Setting up a Non-Profit


Dryer sheet aficionado
Apr 17, 2012
Hey everyone. Hope that your having a good afternoon. While posting in another thread, I began thinking of the requirements to setup a non-profit org. Has anyone had personl experience in doing this? Over the years, I have seen a number of non-profits that have supported their choice of charities or other needey organizations especially thru raising funds by raffels. I recently saw raffels for supporting a schools program, fire departments etc. Don't really know what ins and outs are but trying to think outside the box as I look at retirement from the Army next year. Your thoughts and guidance are appreciated.
I am very involved in the non-profit community as a consultant and volunteer and personally think there are way too many non-profits out there. However, if you have a truly new idea that could not be implemented by working with a current organization, you might look at

I don't know how good this guy's advice is overall - he followed me on Twitter a while back. What I have read seems OK, even though I disagree with his basic premise that lots of people should start non-profits.
Thanks for the info. I love airplanes and looking at the retirement thing next summer, was thinking that a non-profit that focused on raising funds for restorations and the like would be of benefit to many such tasks. It would also give me something that was a passion to do and bring in some income as well.

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