There are some positives to the pandemic

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When all is said and done, studies will be conducted and conclude that there was (maybe?) a net-savings of life during this crisis due to less pollution, fewer auto accidents, fewer work-place deaths, etc.

In the last couple of days NY Governor Cuomo mentioned this, that hospitals have some capacity since they are dealing with fewer admissions from auto and workplace accidents.

Re: original question, I've noticed a lot more smiling strangers as we pass by (proper distancing of course) during our outdoor walks. And, while it my not sound like a lot but I'm down 2 pounds; I'm happy as long as my weight is 178-182, it's been 176 for about a week now.

I'm still running, but wow I sorely miss my heretofore-daily morning swim.

ETA: Other good news: everyone in my family remains healthy
The positives are I managed to get reservations in a national park that normally I would have to have made at least 6-8 months ago. The negative is that the park is closed, completely closed, no entry for anybody, and is likely to stay that way well past the dates of my stay.
Agree on more folks exercising. I was in a Walmart the other day to get a couple of tunes for our bikes. Almost no bikes in stock of any size and lots of the repair parts stock was low.

I seem to have gotten pretty lazy.
I’m spending way more time with my DW now that I’m furloughed. She seems nice:)
The benefits of Covid 19

Ok. I’m making a list of everything I can think of that has improved because of the quarantine.

Air and water pollution waaaay down
Murders and other crimes down- especially robberies since everyone is home
Car accidents down
No school shootings in March/April
Car insurance reductions from minimal driving
We are now all painfully aware of how inadequate our healthcare system is
A lot of good books are being read
I’ve saved tons of money by not going to restaurants and making coffee at home
One by one drawers are getting cleaned
People are connecting by phone -people who haven’t spoken in years
Dogs are happy;cats are annoyed

Feel free to add your Covid 19 “bonus”.
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We are about 22 miles from the Palm Springs airport - right on the glide path for many arriving flights and east bound departing. Just normal to see 6 or more planes in the air at the same time in the morning and a fairly constant procession during the day. Now we see a couple in the day and the nights are pretty much free of flashing lights interrupting our view of the stars. Beautiful.. Walking is much nicer with few cars to contend with. The smog is greatly reduced over various cities. Neighbors are very neighborly - but that's not really different.
Here are the predictions I wrote around the beginning of March. A fair number are positive.

If large population centers go under quarantine
- weight loss due to only getting staples, resulting in reduced obesity, reduced diabetes
- suicide due to financial pressures
- air quality improvements due to lack of traffic
- reduced seasonal flu, overall reduced deaths even accounting for COVID deaths
- reduced traffic resulting in less traffic deaths
- increased birth rate due to boredom. increased spousal abuse.
If companies tell workers to work from home
- companies will decide they like it
- REITs will take a huge hit
- even a small %age adopt it, results in traffic similar to holidays
- results in air quality improvements resulting in less traffic deaths
- improved access to accomodations for disabled people once remote infrastructure is in place
- decreased dependance on oil, resulting in reduced adoption of EV's
General after the fact
- Improved sustainability of pension plans due to deaths of older people
- Improved sustainability of health care due to deaths of older people
I have seen were people are helping people more in these times. People shopping for elderly and I do believe it has a humbling effect on many people.
Life hasn't changed at all for us. Didn't have a job to go to. We still run, play tennis and take our boat to local lakes to fish. Don't know anyone sick. You couldn't have a flatter curve, no new cases in a week. We are isolated naturally here in the great outdoors.
The clean air is so much more refreshing. When I take a deep breath the lack of exhaust pollutants makes it smell so much fresher! It's invigorating. I never realized it before but my body was preventing me from inhaling the auto exhaust laden air too deeply. I never realized how much cars degraded our daily lives.

Also, at night the stars are shining brightly on a deeper blue background. I never realized how much the "look" of everything was made dingier looking by auto exhaust! Even at night.
This pandemic has somehow brought the families together, we have started eating healthy, children are happy all around the globe and it has made me nostalgic by looking at all the kids playing in the streets. Plus, the nature has never been better.
* the silence, even in urban areas. Instead of traffic noise, I hear the birds chirping and the church bells ringing.
* better air quality and crisper view over the surrounding mountains.
* this crisis helps to reveal people's true character. It makes it easier to weed out the maladjusted loons.
The clean air is so much more refreshing. When I take a deep breath the lack of exhaust pollutants makes it smell so much fresher! It's invigorating. I never realized it before but my body was preventing me from inhaling the auto exhaust laden air too deeply. I never realized how much cars degraded our daily lives.

Also, at night the stars are shining brightly on a deeper blue background. I never realized how much the "look" of everything was made dingier looking by auto exhaust! Even at night.

I always used to laughed at the the "health enthusiasts" who would jog/run along the major highway near where I used to work. I figured that they were exercising their hearts while doing the equivalent of smoking a pack a day by sucking down the exhaust.
Many of my friends are working women with kids. Every single one has told me that they're enjoyed the lack of "hurry" and "busy" that went with life before Coronavirus. I am more strict about that than most moms I know- I only allow my kids one extra-curricular activity per half year- many moms I know let their kids participate in multiple activities at a time. We are all enjoying just relaxing after work (those of us who still do that) and on weekends, with no "whatever" practice to worry about.

One girlfriend said it was a good lesson for all of us, but confessed she'd probably go right back to over-scheduling herself and her kids when this is over. I won't though- my time left at work is nearly done.
Many of my friends are working women with kids. Every single one has told me that they're enjoyed the lack of "hurry" and "busy" that went with life before Coronavirus.

I suspect that excludes the working mothers who are having to work from home, with young kids around. DD is doing it, but she's exhausted. Her 3 year old wants her attention all the time, and her boss wants her to keep up to speed at home vs. being in the office. Working over a VPN just isn't the same as being on a local network. And getting interrupted 20 times an hour isn't conducive to high output either. She ends up having to stay up late to finish her work after DGD goes to bed.
Others above probably already said this, but the animal shelters are nearly empty.
I suspect that excludes the working mothers who are having to work from home, with young kids around. DD is doing it, but she's exhausted. Her 3 year old wants her attention all the time, and her boss wants her to keep up to speed at home vs. being in the office. Working over a VPN just isn't the same as being on a local network. And getting interrupted 20 times an hour isn't conducive to high output either. She ends up having to stay up late to finish her work after DGD goes to bed.
Yes, I didn't think of that. Most of my friends have teenage kids. I am allowing them to sleep late (and stay up late) because it gives me peace and quiet in the mornings.
More people home and have time/energy to take care of a pet. I have to wonder what will happen with them (the pets) when this is all over.

DW and I have speculated about all the dogs getting very used to daily walks from their owners. They’re not gonna be happy if things went back to normal and will let their unsuspecting owners know about it.
My dogs always get daily walks, I'm retired.
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