Shot over bad sex !

Understatement of the day: “The underlying facts in this are a little bizarre,” said Chief Assistant Prosecutor Paul Walton.

She wasn't shooting blanks with her gun.
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She was not going to take it laying down.
Having had a career in law enforcement I believe stories like this. People with anything resembling normal lives wouldn't believe the bizarre stuff that with enough experience turns routine.
I can see it now made into a movie, "The Good, the Bad and the Unfulfilled."

Sorry I just couldn't help myself. :hide:
Coming soon in the next Cialis commercial. Be ready when the time is right - don't risk getting shot!
Coming soon in the next Cialis commercial. Be ready when the time is right - don't risk getting shot!

The narrative should include something about when you are low on ammo, Cialis, reloads quickly and never misfires ! :facepalm:
He should have used protection. And by that I mean kevlar.
As I recall, bad sex was also Lorena Bobbitt's excuse for cutting him off.
Ok, reading the article is a bit strange....

But, I think she shot him because she thought he was cheating... not quite the same headline though...
This one is obvious. They are in their 50s, have a 15 year relationship, and she thought he was cheating because of "low volume." Clearly he started taking BPH meds with that side effect and she is a psycho. The chief can only describe the circumstances as bizarre because HIPPA prohibits releasing medical info. Case solved. :)
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