Thanks to those who share


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 8, 2009
One of the things I really enjoy about this forum are the members who openly share their experiences with aging. I'm 69 now and in relatively good health and try to stay active. But I like to see what's coming down the road as I age.
Thank you to all that share their experiences whether they're financial, social, or health related.
It is all a learning curve for me at age 67 and in my transition year of retirement.
I am thankful and happy to say I found this forum and the feel the members are very helpful and genuine.
One of the things I really enjoy about this forum are the members who openly share their experiences with aging. I'm 69 now and in relatively good health and try to stay active. But I like to see what's coming down the road as I age.
Thank you to all that share their experiences whether they're financial, social, or health related.
Me too... Problem is, I'm in my early 70's now and I'm beginning to notice there are not as many older (than me) folks sharing their experiences these days. 10 years ago it seem like there were a lot more older folks around here. :)
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Yes, exactly. It really is the only place I have ever felt completely comfortable to participate dispersing of information that I wouldn't hand out anyplace else.

We are all on the same boat with the same common interests. I never felt the feel of someone bragging about where they are in life financially or otherwise. I also don't have the feeling of boosting about where I'm at financially either when topics come up.

Is a great place to be able to visit about the more personal things in life and not get overrun with negativity.

I have said for the last few years that dealing with my life now is recognizing that "I'm in the fourth quarter now."
I have said for the last few years that dealing with my life now is recognizing that "I'm in the fourth quarter now."
How about the two minute warning for some of us? Maybe "we" can still hope for an OT game!
You should review imoldrnu posts. Lots of wisdom. He had passed. RIP
How about the two minute warning for some of us? Maybe "we" can still hope for an OT game!

LOL, so true. My father passed at 72, and no one in his family made it out of their 70s. My mom is still alive and living independently at 92 and has family that has lived semi independently past 100. So I spend time wondering what I am going to get. I am 61 and a few pounds over my senior year in High School weight (virtually no obesity in either side of my family, I can't take any credit for that!). I have been playing racquetball for 47 years and still play twice a week, I hike almost daily. I'm sore as hell most days, have a herniated disc in my back, am missing 3 organs that I was born with.....

But I am not stopping.

(OT would be great BTW!)
Sometimes I'm surprised, what people say/reveal as it's information I would never hear.
Occasionally being surprised to learn other's have the same issue that I thought was unique to my life.

I really appreciate the real and polite discussions people share, resulting in a learning all sorts of useful things. :flowers:
You should review imoldrnu posts. Lots of wisdom. He had passed. RIP

+1, he was a wise gentleman

Sometimes I'm surprised, what people say/reveal as it's information I would never hear.
Occasionally being surprised to learn other's have the same issue that I thought was unique to my life.

I really appreciate the real and polite discussions people share, resulting in a learning all sorts of useful things. :flowers:

+1, bolded by me.

This forum has been, and continues to be, a delightful place to visit and participate in. I learn something everyday and most often get some chuckles, too.
Thanks for being here!
At 67, I hope to be here for many more years!
I agree! I learned more about prostate problems and potential treatments here than anywhere else! I am not there yet but I can pee it comi... uh, I meant, SEE it coming. :)
Probably not a healthy thing to do but I ponder about my final sunset all the time.

Getting up there in age seeing every decade pass by. A couple years ago I (half jokingly, half not) told my doctor that this decade is going to be brutal. He just ignored me :(.

I was just thinking the other day that if life was a football game, I'm in the 4th quarter. A good chance 20 years from now I won't be around. What?? 20 years will fly right by.

I try not to dwell about the thought of getting older, but the thought is always lurking in the background.
.... and being a cancer survivor has changed my perspective on pretty much everything too.
Getting up there in age seeing every decade pass by. A couple years ago I (half jokingly, half not) told my doctor that this decade is going to be brutal. He just ignored me :(.

I was just thinking the other day that if life was a football game, I'm in the 4th quarter.
And like a football game, you are just wasting your time arguing with the referee (or doctors diagnosis/prognosis) but sometime throwing the challenge flag (by getting a second opinion) may get that diagnosis/prognosis overturned or changed.
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Well, there are a lot of symptoms due to aging, that are seldom discussed even here. Here are some examples:

Example #1: The Mayo Clinic says,

Urine incontinence, or the involuntary leakage of urine, is a common symptom that affects 50% of adult women. Prevalence of this problem increases with age, as up to 75% of women over 65 report urine leakage. A woman's physical, social and psychological well-being is negatively impacted.

No comment!

Example #2: The Mayo Clinic also says,

Your brain undergoes changes as you age that may have minor effects on your memory or thinking skills. For example, healthy older adults might forget familiar names or words, or they may find it more difficult to multitask.
So, it's not necessarily Alzheimers or other dementia if you forget things more than you once did. The minor effects they refer to, can be normal and just something one has to put up with. I think some forum members are embarrassed to admit that they get drifty and forget things a lot more than they did when they were in their 50's.

Example #3: Not sure if it's usual or not, but in my 70's I have noticed

A desire to nap for a couple of hours every afternoon (which I never did before age 70 or so). My guess is that this is part of aging, as well, since my grandparents always napped in the afternoons.

Example #4: From my own experiences,

An unexpected delight of old age, is that the older I get, the happier I am. That's not fake, it's real! I don't really understand it, but I have read that many people experience this as they age. Nobody told me this when I was younger! Quite the opposite. My mother told me when I was 13 that these were the best years of my life, and in reality my early teen years were the most miserable years of my life. (She probably had a different experience as a teen).

And then there are the symptoms of aging that we discuss a lot, such as cataracts, cholesterol, and so on. Also I found that frequent falling as I aged was much more of a problem than I expected, until I researched the internet and found a million tips on how to prevent it. That pretty much put an end to it.
Well, there are a lot of symptoms due to aging, that are seldom discussed even here.

It's all in how you look at it. Whenever I mention something along those lines to one of my doctors, he just smiles and says "Welcome to the golden years!"
When I talk about this site to others, I mention that the best thing about it is not financial, but the many other topics one gets help on. For me, that's included health, running topics, home and car repairs, and sundry other topics.
When facing a decision or quandary, I will often post it here and every time get some great guidance.
It's all in how you look at it. Whenever I mention something along those lines to one of my doctors, he just smiles and says "Welcome to the golden years!"

Mine, too. I just smile back and say, "hey, I figured it comes with the territory, but thought I should probably mention it to you since after all, you're my doctor so you would know it if is a Big Deal or not. I really don't!" :D
Well, there are a lot of symptoms due to aging, that are seldom discussed even here. Here are some examples:
Yeah, I have 2,3, and 4. Naps kicked in a couple of years ago at 72, but mine are short, usually nodding off with a good book on my lap. As for names, I never could remember them so I'm not sure how much worse I am now.

When I talk about this site to others, I mention that the best thing about it is not financial, but the many other topics one gets help on. For me, that's included health, running topics, home and car repairs, and sundry other topics.
When facing a decision or quandary, I will often post it here and every time get some great guidance.
+1. Ditto. Bing/ChatGPT4 is getting pretty good, but I often ask here when I want to get some real-world answers.
+100. I try to be open here on a many subjects, because I have and continue to learn from the many generous and wise others here. Not only financial, but health, home/car maintenance and many other useful topics. :D
+100. I try to be open here on a many subjects, because I have and continue to learn from the many generous and wise others here. Not only financial, but health, home/car maintenance and many other useful topics. :D

Yep, Only here can you learn how to fix a health ailment and a home repair in the same thread.
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