Text Message Madness

Incoming text message...

My response...

Incoming message...

My response...

Incoming message...

My response...

Incoming message...

My response...

Why don't you just ignore the texts?

I have to ignore a lot of messages on this forum.
Why don't you just ignore the texts?

I have to ignore a lot of messages on this forum.

Can't put the messenger on ignore like I can on this forum.

Plus, my phone alerts me each time I get a message. Since I don't have a "spam" feature for text messages, I have to look at the message to be sure it isn't important. PITA.
Can't put the messenger on ignore like I can on this forum.

Plus, my phone alerts me each time I get a message. Since I don't have a "spam" feature for text messages, I have to look at the message to be sure it isn't important. PITA.

You appear to suffer from a bit of last-text-itis (I am a fellow sufferer, and this is part of why my children wish I didn't know how to text) in responding to even the first text from the dealer.
Can't put the messenger on ignore like I can on this forum.

Plus, my phone alerts me each time I get a message. Since I don't have a "spam" feature for text messages, I have to look at the message to be sure it isn't important. PITA.

You can change the settings on your phone so you do not get a notification/ alert every time a text comes in.
Back when I had an old flip phone (just two years ago!), it cost me 20c to send or receive a text, (as well as being super cumbersome to compose one), so I didn't like getting texts. And I couldn't have that feature without breaking my cheap legacy plan.

So it was some relief to migrate to a smart phone and have free unlimited texts. And now we are actually paying less for both smart phones and unlimited everything than we were paying for one smart and one dumb with restrictions on minutes, data and texts.

I mainly use it to receive alert texts from various financial institutions/credit cards etc., for receiving alerts about debits, etc. and for security notices, codes for 2-step verification , etc. It's super handy for this and if something suspicious happens I am notified immediately - $5000 charge on my Fidelity VISA - what?!?! Also to get status on trains/planes when traveling, etc.

But also family members send photos and messages by text rather than email. And texts are free for me overseas. And DH and I text each other occasionally - I'm just got done at the Doctor's, blah, blah.

So - it's super handy!
Have you considered just giving them the info on how to contact you on your (likely) preferred method of communication, telegraph? ;)

Our kids refuse to use the waxed string and tin cans we prefer. But seriously, our $15 phones WILL text, but it takes a while since the letters are like ABC DEF GHI, etc. etc. YMMV
I have never texted, tweeted, snap-chatted or instagrammed. And, given that I have no cell phone and no plans to obtain one, it's likely I never will.

+1... 'cept for the cell phone... Only for when I go up to the loake for a day or three... Have only called my DW, and it's for emergency and "I love you" calls.
No one else has the number.
We must be doing something right. Rarely give out cell number, and NEVER answer calls we don't recognize. Hence we don't get any spam texts and very few spam phone calls. Recently visited friends who complained about the spam phone calls, yet answered several while we were there. WTF? If you let these systems know your number is live you'll get more.

When had $0.10 charge per text some kids mistakenly got my number in their soccer group. I was getting all these messages about when practice would be, who couldn't make it, etc. After several texts pleading to kill the string and start over without me they did. Aggravating.
My favorite "spam" text was a picture of a woman in her birthday suit with the comments "something to think about while you are gone, hurry back!" I replied "I have no idea who you are, but you look fantastic". I received a reply "OMG I AM SO SORRY!!! PLS PLS PLS DELETE THE PIC!!!", which I did.
I have a flip phone and can receive texts although generating one is painful. Google Voice is an easy way for me to send and receive texts so that is what I use at least until I decide to get a smart phone.
My favorite "spam" text was a picture of a woman in her birthday suit with the comments "something to think about while you are gone, hurry back!" I replied "I have no idea who you are, but you look fantastic". I received a reply "OMG I AM SO SORRY!!! PLS PLS PLS DELETE THE PIC!!!", which I did.

My favorite "spam" text was a picture of a woman in her birthday suit with the comments "something to think about while you are gone, hurry back!" I replied "I have no idea who you are, but you look fantastic". I received a reply "OMG I AM SO SORRY!!! PLS PLS PLS DELETE THE PIC!!!", which I did.

I received, in error, a text late at night from a female co-worker telling me how wonderful "our" evening had been with some other comments that I cannot share here. I didn't know how to respond without obviously embarrassing her, so I just pretended it never happened. I don't know if she ever realized what happened.
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