Sex After Retirement?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 14, 2016
Washington State
Intense stress at work, endless busy schedules, and just getting older have really taken a toll on our sex life in recent years. We're tired, irritable, and can't focus on fun when there's so much to do. We used to boink like bunnies, now once a week feels like an accomplishment.

I'm curious how sex changes after retirement. Do you have more play time now that you have free time? Are you able to think about sex more when your mind isn't filled with work or personal obligations?

I'm guessing most folks are probably in their 50's and 60's by the time they retire. Is the decline of sex just inevitable with advancing age?

Give me hope! :)
just getting older have really taken a toll on our sex life in recent years. We're tired, irritable, and can't focus on fun

At first read, it sounded like you were starting to describe marriage.
Well, I have been retired for 30 years (now 63) and have a 35 y/o Wife and have noticed a very slow downward progression since about 40. From 40-50, 15-10 x a week, 50-60 10-6 x a week and from 61-63 twice a week. YMMV.
...We used to boink like bunnies, now once a week feels like an accomplishment....

I'm curious how sex changes after retirement..

I'm guessing most folks are probably in their 50's and 60's by the time they retire. Is the decline of sex just inevitable with advancing age?

Give me hope! :)

A step in the right direction would be for you to change your screen name to "mountainhard."
Ok, that is pretty detailed, now what about her ?? :LOL:
She is still in a high stress job, has two young children and takes anti anxiety meds. Occasionally, she has sleep episodes, so lets put her down for another 20 or so per year.
:wiseone: <-- does this look like someone you'd want to have sex with?
A step in the right direction would be for you to change your screen name to "mountainhard."

Not to be confused with Rocky Mountain Hard -

Rocky Mountain Hard
A Woman/Girl that is outdoorsey, hardened to the elements, Unfeminine, wears mens type clothes, no makeup, callused hands, manlike and typically unwanted by men.
How did that girl look up close?--- dude, you dont want her, she's rocky mountain hard...
Well having control over your time and what your brain focuses on is nice; certainly allows one to set their own priorities in life. ;)
I knew I probably wouldn't get many serious responses, but I do appreciate those who took the time.

Yeah, we still think about it occasionally, but by the time we get the opportunity to act on it our minds have been filled with meetings, packages to ship, emails, carrying for an ailing parent, and domestic responsibilities (laundry, dinner, grocery shopping, etc.). There's usually not much time or energy at the end of the day to act on it, even if we have naughty thoughts.

We tend to be a little more playful when we go on vacations, since our minds aren't filled with real life responsibilities. I guess I'm hoping the "extended vacation" of retirement will have a similar benefit. Sadly, we're still 6+ years away...
Well, I have been retired for 30 years (now 63) and have a 35 y/o Wife and have noticed a very slow downward progression since about 40. From 40-50, 15-10 x a week, 50-60 10-6 x a week and from 61-63 twice a week. YMMV.

so your wife was 12 when you married her?
All I'll say is retirement has its advantages, especially with no particular time you have to get up in the morning, no place you have to be in the middle of the day, and no rug rats to deal with. Life is good!
Gentlemen never tell.

"My Maserati
Does one eighty-five
I lost my license
Now I don't drive"

Joe Walsh - Eagles.
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My feeling is that there are too many factors in play to say what will happen in retirement. All other things being equal, retirement will be a positive. Unfortunately, there are a number of negatives which have mostly been mentioned - aging, health, dealing with a parent (elder care) . . . It's such an individual thing but a retirement that includes, mental relaxation, better eating, physical activity (I call it the zen part of retirement), sure can't hurt.
... and domestic responsibilities (laundry, dinner, grocery shopping, etc.). There's usually not much time or energy at the end of the day to act on it, even if we have naughty thoughts.

Maybe you shouldn't be waiting until the end of the day to do your boinking. Grocery shopping, dinner and laundry (laundry!!!?) currently all seem to have higher priorities than acting on the naughty thoughts. Maybe the naughty thoughts aren't naughty enough?
No, she was 22! I am curious, how you came up with 12 though?

63-35=28 years your junior.

So when you were boinking like the energizer bunny 15-20 times a week you were 40-50 so she was 12-22:cool:

Alternative facts version is when you were 40-50 you were boinking someone other than the 12 -22 year old girl that is 28 years your junior.:confused:
63-35=28 years your junior.

So when you were boinking like the energizer bunny 15-20 times a week you were 40-50 so she was 12-22:cool:

Alternative facts version is when you were 40-50 you were boinking someone other than the 12 -22 year old girl that is 28 years your junior.:confused:

Thanks, now I understand! That is correct I first met my Wife when I was 49. For most of my 40's I was single and living in Manhattan.
Well, I have been retired for 30 years (now 63) and have a 35 y/o Wife and have noticed a very slow downward progression since about 40. From 40-50, 15-10 x a week, 50-60 10-6 x a week and from 61-63 twice a week. YMMV.

so your wife was 12 when you married her?

No, she was 22! I am curious, how you came up with 12 though?

Well, you said you are 63, and are married to a 35 year old wife.

Then you referred to how things were when you were 40.

63-40= 23, so I’m going back 23 years.

35 years - 23 years = 12
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