Vanguard's New Look


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 11, 2008
I think this falls in the category of new is not always better.

Okay, so I went ahead and took a peek at my balance after today's run up. I noticed Vanguard's New Look for account info.

Am I the only one who thinks: :facepalm:.

The page looks much more busy, and I don't care for the lack on contrast on the screens.

I sure hope enough folks say, bring back the old look. At least the screen color contrast.
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Looks fine to me. Usually I don't like changes in websites that are already perfectly good, but for some reason this one doesn't bother me.

Still, I wonder why webmasters feel compelled to change something that is well designed already.
Looks the same to me, maybe the poor people will get updated later.
Well maybe it really IS the same? The left hand side looks about the same, and I'm usually going there to see my accounts transactions and balances. If the right hand side is different, it isn't different enough to bother me.
When you buy or sell the process seems to have been streamlined... I like it.
Schwab also changed their website this weekend. So far it just looks like font size and colors.
Oddly enough, I didn't notice the change. I usually seem to find out how to do what I want to do without changes even registering, unless the change is a big one.

I did however, notice that they've changed the set of stock photos on the home page. It's the one change I'm a little saddened by because one of the chicks was really cute :(
Still, I wonder why webmasters feel compelled to change something that is well designed already.

Yeah....I have come to accept the reality that software programmers (and lawyers) rule the world. Constantly changing the websites keeps them employed and entertained.

Fido recently "enhanced" thier site as well. It has the same look and feel with more gizmos to alter the view.
Yeah....I have come to accept the reality that software programmers (and lawyers) rule the world. Constantly changing the websites keeps them employed and entertained.

Fido recently "enhanced" thier site as well. It has the same look and feel with more gizmos to alter the view.
There seems to be an effort to look more like Apples interface...I hate it.
But that said, I didn't notice any change in VG interface...maybe original poster has changed his meds :D
I dunno. Maybe it is just me then. Have I gone color blind recently?

Since polling the audience seems like there is no change.

Maybe it's just a matter of timing. Change since when? A week ago? A year ago? (As I don't go on Vanguard every day).

I'll rephrase and say I liked the interface more that way it was a year ago, than the way it is now! Either that, or I have gone color blind.
FWIW, most browsers allow you to override the colors of the text content of a site and substitute your own colors.
teejayevans said:
There seems to be an effort to look more like Apples interface...I hate it.
But that said, I didn't notice any change in VG interface...maybe original poster has changed his meds :D

In my experience, the programmers usually are not the one's driving web site look and feel changes. Usually being the operative word there. They have been known to be enablers on occasion though.
SOBs! I bet they'll jack the expense ratios up a fraction of a basis point to cover this nonsense.
I dunno. Maybe it is just me then. Have I gone color blind recently?

Since polling the audience seems like there is no change.

Maybe it's just a matter of timing. Change since when? A week ago? A year ago? (As I don't go on Vanguard every day).

I'll rephrase and say I liked the interface more that way it was a year ago, than the way it is now! Either that, or I have gone color blind.

IIRC, Vanguard did go through somewhat of a rebranding last year when they introduced the concept of "Vanguarding". I think there were subtle changes to their website, but I guess I am used to it now.
IIRC, Vanguard did go through somewhat of a rebranding last year when they introduced the concept of "Vanguarding". I think there were subtle changes to their website, but I guess I am used to it now.
What the heck is Vanguarding? Yes, yes, I know, but this kind of cutesy branding annoys the begorra out of me.

I just want low cost passive index funds and an easy to navigate site - oh, and the ability to go long on individual stocks (nothing fancy). Vanguard has all of this. I don't need the cute positioning statements.

Vanguarding my foot :yuk:
I think this falls in the category of new is not always better.

Okay, so I went ahead and took a peek at my balance after today's run up. I noticed Vanguard's New Look for account info.

Am I the only one who thinks: :facepalm:.

The page looks much more busy, and I don't care for the lack on contrast on the screens.

I sure hope enough folks say, bring back the old look. At least the screen color contrast.

I seldom check my VG account balances, but I was doing a bit of rebalancing yesterday and today and don't recall any difference in what it was a few months ago.

What the heck, I don't care what the layout looks like as long as they don't charge me for the upgrade. Wait a minute, I am the owner of Vanguard...why was I not consulted on this?:ROFLMAO:
Schwab also changed their website this weekend. So far it just looks like font size and colors.

Schwab could have used a color consultant. For me, it's as handy as somebody changing the dashboard in your car in the middle of the night, IMO
I log on to VG several times a week and haven't noticed any recent changes either.
Yeah....I have come to accept the reality that software programmers (and lawyers) rule the world. Constantly changing the websites keeps them employed and entertained.

Fido recently "enhanced" thier site as well. It has the same look and feel with more gizmos to alter the view.

Hey - dont blame us! Being an IT person, I can pretty much guarantee you we are not the ones that come up with the idea to keep changing colors and moving fields around to "improve the look and feel" or "enhance the end user experience". Some business CEO is doing that.

If we had our way, we would be off playing with the next shiny new toy...not changing what we already built. :)
What the heck is Vanguarding? Yes, yes, I know, but this kind of cutesy branding annoys the begorra out of me.
Vanguarding my foot :yuk:
Could be worse... you could be "experiencing inFidelity"...
Just logged into my Vanguard account to check the tax forms and encountered a completely new look and feel. I now (probably) see what easysurfer was referring to.

It needs to be customized (again) but it might not be so bad. It looks like there will be more data one click away rather than multiple clicks.

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