Snow + People = ???


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 19, 2005
(not sure if this has been shared on the forums yet...)

It was a wild weekend here in DC. The federal govt is closed today. I stumbled upon these two articles today. Interesting to see how people react and what people do.

I did notice this weekend, how people totally disregard safety and rules when "it snows." Some kind of chaos mentality. Pedestrians crossing streets when its not their light against opposing traffic almost getting hit. Cars not paying attention to red lights, courtesy, stopping etc, "just because it's snowing."

You got these people up in NYC. :ROFLMAO:
Blizzard 2009 | Snowball fight Times Square « Chasing Light | photography, sandwiches, cigarettes

And these people down in DC. :nonono:
BBC News - US Officer 'draws gun' on snowball fight crowd

Some people have fun... other people totally crossed the line of having their fun at the expense of others. (However, I do disagree with what that detective did in DC.) You should hear the one line though, "it's snowing outside... it's the same thing!"
Some people have fun... other people totally crossed the line of having their fun at the expense of others. (However, I do disagree with what that detective did in DC.) You should hear the one line though, "it's snowing outside... it's the same thing!"
Unless there were rocks in them there snowballs I think someone got pretty confused on the whole deadly force policy.
Oh...I loved the snowball fight pics! :LOL:

I wish it would snow here and make people merrier. What a hectic morning at the police department. :p
That big snowball fight was a Twitter/Facebook mob event organized by some ex-techie media kid. Used to be you could only get something like that going outside the dorms at college. Now you just post an e-vite.
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