduled the various appointments we've skipped for a year. Dr. appts including dermatologists, mammograms, blood tests, dentists, and optometrists. Also vehicle checkups. The only item we could get this month was the vehicle. Besides many people doing this as they become vaccinated, the practitioners still need to follow COVID protocols. So the range of appointments run all the way into July.
At the end of next week, DW's and my last 2 week vaccine period will be done. We have already scheduled the various appointments we've skipped for a year. Dr. appts including dermatologists, mammograms, blood tests, dentists, and optometrists. Also vehicle checkups. The only item we could get this month was the vehicle. Besides many people doing this as they become vaccinated, the practitioners still need to follow COVID protocols. So the range of appointments run all the way into July.

Regarding the mammogram, there is a thread on here somewhere that there is a recommendation to wait a while (2 months?) after the vaccinations because of the swollen lymph glands some women get from the vaccine
At the end of next week, DW's and my last 2 week vaccine period will be done. We have already scheduled the various appointments we've skipped for a year. Dr. appts including dermatologists, mammograms, blood tests, dentists, and optometrists. Also vehicle checkups. The only item we could get this month was the vehicle. Besides many people doing this as they become vaccinated, the practitioners still need to follow COVID protocols. So the range of appointments run all the way into July.

We have been going to doctor appointments for the last 6 months. The only appointment I have waited on is for a colonoscopy which I now feel more comfortable to schedule.
Regarding the mammogram, there is a thread on here somewhere that there is a recommendation to wait awhile (2 months?) after the vaccinations because of the swollen lymph glands some women get from the vaccine

My doc wanted to wait one month. I was vaccinated on a Saturday, read about this over the weekend, had a mammo appointment Tuesday. I called Monday and they agreed immediately that it needed to be moved to one month after my second dose.
I have friends who have been vaccinated for several weeks, as have I, and they want to get together for a visit. They have a 13 year old son who obviously is not vaccinated yet, and I don't feel comfortable getting together with them. Their son has been participating in youth sports for the past several months, even though he is doing the bulk of his schooling remotely.

From what I have read, youth sports is a prime vector for spreading Covid. With the possibilities of variants out there, I will be waiting as you say for the numbers to go way, way down from what they are now, and for him to be vaccinated, before I feel comfortable visiting.

Yep. Youth sports are a huge spreader. It's been a real problem for us here in MI. There's even pressure from the CDC for MI to do another shut-down, and the Governor has "asked" that people quit doing youth sports and going inside to restaurants. Of course, for the most part, that request has been all but completely ignored - probably due to "COVID fatigue". (It's scary, really..we're now #1 in the nation for cases and hospitalizations, and many people are like.."pandemic? WHAT pandemic? My kid 'needs' their sports! And I need to eat out 3-5 times a week.." Sigh..)

I just assume that any kid or young adult that I come into contact with is a big risk and avoid them at all costs. Sure, my risk as a vaccinated person is "lower", but it's not zero and with many of the variants circulating here big-time, I'm not taking any unnecessary risks.
Here in Orlando, on Disney property. This is one part of Florida where everyone still has a mask on, even outside, except in the pool area. DH is fully vaccinated, I am in between my shots, but practicing all precautions. Very much enjoying the beautiful Florida weather and Epcot flower festival. I have flown several times during the pandemic and feel comfortable with all the different precautions. I did read where United will stop boarding back to front this week, I liked the way they did that. We are on Delta this time.

I have learned during the pandemic to put my mask on and not worry so much about what everyone else is doing. The vast majority of people have been very well behaved. It's the bad behavior that makes it to the internet.
Just want to thank everyone for their input. It's been helpful seeing the range of responses, though I'm still not sure what I will end up doing. I'm half-hoping for rain, because if it's an indoor event my decision is a lot easier!
80 year old South Carolinian man dies after being fully vaccinated.

Suspicion is that he got infected in the office of a client he may have been visiting.

He was infected with the CA variant and at first, people were surprised that he could have covid because he had been vaccinated.
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