Smartwatches for Kids


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Aug 5, 2011
West of the Mississippi
I am looking for information on so-called smart watches for kids. They have limited phone ability and lots of parent controls. They also allow GPS tracking of where the child is. And some even have an emergency button the child can press if he/she is in trouble. As far as I can see they do NOT require the child to have an actual cell phone.

Most of us are past the age where we would have elementary school kids at home (but not all of us, I know), but perhaps your grandchild has one and you can comment on how well you think it works for the parent (or grandparent in some cases.)

Please no lectures on the old days when this would not be necessary even if it did exist.
Our 10 yo grandson just got one. His contains 10 preset incoming or outgoing calls to any other numbers. Texting is through a parental controlled separate app and limited to certain preset responses..think.I am home from school or I'm still at school. So far his parents are happy with it
Our 10 yo grandson just got one. His contains 10 preset incoming or outgoing calls to any other numbers. Texting is through a parental controlled separate app and limited to certain preset responses..think.I am home from school or I'm still at school. So far his parents are happy with it
Can you provide a link to the product, my grandson's birthday is coming up soon and I'm interested
Can you provide a link to the product, my grandson's birthday is coming up soon and I'm interested

Sorry I can't...I didn't buy it but I think they got through their cell provider Verizon. So maybe you'll have to work with your GS's parents provider There is a monthly recurring charge I don't know how much. It's called a Gizmowatch 2.
Sorry I can't...I didn't buy it but I think they got through their cell provider Verizon. So maybe you'll have to work with your GS's parents provider There is a monthly recurring charge I don't know how much. It's called a Gizmowatch 2.

Thanks for providing the name. I looks like what we need.

The only problem I can see with this watch is that it is locked into Verizon. We would prefer a watch that an be unlocked and used with other carriers.
Thanks for providing the name. I looks like what we need.

The only problem I can see with this watch is that it is locked into Verizon. We would prefer a watch that an be unlocked and used with other carriers.

I suspect other carriers might offer something similar.

I don't know if they would go unlocked monthly fees are pretty small.

T mobile has Sync up kids
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Our 8 yr old granddaughter has had one for the past 3 years. As explained above she can only call preset numbers (parents, grandparents, much older half-brothers). Also with GPS which allows my daughter who works from home to track the school bus and knows when to go out to meet the bus. My granddaughter called me once a couple of years ago to tell me the kids on the bus were being mean to her so could I come find the bus and get her :LOL: She lives 40 minutes away :cool: My daughter and her husband feel good knowing her whereabouts at all times and knowing she can contact a trusted adult if necessary.
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