

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
Some of you may have seen this one, but it's the most cunning virus I've ever seen and I have partial IT responsibility at work. It appeared in my toolbar this morning with a "cloud" stating "You have a Security Problem!" There were a series of pop-ups and a scan page that started on it's own. It "reports" examples of where your PC is infected and then offers several software solutions for sale.

What was scary about this one is that it mimics MicroSoft dialog boxes, graphics, etc. so well that you'd swear it was coming from MicroSoft themselves if you didn't read it carefully. I didn't fall for it, but had I not been paying attention I could have easily it looked so convincing. It was only when they offered software for purchase and not MicroSoft products that I caught on. And then it continued to pop-up about every 60 seconds with subsequent screens, the worst nuisance I've ever seen. I could not kill it and neither could McAfee - I got rid of it by restoring my PC back to a Friday restore point (thank God for that feature). Google told me that not only is it a scam, they have then been known to use your credit card for other purchases if you buy their anti-virus software. It's beyond my comprehension how the scum that does this kind of thing lives with themselves. Fair warning...
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