
I have always done volunteering, although since I am still working it takes very good time management. I often say: "My real job gets in the way of my volunteering"............:)
Did volunteer work for the IRS VITA program as tax preparer and site coordinator. I enjoyed it and will probably do it again next year. Works out great as that time of the year I can't golf, ride my motorcycle and the grand kids are in school. Plus it gets me out of the house and away from DW and her vacuum cleaner.
I have always done volunteering, although since I am still working it takes very good time management. I often say: "My real job gets in the way of my volunteering"............:)

LOL I said the same thing as my volunteer work grew, causing some scheduling problems when trying to fit in my two midday, weekday volunteer activities around the few (3, then 2) days I had to go to work. Work had become a nuisance trying to juggle everything. But when I ERed, those scheduling conflicts nearly all disappeared (sometimes the volunteer activities conflicted with
each other or with my evening square dancing which grew after I ERed).
I volunteer at the local PBS radio station with a group of folks that broadcast a daily 2 hour news program for the blind. My day is Saturday and there is usually 1 or 2 other volunteers that read with me. I feel so honored to have been selected a couple of years ago and look forward to my Saturday mornings. We have a great time.

I am also looking into taking the requisite classes to be licensed to insure handicap parking spaces are being properly used. It's amazing how many people abuse this by using someone elses hang tag. It is also sad how many people don't understand that the diagonal lined area are not for shopping carts or motorcycles. It makes it difficult for those using wheelchairs.

I have posted many times about my volunteering. No need to add anything on this topic except that it is a huge part of my life and it is one of the main reasons why I wish to FIRE.
Might have bee done before........

3 years away but wondering what type of volunteering (for those who are interested) opportunities have you all found? What have you found to be rewarding?

Did it relate to your career or just based on need?
I've volunteered services to our HOA in the past. Now I'm donating my time for a new project and its career related. Design/survey for an RV park.
I'm still working, but since many small nonprofits look for people with my skills, I am the Treasurer for a nature nonprofit. I'd rather do more fun volunteering, which I do with the parrot rescue and my volunteering for races.

When I ER, I will use the opportunity to get involved in some other areas of interest I have that do not, in any way, involve my career!
I enjoy volunteering and consider it time well spent. I'm sure there are plenty of people who find giving back to their community as a waste of their time or money, too bad for them.
I am also looking into taking the requisite classes to be licensed to insure handicap parking spaces are being properly used. It's amazing how many people abuse this by using someone elses hang tag.

Do they give you a stun gun? I think I could enjoy that volunteer job. I'd zap litterers too!

I volunteer at the local PBS radio station with a group of folks that broadcast a daily 2 hour news program for the blind. My day is Saturday and there is usually 1 or 2 other volunteers that read with me. I feel so honored to have been selected a couple of years ago and look forward to my Saturday mornings. We have a great time.


That sounds very rewarding.


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