Risk Tolerance Quiz

What's your risk tolerance? if you don't want to mickeyd's preloaded answers!

My score: 18 pts.
Very aggressive
You drive in the left lane when it comes to packing your portfolio with aggressive investments. You like to take risks and feel confident about the research you put into investments. Thoughtful planning makes you ready to ride out whatever storms might hit the market. Just be careful not to put too much money in that hot stock.
23 pts.
Moderately aggressive
You drive in the middle lane on the investment highway because you're not keeping pace with the speed demons, though you're passing up the slowpokes. Somewhat aggressive, you don't mind taking some risks as long as they are offset by more stable investments.

About what I figured I'd end up.
It scored me at 18 points...."Very aggressive".....however, I wouldn't say that I'm "Very" aggressive.....I'd just say aggressive. Since I'm in it for the long-haul, and I'm also collecting a DB pension, I can tolerate a good bit of risk, but I'm not going to anything too nutso.

I especially like question #2......"If one of your investments dropped 15 percent in three months, what would you do?"

Although nothing I have has dropped 15% (yet), I answered: "Buy more; after all, if you liked it at a higher price, you have to love it now." Heck, it's one of those "Blue Light Specials"! Since theirs a "sale" going on, I'm pumping a little more money in this week. Things will go up again....sometime! :)
What's your risk tolerance?

19 points, supposedly very aggressive, which surprises me. The survey has too few questions and too few options, I think!
16 very aggressive definitely not how I would label myself.

Most of the quizzes like this I've taken seem to come back moderately aggressive.

Perhaps I'm partially aware of the markets long term record :)
22 Moderately aggressive

Hard for me to believe anyone on this board gambles anything ever
These types of quizzes are notoriously misleading, but I scored a 22.
19 very aggressive and very surprised. I think my spending the $100 at the craps table screwed up my score. It was fun tho.:D
21 pts.
Moderately aggressive
You drive in the middle lane on the investment highway because you're not keeping pace with the speed demons, though you're passing up the slowpokes. Somewhat aggressive, you don't mind taking some risks as long as they are offset by more stable investments.
22 Moderately aggressive

Hard for me to believe anyone on this board gambles anything ever
Really? Wasn't there a lottery thread a few weeks ago, with a few people who said they played?

I like to hit the casinos now and then, but I've always had a set limit for what I could lose, and never exceeded it. I'm kind of glad I don't live anywhere near one so it's a not a regular thing though. And really, the last couple times I've been it's just too much sensory overload in there, I don't enjoy it nearly as much so I spend less time in there, which is probably a good thing.

But yeah, I went for the craps answer on the $100. If it were $1000 I'd have answered differently.
32 pts.
Very conservative
On the investment highway you're doing 35 miles per hour with your hazards on. Taking on the risk of some volatility will pay off and get you to your destination sooner rather than later. Sometimes you can be too safe, especially if you're young with plenty of years to recover from any market turbulence.

Yeah, I could have told you that.
16 points. I have to admit I was buying emerging markets etfs on margin earlier this summer. It worked out rather well.
21 points - middle of the road - I think that is about right.
18 Points. I would have gotten 13 if I put it on the craps table or a hot stock but I don't think that is a good use of risk but not understanding risk. Of course, I am in Risk Management so I am biased.
22 points - Moderately Aggressive - whatever that means!

I guess it means I would like to outpace inflation! Is it conservative not too? LOL!


P.S. I've never gambled in my life! Although I've walked through several casinos out of curiosity - casinos have convenient RV parks. My husband hates it when I do that! He feels obligated to walk through the casino with me (male protective instinct) but he can't stand the smoke or the noise and thinks they are super depressing.
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