Sex After Retirement?

Well, I have been retired for 30 years (now 63) and have a 35 y/o Wife and have noticed a very slow downward progression since about 40. From 40-50, 15-10 x a week, 50-60 10-6 x a week and from 61-63 twice a week. YMMV.

So from 40-50 you were averaging having sex almost two times a day every day?
To the OP - set aside some of your budget for "date nights" and "date weekend sneakaways" - the "rejuvenation" will not work unless you both start putting this at a higher priority. Also, make sure you stay fit - it can matter A LOT when you get older.

This aspect of our relationship has increased since the kids started leaving the nest, and which we hope to continue to increase after I retire. Nuff said. :D
There's something I learned not so very long ago. Unfortunately, this situation that generated this learning has subsided. It was good while it lasted. Anyway, what I learned back then was that twice in one day might be okay, but I do need a 24 hour respite for my full interest to return.
Well, I have been retired for 30 years (now 63) and have a 35 y/o Wife and have noticed a very slow downward progression since about 40. From 40-50, 15-10 x a week, 50-60 10-6 x a week and from 61-63 twice a week. YMMV.

Am I reading this correctly? An average of twice a day at age 40-50? You must be super man!
"My Maserati
Does one eighty-five
I lost my license
Now I don't drive"

Joe Walsh - Eagles.

An acquaintance owns this Maserati. I'd share a picture if I could figure out how.
"My Maserati
Does one eighty-five
I lost my license
Now I don't drive"

Joe Walsh - Eagles.

An acquaintance owns this Maserati. I'd share a picture if I could figure out how.

That's OK, I was looking at a non-automotive interpretation of the lyrics anyway. ;)
Intense stress at work, endless busy schedules, and just getting older have really taken a toll on our sex life in recent years. We're tired, irritable, and can't focus on fun when there's so much to do. We used to boink like bunnies, now once a week feels like an accomplishment.

I'm curious how sex changes after retirement. Do you have more play time now that you have free time? Are you able to think about sex more when your mind isn't filled with work or personal obligations?

I'm guessing most folks are probably in their 50's and 60's by the time they retire. Is the decline of sex just inevitable with advancing age?

Give me hope! :)
This topic does lend itself to a certain amount of high school level braggado and maturity. Seriously, though, someone wise once wrote that a relationship is like a garden, it requires continuous nurturing and pruning to keep the weeds out and allow the flowers to grow. Maybe you need to set some time aside to spend with and focus on each other, forget the outside world for a while and enjoy each other's company.
Have you googled "Sex after 60"? All kinds of comments, stories, advice, etc. on that site. Yeah I know you're not quite 60 yet, but you did mention aging and retirement.

Of course it is all general - "Many men this" and "many women that," but it's more likely to contain something that is relatable to your particular situation, than comments on an Internet forum.
Next question: How do you know that the color you think of as red is not the color someone else sees as green?
I hope I'm not done with sex. It quietly tapered off with DH as his health issues sapped his stamina. He's gone now and I'm a healthy, trim age 64, albeit with grey hair and glasses. I'm not interested in hookups (did that in my 20s). It may take awhile to find someone I'm comfortable with and I'm not in a hurry.
Next question: How do you know that the color you think of as red is not the color someone else sees as green?
That explains why the cops keep saying I'm not stopping at red lights. (Or in this thread maybe I should use the analogy of why I can't find the "red light" district.) :LOL:
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As a female here.... Frequency and quality went up when I retired.... less stress, more relaxed, more opportunity when I wasn't beat from juggling kids and work. Lets just say that the prescription (for him) *not* covered by insurance is a budget item. LOL.
This thread made me think of a Rodney Dangerfield joke

Somebody asked him if he was afraid the first time he had sex ?

"Well of course I was, I was all alone" :D
Well, I have been retired for 30 years (now 63) and have a 35 y/o Wife and have noticed a very slow downward progression since about 40. From 40-50, 15-10 x a week, 50-60 10-6 x a week and from 61-63 twice a week. YMMV.

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Lets just say that the prescription (for him) *not* covered by insurance is a budget item. LOL.

If DH gets bored with popping pills, he could try a penile injection. This is something that you two could share - how romantic!

Full disclosure - I tried a penile injection once many years ago. I still shake my head in disbelief that I ever did it. ?

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