Bingo! This is exactly what I am going through, including the amount it is costing me. I had a small water blister on the gum. Every few days, I'd pop it with my finger (which the doc said was a good thing to do). Mentioned this to the dentist, who x-rayed it, and told me that the root canal on my #2 tooth (molar) had become infected. I had the extraction and bone graft done on Monday. The oral surgeon put me under completely for the procedure, and it was a most enjoyable experience. As I slowly came round, I have vague memories of telling the nurse that I'd had a most wonderful time, and asking whether I came back the next day, if we could do it again. She replied in the negative, while firmly steering me towards the recovery room.
Although no-one wants to have to spend sizeable chunks of money on their teeth, I am still doing so happily. Sound health is a great luxury, and a good set of teeth is an important part of that equation.