Smaller or Mini Vitamin/Minerals


Recycles dryer sheets
Nov 23, 2022
Anyone have a favorite "multi" once a day supplement which is smaller or mini?
Or are gummies the way to go?
I use Kirkland’s Mature Multi. It’s not mini, but I break it in half (it’s scored), and take half in the a.m. and half in the p.m.
Please note I am not actually trying to be rude in trying to talk you all out of your supplements but I read this question only minutes before I saw this article saying that vitamins are not so benign after all. I just thought it was interesting.

From the article:

"However, KCK says that there is a growing body of “compelling” research that suggests a direct link between synthetic vitamin consumption and increased rates of lung cancer, prostate cancer, bowel cancer, and breast cancer."

I never could swallow large pills is the actual reason I do not take them - it isn't related to their potential benefits or harms - well other than that I might choke to death swallowing one.
Please note I am not actually trying to be rude in trying to talk you all out of your supplements but I read this question only minutes before I saw this article saying that vitamins are not so benign after all. I just thought it was interesting.

From the article:

"However, KCK says that there is a growing body of “compelling” research that suggests a direct link between synthetic vitamin consumption and increased rates of lung cancer, prostate cancer, bowel cancer, and breast cancer."

I never could swallow large pills is the actual reason I do not take them - it isn't related to their potential benefits or harms - well other than that I might choke to death swallowing one.

Thanks! Interesting article.
The problem with the article is it mentions some studies but there are no citations to look at. Another thing to ponder is that many of the foods we purchase are fortified with vitamins. Foods such as breakfast cereals, bread, yogurt, milk, especially soy “milk” and other “milks” fruit juice, rice, and other foods are fortified by the manufacturer.

This doctor assumes vitamin deficiency no longer exists. Why is that? Because of fortified foods. Vitamin D is not naturally found in milk, for example. I’ve seen vitamin deficiencies in my years of practice, even in the U.S. Beriberi, scurvy, and rickets, to be specific. Vitamin D deficiency is not that unusual in northern latitudes, due to lack of sun exposure part of the year. 30% increase in cancer due to taking a multivitamin? Count me skeptical.
I looked up the The CARET trial the article referenced, and it was giving super doses of vitamin A to people prone to lung cancer.
It was random and double blind of over 18K people who were prone to lung cancer (not average folks).
The noticed an increased rate of cancer and death in the vitamin group compared to placebo group.
So they stopped the study.

Basically they were giving huge vitamin A doses to folks, and I looked at our vitamin tabs from Costco and they are 2.5% what the folks got in the study.

As the Inuit know, eating a Polar bear liver will kill you, due to too much vitamin A in it.

Taking huge mega doses might be harmful, especially if a person is not in great health already.

But ordinary 1 pill a day unless I forget, doesn't seem too risky.
I get a laugh out of the assertion that vitamin supplements are unnecessary since all you need is a balanced diet. I gave up on eating a balanced diet 50 years ago. It is simply not going to happen in the universe I inhabit. So, I take a multivitamin and a few other supplements.

As for studies showing association between vitamin supplements and health issues, well, duh. On the assumption that people actually listen to medical advice, it seems reasonable to conclude that those of you who can achieve a balanced diet are much less likely to take supplements. People like me with horrible diets, are more likely to have health problems, but are also more likely to take supplements to stave those health problems. No surprise to see a correlation between supplements and the health issues people take supplements to address.
Please don't take medical advice purely from a click bait site like the one linked. Go to actual medical study sites. This is not that...
I didn't think it was science I just thought it interesting. It isn't the first time I've heard of a link between too many vitamins and cancer (vitamin A).

My doctor says vitamins are unnecessary unless you have tested out showing a deficiency. I'm mostly indifferent.

I will say the vitamins a lot of people take with 2000% of the daily recommended amount seem a bit much but hey to each their own.

The OP might do better with a separate vitamin and mineral pill. IIRC the minerals are what add most of the bulk to the pill. Or one that takes a couple servings per day so you aren't trying to choke down a pill that looks sized for a horse.

I was subscribed to Consumer Labs for a time and they were pretty low on gummies as not containing the amount of ingredients claimed IIRC. I think they might have a free trial subscription - or used to.
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I have always had problems swallowing pills (I've sometimes cut prescriptions into 1/8, not just 1/2, to get them down). I look for either chewables (Centrum has/had a chewable multivitamin for seniors) or gummies. Gummies usually are better-tasting than chewable hard tablets.
I have always had problems swallowing pills (I've sometimes cut prescriptions into 1/8, not just 1/2, to get them down). I look for either chewables (Centrum has/had a chewable multivitamin for seniors) or gummies. Gummies usually are better-tasting than chewable hard tablets.

Same here.

OP - They make a liquid multivitamin if you’re having trouble swallowing the pills.
Oddly enough I nearly choked to death swallowing my half dose of bp medicine this morning . . . /sigh. Sometimes I think it the half makes it worse because it gets a little chalky and doesn't slide down if you don't get it quite right.
Oddly enough I nearly choked to death swallowing my half dose of bp medicine this morning . . . /sigh. Sometimes I think it the half makes it worse because it gets a little chalky and doesn't slide down if you don't get it quite right.

As I have aged I take more and more pills. I had a small concern of choking to death too when I take them. I also don't eat a balanced diet sometimes because of my life style. So, about 10 years ago, I started a regimen of preparing 1 heaping teaspoon of sugarfree Metamucil in a glass of cold coconut water. It is delicious! And, it's an excellent lubricant. So, I take 1 big swallow to lubricate my throat, put my pills (all at once) in my mouth, take another big slug, swish it around in my mouth to lubricate the pills, and swallow it all. Then, I finish the mixture and have another full glass of water out of the fridge door. It's worked great! It rehydrates me, coconut water is an excellent source of potassium, I get some fiber to counter my bad eating habits, and it has made swallowing my pills super easy and choking a non-issue. My $0.02.
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Hmm. Interesting Latexman. I know some folks who take pills with a spoonful of yogurt but I haven't tried that. Seems sort of inconvenient.
Haha yes. I am usually not so bad off as this morning I just forgot how to drink water apparently.
I use the "alive" brand gummies. (walmart) they are easier to chew than most gummies.
I am no vitamin expert, but in response to the vitamins cause cancer post, I can only say that both my grandparents too lots of vitamin supplements for at least forty years and my grandfather lived to 97, and my grandmother left this restless sphere at 95. I am sure the vitamins shortened their lives.
I didn't think it was science I just thought it interesting. It isn't the first time I've heard of a link between too many vitamins and cancer (vitamin A).

My doctor says vitamins are unnecessary unless you have tested out showing a deficiency. I'm mostly indifferent.

I will say the vitamins a lot of people take with 2000% of the daily recommended amount seem a bit much but hey to each their own.

The OP might do better with a separate vitamin and mineral pill. IIRC the minerals are what add most of the bulk to the pill. Or one that takes a couple servings per day so you aren't trying to choke down a pill that looks sized for a horse.

I was subscribed to Consumer Labs for a time and they were pretty low on gummies as not containing the amount of ingredients claimed IIRC. I think they might have a free trial subscription - or used to.

I had essentially the same advice from my physician two months ago.

Her comment was that many of her patients were taking them because of media adverts, MLM sales pitches from friends, etc.

Her advice for me was continue to eat healthy meals, exercise, and take vitamin D That is all.

If at some point you need to take them I will advise accordingly based on your results. Why waste your money and something to pass through your urine.
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