Question for folks with arthritis in their knee

My wife couldn't walk if she didn't use Volteran Gel (prescription) and Lidocaine cream (over the counter) on her mid foot arthritis.

And she continues the CBD tincture that helps somewhat. Trouble with CBD is that it's not all created equal. She recently found one online that's superior to the others she's taken in the past and doesn't taste so bad. And she acts so much better on CBD too.

She arrived in Paris today, and I expect she'll be walking 8-10 miles a day thanks to the meds. But she left the CBD at home.
My DH does physical therapy, has had cortisone shots, ices, wears a brace and takes Tylenol. I use supplements including collagen daily, which has really helped. A friend used all the OTC remedies and Celebrex at various times and ended up with liver or kidney issues (not sure which, maybe both) and now can't take any pain relievers. I don't want to risk it.
The half-life of aspirin is 3-4 hours, naproxen is 12-17 hours, ibuprofen is 2 hours, celecoxib is 12 hours. Aspirin has a lot of bleeding risks.

Interesting information. I knew that ibuprofen had a short half-life so when I take it I do one pill every three hours rather than two every six hours. That helps me to avoid the big ups and downs of pain relief.

As much as I like aspirin, I limit its use due to the bleeding issues. I use it maybe once a week, max. Otherwise, I mix up ibuprofen and acetaminophen (Tylenol) usage. My understanding is that acetaminophen is processed mainly by the liver, while ibuprofen is processing by the kidneys. So, if figure if I mix up the usage, no one organ gets to much extra work. Maybe this is nonsense, I don't know for sure.

That said, I try not to take more than 7-10 total pain pills a week, max.

CBD? I tried it once, and it had no effect. I do wonder if the dosage and potency of the stuff is well controlled.

Voltaren? Great stuff . Why we can't get it OTC like Europeans and Canadians is beyond me.
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So, I tried generic OTC acetaminophen, 1000 mg, an hour before bedtime. Works perfectly and I have slept 7-8 hours every night since (except last night, 9.5 hours!).

I *never* had any luck with acetaminophen before, but it works surprisingly well for my knee. I don't take it at any time except bedtime.
+1 Acetaminophen works for me. I only take the 325 mg (maybe 2), but works for headaches and occasional sleep issues. I don't take any other OTC pain med.
Brought some Voltaren back from Canada. Doesn't seem to be helping for this.
Great for muscle aches though.
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