Repair or replace??

Your mechanic has a boat payment due and he want you to pay it. I did a search on that part for your car and found them from $115- $374 each. Keep your car but dump your mechanic. Those are expensive because they contain platinum so keep your old ones if possible.
Repair till you no longer can:flowers:
Thx & Best wishes, as well as Good luck !
Great Advice

^ This is excellent advice under normal circumstances. Unfortunately in the auto world things are far from normal.

I recommend first testing the waters by checking out the prices and availability of a replacement vehicle. Be ready for some major sticker shock.

You may find spending the $ to repair your car is the lesser of evils. If you can get another year out of it car prices may ease a bit, but there is no guarantee. It may take more than a year to get through the chip shortage and how it has impacted auto supply and pricing of used cars.

Best of luck whatever you decide.

I entirely agree with Wahoo
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