Very cool video of blue angels brief for show

Very cool, interesting how they follow the map and also close their eyes and go through the motions.
Would be interesting to see the actual flight afterwards, just to see if I could make sense of their pre flight motions!
I can't imagine the fortitude it takes to do the spins/turns--I get sick on roller coasters!
Very cool video. thank you for sharing
I saw the Blue Angels perform at El Toro Marine Base in California back in the 1980's when there was a horrific plane crash. I don't think it was a Blue Angels plane that crashed, I'm pretty sure it was a Marine jet but regardless it was very shocking. He was performing a loop, something went wrong and the plane hit the ground very close to the crowd I might add.
I just looked it up on youtube and this is exactly the way I remember it happening. I could have been standing where this video was taken. I'm pretty sure this was the one I witnessed, but El Toro did have another bad one a couple of years later.

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