rural excitement

I guess that's what they mean by "don't operate heavy machinery." :p
I did something similar once, only I was under the influence of my then-best-friend. We boosted the neighbor's ATV and went for a cruise through their wheat field.

I was six at the time; my BF was also 6.

No alcohol involved, but we did a LOT of chores to "pay back" for the ruined grain. I think the neighbors locked up the ATV after that, so the next week we got busted for riding BF's dad's prized ram. (Turns out, getting on the ram isn't the trick; getting off is.)

Crazy rural hooligans....
My friend and I got busted for innocently riding our bikes (we were maybe 11 years old) on this huge blacktop road -- no cars, no stop signs, just great riding.

Until a huge Constellation (airplane) landed in front of us. It was a major metropolitan airport. I guess we were a little lost.
"Constellation (airplane)"

Definitely dating yourself there Rich. Beautiful classic recip.
Rural Excrement


Now isn't that some tasty cow-pie !
The Connie is beautiful, and has at least one remarkably Lockheed characteristic.


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I did something similar once...We boosted the neighbor's ATV...

I have trouble comparing joyriding in a ATV and a combine - kind of like comparing a Cessna with a B-52 :)
My friend and I got busted for innocently riding our bikes (we were maybe 11 years old) on this huge blacktop road -- no cars, no stop signs, just great riding.

Having grown up on an air force base, I can tell you that the military police are VERY diligent about keeping people from getting too close to the flight line. They'll also give you free rides home to discuss things with your parents.
I'll need to re-do childhood. Our idea of rural excitement was ignoring the no trespassing sign and climbing the fence into the farmer's woods. Farmer never did catch us.
I guess the excitement was what went on in the woods?
What was the punch line of that old joke? Of course, I knew the farmer's daughter, but only at school and that one time she gave us a tour of the pasture; there was a cool dead cow out by the second silo, a bleached cow skull, and bats flew out of the empty silo. Those we the days.

I hate to get serious on this of all threads but going into the woods was the closest I ever got to what we long for in retirement: fantasy and total escape from school and family responsibilities.
What was that event called...Tailhook? ;)
Oh, yeah that was the Navy...
Let's just say that the participants & supporters earned what they'd been desperately begging for (over a decade), including a notorious SECNAV, and hope that the submarine force does a slightly more professional job of welcoming women to its ranks. Because the submarine force is not gonna thrive on its current inbreeding program.

I should also point out that in 24 years of service I'm glad I never had to directly compete against my spouse for performance rankings or promotions. The technical term for this experience is "FITREP fodder".

Back on the topic of "rural excitement", and with the upcoming Thanksgiving menu in mind, I'd like to repost one of my favorite local-culture photos:


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I got brought home by a New York State Policeman for shooting a .22 rifle at the town dump when I was 16. I had been doing it for years but the night before, the town council made it illegal. My mother took it in stride. That was in 1970 out in the country.

Mike D.
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