This weather is awful - 2022 to ?

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We’re getting a little rain now. It’s extremely light rain, only 0.19 inches accumulated over more than 3 hours. Better than nothing, but we need more rain!

We’re currently at 73 degrees. That’s the low for the day so far.

We got 0.00 inches. It missed us! :banghead: Oh well, maybe tomorrow. :)
Got down into the 40’s last night. I had to close some windows and find long pants this morning!
Down to 40 this morning. Had to turn the heat on. Monday morning will be mid-30's. Yuck!
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Upper 50's here this morning. I went outside to do some yard work before the ball games started and "almost" needed a jacket. I like it, I like it, I like it.
Yeah 50’s to 60’s is my sweet spot too. Got the solo stove set up on the patio with a supply of wood ready to go. Time for s’mores!
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We'll hit close to 80 today in the PNW—probably breaking the record of 77—then mid 70s tomorrow. Might be a good chance to mow the lawn and go for a bikeride.

Our elderly cat who has been restlessly searching for her lost summer, first in the front yard, then in the back yard, then in the front yard, has found some peace on the warm concrete in the driveway.
Upper 80's for a week - maybe 90 today - BUT they say the trades will return. I hope so. Heh, heh, I guess I'm lucky to be whining about our "bad" weather when it's too hot in October. Apologies to folks battening down the hatches for impending winter.:cool:
We got home from a week of great weather camping at our favorite COE campground on Lake Alatoona. It was mid 70's high to low 60's all week. It rained a little Friday night but just a light drizzle. Then woke this morning to take the pup out at 6am and omg 45 degrees! told pup to hurry because Daddy just had on shorts/ t shirt and flipflops,brrrrr!Of course she didn't listen and just kept exploring the yard until she decided to go! Fall is in the air in N Ga.
Sunny and 69F right now, with a low of 60F last night. Sure feels good after all those triple-digit months last summer! :D Not a drop of rain so far in October.
High of 76 today. Summer close to an end.
The local weather station said it was 34 degrees this morning at daybreak but my thermometer said 37. Regardless I like it.:dance:
The local weather station said it was 34 degrees this morning at daybreak but my thermometer said 37. Regardless I like it.:dance:

39 here and I don't like it at all. Anything under 50 is too cold. I guess I shouldn't live in Wisconsin.
Actually I prefer the mid 60's but after this summer I'll take the mid 30's to sort of balance things out a little.. It's already up to 70, so the mid 30's from this morning didn't last long.
Actually I prefer the mid 60's but after this summer I'll take the mid 30's to sort of balance things out a little.. It's already up to 70, so the mid 30's from this morning didn't last long.

Well that makes a big difference. It was 34 for a low and 70's for a high for you. It was 39 for a low and 55 for a high for us. Still only 47 at 12:47pm.
39 here and I don't like it at all. Anything under 50 is too cold. I guess I shouldn't live in Wisconsin.

Brrrrr. Anything under about 75 and I'm thinking about adding a shirt over my usual T-shirt. At night, if it's below about 70, I have to use a sheet and maybe a blanket. Bummer.
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