Share One Fact About You Almost Noone Knows............

We have a Historical Society in our county, that has a very nice museum. They are always happy to receive things like that. Perhaps there is such a place in your area that you could donate your treasures to, and then they could be enjoyed (and treasured) not only by you and yours, but by many others too.

Also, our local Historical Society accepts things on 'consignment'. They protect, care for, and display the items.....but you remain the owner, and can take the things back any time you want to. That makes it nice, because they have the benefit of displaying the articles, but if you decide to 'pass it on' to family or still can! Or you can allow them to just be care takers while your alive, and then either become the new 'owners' at your demise, or your offspring can regain possession. All decisions are solely up to the donor.

So you may check into something like that to ease your mind.

I've thought about things like this, and will urge the kids to make the donations when the time comes for them. Different things could go to different places. My dad's class ring could go back to Texas A&M....I understand they already have a collection going. The old stove (which has been restored to perfect condition) could go to a historical society. I'm sure a museum would be interested in some of the guns....there are around 30 and I have the complete history on most. I think the Marine Corps might be interested in the medals. The kids (hopefully) won't have the emotional attachments so it may be easier for them.
Thanks for the thoughts.
I've attended weddings in 8 different countries, on 4 different continents.
I won a brand new Camaro in a dealership drawing in 1994! I sold it back to them and bought a new Jeep instead.
  1. My family (father's side) was well-off in the 1700-1800's. They owned 1000 acres in NC and had a thriving milling operation on a creek, and quite a few slaves.
  2. My great-great grandfather sold off much of the land (at 25 cents per acre) to pay for his ailing wife's medical care. In his will, he left his remaining slaves, named in the will to various sons, including my great grandfather.
  3. That same great-grandfather eventually married his own niece (slim pickin's back in the woods in those days).
  4. Great-grandfather was also captured in the civil war, along with his brother and held captive at Ft. Delaware, then released in a prisoner exchange.
  5. By the time I was born, my ancestor's wealth was all gone so I won't be inheriting a family fortune. :(
Ummm...I guess that's more than one......
I lied about my age to obtain a case of beer.>:D
If someone doesnt ask me for ID, right after they click the register button to clear the "Under 27 Y/N?" on the screen, I blurt out "I'm only 13!!" :)
What, are you too old to get it without a fake ID?
Well sort of.......My state raised the drinking age to 32 because so many high school kids were getting drunk:rant:

Thanks Mr Foxworthy
My naked tush is available in print.

I sat on a snake in the bathroom when I was 15. Pics of the injury site and ensuing treatment were published in a couple of med books.

That led to some interesting results in Google Image search...
I wanted to live out Kerouac's novel, On the Road. So I went down to the AAAdriveaway service in midtown Manhattan & asked if they had any cars that needed to be driven out to the west coast.
They had one, it was the first generation Samurai Suzuki know, the ad where they said "beep-beep, HI". they really should have said "beep-beep, Die!", those mini UTEs rolled over on a gentle breeze and were unstable sons of guns.
Didn't tell them I couldn't drive stick, so I stalled out 25 times before reaching Lincoln tunnel. Nice Jamaican taxi driver pulled over & said "ja mon, diz is how you drive stick mon"
I think I left pieces of that car's transmission all over the eastern seaboard.
It was a great trip. I saw the desert for the first time in my life, mostly ate BBQ everywhere I stopped, and slept under the star light cramped in that damned small car's seats.
I was young and stupid once, now I just laugh with myself in hindsight.
Note to self, never trust a driveaway service:LOL::LOL:
This is a cousin of mine hung for horse thievery and murder by the famous Judge Parker "The Hanging Judge" of Arkansas. In fact, he was the last person ever hung by Parker, and they aren't sure he even stole the horse. And this is the classy side of the family...haha!
James C. Casherago

James Casherago's mother was one of 5 sisters that came from Italy, and one of the sisters was my great great grandmother.
Almost nobody outside of my family knows this 'cuz I don't like to talk about it......

I should be dead. I was thrown from a car after it spun out of control and hit a small tree at around 65 mph causing it to roll 3 or 4 times and came to a stop on my legs. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt and my side of the car was completely crushed. So, if I was wearing my seatbelt I wouldn't have been ejected and I would've been crushed as well.

I walked out of the hospital later that evening with 6 stitches in my hand and some bruises on my shins. My buddy, who was driving, also walked away from the accident with only a small sliver of his ear missing from when he cut it on some glass while crawling out the window.
Almost nobody outside of my family knows this 'cuz I don't like to talk about it......

I should be dead. I was thrown from a car after it spun out of control and hit a small tree at around 65 mph causing it to roll 3 or 4 times and came to a stop on my legs. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt and my side of the car was completely crushed. So, if I was wearing my seatbelt I wouldn't have been ejected and I would've been crushed as well.

I walked out of the hospital later that evening with 6 stitches in my hand and some bruises on my shins. My buddy, who was driving, also walked away from the accident with only a small sliver of his ear missing from when he cut it on some glass while crawling out the window.

Wow! :eek::eek::eek: Your numbers were not up!

On a side note, do you wear your seatbelt these days?
Similar vein:

I'd just bought an old 1970's era jeep CJ. The kind that rolled over and I did get that up on two wheels a few times without a lot of effort.

Driving it home from the dealer, no seatbelt on (no seatbelt laws at the time) had the top down and the doors removed. Hit a little rolling bump and it popped me up out of the seat and over the side. I basically looked down and saw road. But I still had a hand on the wheel and when I went over, it jerked the wheel to the left and the jeep scooted right back under me and I landed back in the seat. Put my seatbelt on. Wore it ever since.

The guy in the car behind me must have thought I was doing car rodeo tricks.
It's amazing how quickly we can rid ourselves of bad habits like not wearing a seatbelt with proper motivation.

On a different note, I have a Wrangler currently and LOVE it. Nothing beats a warm summer day with the top down and the doors off.

How did you ever give yours up?
After throwing about $3000 into it, the motor seized. Lots of fun while it lasted, I had the 304 had to offer the dealer a satisfactory "YEEEHAH!" before being allowed to purchase one.

Towards the end of the long line of repairs, I briefly considered taking it to the seashore and pushing it off a cliff.
Similar vein:

I'd just bought an old 1970's era jeep CJ. The kind that rolled over and I did get that up on two wheels a few times without a lot of effort.

Driving it home from the dealer, no seatbelt on (no seatbelt laws at the time) had the top down and the doors removed. Hit a little rolling bump and it popped me up out of the seat and over the side. I basically looked down and saw road. But I still had a hand on the wheel and when I went over, it jerked the wheel to the left and the jeep scooted right back under me and I landed back in the seat. Put my seatbelt on. Wore it ever since.

The guy in the car behind me must have thought I was doing car rodeo tricks.


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