Unidentified Bug Bites

For me, chigger bites are nearly unbearable. Once when a kid, I got sick and passed out in a wild blackberry thicket (picking berries). Had to lie there a while until I could walk back to the car. I was literally covered in chiggers; you can't imagine what I went through. Evidently my immune response to these critters is either too good or not very good at all! That's been 40 years ago and I still remember vividly....
Uggh---if that's really true about chiggers existing until it gets below 40, I'm in for months of bites!
All I get bitten by is NYC mosquitos.

but - If you have 'unidentified bug bites' a visit to the doctor wouldn't hurt.

I know someone who emailed such a 'bite' to a doctor friend via her phone while on vacation. The message was 'go to the hospital NOW. RIGHT NOW.' "but can't I wait until I get back from vacation? "NOW!!!"

It was a multiple drug resistant staph infection - fortunately, at that point it was "Remove, and take a course of really nasty pills"

Three days later it would have been "Who do we call, and are your affairs in order?"


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