Shower safety

badatmath, Just a thought, does the dizziness happen when looking up, as when rinsing hair and face? Consider your carotid artery flow is restricted, as this move reduces flow more. When getting hair washed at hair salons most will insist older people face toward the sink and bend forward. Not sit with back to sink and hang head over sink.

Narrowing happens with age.
Hmm, maybe. I definitely associate it with moving my head and neck - didn't realize it could be so many things. Most days are not a problem . . .but
Without Googling this, it has to be one of those shower heads with electric wires running to it to operate a heating element in the shower head to warm the water. My parents went on a vacation to Haiti in the 1970s and took a picture of one of these that was in the hotel room they stayed in. Looked like a part from an electric chair or something out of a Frankenstein movie.

That is correct. We have used them I think in Culebra. Didn't die but updated will.
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