Sunday night blues

Man, I don't think all these "yeah I remember how mad Sunday night was" and "sure glad I'm retired" and "only 12 Sundays left" are making Laurence feel a whole lot better ;).

Laurence, you are too young to let this kind of stuff ruin you life. Sounds like a tough time at work these days for you.

One day at a time, focus on the tasks at hand, emotionally distance yourself a bit from the severe idiots, and plow ahead. It's like the market, cyclical. Spend a little extra time with your hobbies or family, take an early vacation whatever. But letting it get to you too much for the next 20 years will eat you alive. If you feel that happening, may be time for a discrete hunt for a new job.

Most of us have been through it, and it does wax and wane, so hang in.

I definitely need to, my diverticulitous seems to be acting up...
I can relate! Sunday builds to the “got to get to bed” time….”hope I will sleep” time to D@mn it, can’t sleep. The end is “get up and pull ones self up by the bootstraps and plod into the work week” time. The only good part is knowing that my weekly golf game is coming up as well as the next weekend! Things seem to improve quickly though as Monday progresses. I hope that is the case for you also!

Now, about that diverticulitus…….I don’t think it is related.
I can relate! Sunday builds to the “got to get to bed” time….”hope I will sleep” time to D@mn it, can’t sleep. The end is “get up and pull ones self up by the bootstraps and plod into the work week” time. The only good part is knowing that my weekly golf game is coming up as well as the next weekend! Things seem to improve quickly though as Monday progresses. I hope that is the case for you also!

That is so true! I have noticed that my mood improves steadily as the week progresses, and by Thursday I am really excited about the upcoming weekend and the fun we have planned.

So really, it's all downhill from here. :D

Took me about 2 months to get past Sunday PM Downer.
Up until Laurence posted this, I thought it was friday. I was also figuring it for about the 8th or 10th of july.
I guess I could get one those "Day Clocks" to keep me up to date, but if I don't know what day it is it really doesn't matter 'cause I really don't care!
We have to be careful not to go near the stores on weekends and not to go near the roads during rush hours...

Unless, of course, the surf is really really big. Then I'll leave at 4:30 AM to join the "dawn patrol" and work straight through to the "unemployed/vacationing" shift.
My internal clock goes off @ 7 pm Sunday with the phrase - did ya get the memo? At that point I put the beer away :'(
Things seem to improve quickly though as Monday progresses. I hope that is the case for you also!
I also find this to be the case. Was in a relatively bad anticipatory mood yesterday, especially at night, and here we are 1 day down. What I like about the middle of the week is the radio starts to give the weather for the weekend, so something to look forward to. (Although I hate when on Sunday they talk about a beautiful week ahead and I think alot of good that will do me.)

But to be this way for 21 more years is much too long. Try to change your attitude, appreciate the little things, even at work. I am only looking at a few more years, so that is easier to handle, but you should not go through 21 x 52 Mondays feeling this way.:)
i started with the sunday night blues in school...and it followed me...even though idont work EVERY monday now. But the idea that myself designated 100% relaxation day will soon be gone gets me every time
I get 'em.

Started in school, went right on to work.

Sunday eve... right around 60 minutes time.
I also find this to be the case. Was in a relatively bad anticipatory mood yesterday, especially at night, and here we are 1 day down. What I like about the middle of the week is the radio starts to give the weather for the weekend, so something to look forward to. (Although I hate when on Sunday they talk about a beautiful week ahead and I think alot of good that will do me.)

But to be this way for 21 more years is much too long. Try to change your attitude, appreciate the little things, even at work. I am only looking at a few more years, so that is easier to handle, but you should not go through 21 x 52 Mondays feeling this way.:)

I'm hoping it will be better once I've gotten used to this new position within the company, and I also look forward to the mortgage being paid off. I think that will make me feel less trapped/strapped to the job. If work really stinks I can quit and take my time finding another job.
Worse than the Sunday night blues is the Friday 4 PM problem that keeps you working till late Friday night or Saturday, ruining the weekend. Only 1.5 years till FIRE; then it will be " I can't wait till Monday morning when all these idiots go back to work and leave the lake/golf course/camping spots for the minority."
Laurence, I still fill tied to my job even with no mortgage and even though we're living quite comfortably on half my income. So I shouldn't feel trapped, but I do. I think it might be a bit of a byproduct of being a highly responsible person. Not to make you feel lousy, but paying off the mortgage might not end that feeling of "gotta earn money, gotta sock it away, kids' college fund, retirement, aah! a new roof?".

