Robotic Lawn Mower


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Nov 30, 2016
Can anyone tell me about these mowers, if you have one or have any experience with them?
Is a robotic lawnmower like a roomba for the lawn? I'll be watching this thread.
rodi, I beleive so. I don't know anyone that has one but have talked to people that have neighbors that have them. Without any experience from these folks, but they said they seem to be the real deal and do any excellent job.

They tell me they mow at night and as neighbors they can't even hear them run. I would like first hand pro's and con's about them thou.
Yes, they work exactly like a Roomba. I took this photo at Tivoli in Copenhagen in 2017 because I thought it was so clever. Apparently I did not capture the cute little "rabbit hutch" where it would go to recharge. There was a sign nearby that said it was made by Husqvarna.


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Some years ago, we had someone steal a nice cast iron sprinkler from our front yard, it was easily 15 off the sidewalk, so no "accident".

I couldn't get one of these as losing a $5,000 robot is a lot more than a sprinkler.
I thought some of you rich folks would have one. Lol I guess we don't, that is why we have money, because of not buying things like that (frugal). Lol

In all seriousness, I like the concept and a great way to do that task, if they are what they say they are.
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