This weather is awful - 2022 to ?

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Well it was in the 70s early afternoon yesterday, and walking the dog at 6:00 AM this morning, 17 degrees with 1 degree windchill in my DFW locale.
Well it was in the 70s early afternoon yesterday, and walking the dog at 6:00 AM this morning, 17 degrees with 1 degree windchill in my DFW locale.
New thread, same story.

Yes, it's the same story.

Scorching heat, then bone freezing chill, punctuated by drowning flood, ruinous tornado, and fiery fire.

Each time, we thank our lucky star it has not happened to ourselves. Yet.
The last of the snow has passed, today is supposed to be the last of the lows in the 20's but a high wind warning for this afternoon. Ugh, we always lose power with that. Better go check the flashlights again.
We now have a freeze warning for tonight, starting at 10 PM.
The official National Weather Service forecast for the region says,
* WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 35 expected. For the Wind Advisory, northwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph expected.

* WHERE...St. Charles, Upper Jefferson, Upper Plaquemines, Upper St. Bernard, Western Orleans and Eastern Orleans Parishes.

* WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 10 PM this evening to 9 AM CST Monday. For the Wind Advisory, until 6 PM CST this evening.

Huh? That makes no sense. I guess they are counting the effects of the strong winds we are having, but gosh, I always thought freezing was at 32F. Guess I'm an old fuddy duddy and vastly out of date. Now I'm wondering what is considered to be the highest sub-freezing temperature.

But upon Googling the question, I find that apparently the freezing point of water is still considered to be part of the definition of the Fahrenheit temperature scale:
Fahrenheit temperature scale, scale based on 32° for the freezing point of water and 212° for the boiling point of water, the interval between the two being divided into 180 equal parts.
We are about 3 above already in the early morning of what will be a beautiful day.

I like your brand of thinking!

Currently the glowing rectangle tells me that it is 24 degrees on the Fahrenheit scheme of things.

The little road I live on is like an ice rink, the bigger ones not so bad.

More Devil Rain is on the way..
We went from a high of 82 yesterday to a low of 26 this morning. Yikes!
Many of the shrubs and perennials here in Central Texas (and I suspect in other parts of the state) are able to handle 26 F (Zone 7a plants down to 0 F; Zone 6a plants down to -10 F).

Unfortunately, the rapid drop in temperatures, along with the 20+ mph winds and a very warm December have shocked the plants. I can see the cold damage already. Abelias (Zone 6a), Loropetalum (Zone 7a), various Salvia (Zone 7a), Hill Hardy Rosemary (Zone 6a), and the Texas Sages and Cenizos (mainly Zone 7a; some Zone 6b) are among the victims so far.

The only thing we have that will laugh at this weather are the Drift Roses. Hardy to Zone 5 (-20 F), they just dropped their leaves and flowers after last February's major cold storm here, covered completely in snow and ice. In early March, just strip off the remaining leaves, prune the plants back, and they will look great by the end of March.
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Down to 1 degree tonight. Shovelable snow on Wednesday then thrusday and Friday are below zero for a nighttime low. Not a good way to start the new year. I am hibernating. I put a hold on my mail and won't leave the house from Dec 30th-Jan 26th. Jan 26th I will have to take out the garbage and recycling and get the held mail. Then if I want to I can stay inside again for another 28 days.
Oh well, we enjoyed it while it lasted. 55° F today, low 28° tonight, high 37° tomorrow with snow likely and then a low of 18° tomorrow night. The snow thrower is in the garage and ready, although I doubt that it'll be needed since the forecast is for "less than one inch". But we've heard that line before.... I'll never forget getting three feet of "light flurries".
Winds here are blowing at 40 mph, although they sound much louder than that! :LOL: I forgot to bring in loose things (like I do for hurricanes, to prevent them from becoming missiles). So just now I went out on my back patio and brought in a very light plastic and metal table that I have out there. I don't keep anything else in my yard that can blow around, to lessen the workload when preparing for hurricanes. But I needed to bring this inside, because it could break or blow far away.

It's 45F and so insanely cold! I am not acclimated to this I guess. Either that, or you guys are a bunch of really tough dudes, or both. Anyway I managed to get it inside without turning into an ice statue myself, but wow. It is COLD out there, and the winds aren't helping.

Got up to 32 today was a beautiful wintah day!!


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We got nothing, although relatives to the east of us are howling about the snow and the disruptions to any plans they may once have had. When I looked at the weather radar this morning it was just to the east of us but just barely missed.
Beautiful snowstorm here in Northern Va. We got six inches or so.


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Yesterday we got one of our rare thunderstorms. Even rarer was the huge shelf cloud which formed. I had seen this phenomenon in the midwest every few years. Here, I'd never seen it before. All was relatively quiet and suddenly there was a rush of wind that lasted for 15 minutes. I'd only experienced wind like that in the Islands 2 or 3 times in the past. Then the thunder started. It's relatively rare - even rarer to see lightening - which we did. Then came the rains - sideways! We'd had rain for 3 days but this was something else. Fortunately, it only lasted for half an hour. But it rained so hard and was so slashing that the water came in around the window panes in the living room. Apparently the grout is failing and we had to keep after water on the floor with towels. Not frightening of itself, but the wind was.

Anyway, today, the clouds mostly parted and we saw the sun for the first time in 4 days. Hope the tourists were happy. YMMV
This is what I woke up to this morning. 15° in Boone, NC.

Moving my DD into her dorm room. This will be quite the experience.PXL_20220107_131027752.jpg
Winter finally showed up with a vengeance last night. This morning it's 12°F and half an inch of snow on the ground, so that forced me to skip my early morning run. I hate to slip on an icy spot!

Just put some ribs on the BGE and had to wear a jacket just to go out three feet from the house!
Furnace running over here, boss. This is at 8:30 am. Scroll up and look at my previous post to see how much warmer it was in Minneapolis a week ago.

I have seen where MN has had the US daily lows many times this year and of late last year. MT has had some also and is not records very close to daily lows also.
Lower 47 States Cut Off!!!!!

The closure of all East/West passages through the Cascade mountains along with the closure of Interstate 5 in southern Washington state has cut off the rest of the country from most of Western Washington state.

We hope that the rest of you will pull together and survive until you can be reconnected.

Hopefully the I-5 interstate and at least one mountain pass will open by Sunday allowing the other 47 states access soon.

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My lower yard has a half a foot of standing water in it. It has been years since this 'lake' has formed to any depth, let alone 6".
Another 4 inches or so here in Northern Virginia. No Carmageddon on I-95 this time. But I need to re-shovel the path to my grill on the deck.

Going to stay cold for the next week or so. Local ski resorts open.
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