Way to set ER site format for devices?


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 28, 2006
west coast, hi there!
I have the same format showing in the ER forums when I go to my Win 7 PC or Nexus 7 tablet. It's a nice blue with little or no advertising. But for some reason I see a different format on Nexus (Android) smartphones i.e. ugly green with loads of advertising. It's revolting. I log in the same way (login + password) on all devices.

Is there a way to get the the nice formatting on my phone with little or no advertising as I see on my tablet and PC? I am guessing there is a setting I have forgotten about that may be hiding in plain site.

Below is an example of the format I want:


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User CP > Edit Options > Miscellaneous Options > Forum Skin
Yes, I see this (obscure) option on my PC at the bottom of the "Edit Options".

But when I go to my smartphone and click on Menu > User CP , I see no "Edit Options". All I see is "Ignore Manager", "New Subscribed Threads", and "Latest Thanks Received".

Must be missing something here.
Now I'm really hosed!

I chose "mobile option" as a test and now I see just the same screwed up version on my PC that I have on my smartphone. No apparent way to get back to changing that option.

It seems that the tablet has now inherited this attribute from the change on my PC. What a screwed up situation.

The smartphone did not inherit attributes from the tablet or PC. But the tablet inherits from the PC. Weird.

OK, I think I found the answer. Assuming one is stuck in the "mobile" view, one goes to Forums. Then at the bottom is a link to "Full site" (I think that was it). Then one selects the "Early Retirement v1.0" at the bottom from the drop down menu. This gets one to what I wanted -- no awful advertising.

This needs a redesign in my opinion. A real turn off. VERY OBSCURE. UGH.

caveat: maybe I'm missing something but a new user would be mystified and assume the site is done by some old ... you can fill in the missing expletive :)
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