I'm trying a different tactic this week. Be thankful for the good parts of my job -- flexible hours, decent commute, great pay, privacy, internet access, autonomy, low stress. Somehow it has worked for a few days, but I'm not sure if a mental adjustment will continue to work.

Neither of us are living for our jobs, and we'd be perfectly content without them. But if I can get more of a zen acceptance of it and focus my energy on living my life (which is the time I'm not at work), then I'm going to enjoy life much more. But if I can be more accepting of my really boring job, then I don't need to spend the time I'm at home (which I should be enjoying) just trying to recover from yet another work day.

I've been finding that I'm in too much of a hurry to get things done -- finish mortgage, max out my pre-tax accounts, build up that after-tax fund, get things done around that house. That leads to too much stress on myself. FIRE isn't a race. 20 years is too long to just "suck it up and chug along".

My martial arts instructor has a number of favorite sayings, and they do have a grain of truth. One of them is "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change". Well, I'm trying to change the way I look at my job, and hopefully that'll help me out.

And of course the fact that I've taken 5 Mondays off this year in addition to 2 Monday holidays probably helps! :)
I named this phenomenon "S3" (as in S to the Third Power). Short for "Sunday Stress Syndrome".

It occurred to me that it was caused by the long "To Do" list I composed for each and every weekend - a list so long no human being could accomplish it. By Sunday afternoon or evening I was stressing because there were still so many things "undone."

So I stopped making the list.

I got about the same amount done over the weekend. But the Sunday Stress Syndrome virtually disappeared!

Maybe you're not making the list on paper, maybe you just have a list in your head, or an "idea" of how many things you need to do. I'm not suggesting doing nothing. But if your stress was triggering like mine - try my strategy of consciously enjoying the weekend, doing what you can, and not stressing about what you haven't done.

The "undone" will wait for you. No one is going to sneak into your house or yard and do your chores for you while you're at work!


P.S. One other strategy that helps Monday mornings - on Sunday evening, figure out what you're going to wear, what you're going to take for lunch (if you take a lunch), preload your car with anything you need to take with you to work, try to get to bed a little early (with no late TV), read a little. For extra credit, a relaxing bath.
I also dread Monday mornings. Around 4 or 5 on Sundays I start getting down thinking of having to go in for yet another week of BS at my job. If you do the math, you realize that including commute time that about 40% of your waking hours are spent at anyone could not get depressed about this fact blows my mind. This is the single most important factor in me being a miser. The less I spend means that my 25X nest egg required is reduced and it also means I have more money to invest and grow. I have about 15 to 18 years to FIRE so it is extremely depressing.
I also dread Monday mornings. Around 4 or 5 on Sundays I start getting down thinking of having to go in for yet another week of BS at my job. If you do the math, you realize that including commute time that about 40% of your waking hours are spent at anyone could not get depressed about this fact blows my mind. This is the single most important factor in me being a miser. The less I spend means that my 25X nest egg required is reduced and it also means I have more money to invest and grow. I have about 15 to 18 years to FIRE so it is extremely depressing.

Wow, that really IS depressing! (thanks? :2funny:)

I thought that surely I am not spending that much time at work, but you're right - - I am.

Once you get a nest egg put together, and the economy recovers, eventually you will be earning a substantial amount from your nestegg. This can help it to grow faster than it grows at first. Hope this thought helps a little!
I get 'em.

Started in school, went right on to work.

Sunday eve... right around 60 minutes time.

That's so funny, me too. That damn stopwatch hits me like a sledgehammer of reality.
Monday? What's so bad about Monday?

I had a friend who used to tell me (at Mega Corp) that he got a headache about the time "60 minutes" started on Sunday nite. I concurred, but my headaches stopped four years ago. Life is good.

Anyway, have a listen. Maybe Fats can make you smile.
YouTube - Fats Domino - Austin City Limits
Funny, but when I was working, I too would get an anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach right around the time 60 Minutes would come on...I took it as a reminder that the weekend was winding down and the work week was starting on the next wake up.

Like one of the other posters, I set up a routine that helped make the transition as easy as possible...soothing bath, clean sheets on the bed, some lite jazz and early to bed. (it worked, but was all but forgotten as soon as the damn alarm clock went off at 5:30 on Monday!)

Now, I really look forward to Mondays because the neighborhood is much quieter, stores are empty, and I don't feel rushed.....

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