What are you doing with your time now?

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Montana has had just a few cases. Even so most are in lockdown as are we. However our remodellers arrived on Monday so that process is going on with workers in and out all day long. They are working downstairs so not much of a problem.
I do what I have always done:
Long hikes in the hills behind our country house
Riding horses
Hoping when the outdoor courts open, we can resume Pickleball.
Meanwhile playing ping pong with my son who is also home working.
Life is pretty great really.

Oh and logging onto podcasts on financial reports.
Personal Capital did one on the new SECURE Act.
Capital Group doing one on the recession in 15 minutes.
Love I now have time for these!
No more volleyball, no more gym, and I am not going grocery shopping anymore, so there's no reason to even go outside, but it's now 11C (52F) so I can go for a walk.

Surprisingly, I'm not binge-watching anything currently as I'm busy chatting with friends online, reading up on the status of the virus spread, etc.
Lots of dog walking and lonely yoga, I'm learning to do formulas in Excel, I inventoried the deep freeze to stop myself from buying more stuff that we don't need, I plan to deep clean my kitchen cabinet doors and re-organize my closet, and DH is going to teach me to play Pitch. I've avoided it for 40 years, but for some reason I'm excited about it now.

Hang in there everyone - we'll get through this. Our parents and grandparents were called to war, we're being called to sit on the couch.
I was NEVER home. Always out doing something - usually related to a volunteer or Church activity. Our community is completely shut down - including the golf course. I have been sitting home, watching too much TV and too much time on cnn.com and er.com.

I have to admit - this is actually pretty relaxing for me. I'm enjoying being home on the back porch watching the birds at the feeder and just staring off into space. So different from my normal activities. This is exactly what I did the first 6 months of retirement and I'm enjoying it, although I hate the reason for it.

Sumday - I love the last line of your post !
Doing mostly the same things we always do. Reading, gardening, watching a few TV/movies, going for walks. Go to the store about once a week, go early in the day or just before closing to avoid more crowded times. Trying new recipes with supplies on hand, being creative.
Oh, and cleaning!
Only social contact is kids and grandkids, but far, far less than before.
Just had someone from our neighborhood yell on Nextdoor to stay inside and not walk the street. Read this after a break from the computer and DW and I went out for a 4 mile walk.

Staying inside 100%? Sorry, ain't gonna happen. We need exercise and sunshine (vitamin D) to fight this thing. We keep at least 12 ft. distance to anyone we pass. Since it is suburbia, we have plenty of room. No crowds on the sidewalks.

This person is just all wound up and super paranoid. The news outlets are doing a piss poor job in communicating this situation. Some people are going completely lose it.
We are extroverts on day 4. I teach a online college class. We are watching tv, reading, taking a walk, playing with the dogs and playing board games. I am depressed worrying about my kids and their situations. Everything here is shutdown for at least 30 days. I talk on the phone to my friends and family. We are getting takeout twice a week although some people think it’s risky.
Big change: not mallwalking for a while, not going out on Thursday nights with friends, DW not going to retreats for a while.

Otherwise, DW is quilting and I watch a lot of tech on YouTube, troubleshooting my hardware and ordering parts on Amazon, planning trips for next year.
Not hugely different for me either, with a few exceptions. The gym is closed so I’m walking in the neighborhood. We stocked up on staples so we don’t run to the store as often. Hobby clubs aren’t meeting but I didn’t attend every month anyway. I had gotten so I was shopping more and more online anyway, but I think next time I need brewing supplies I’ll be sure to patronize the local store. He always had internet ordering but for now he’s asked everybody to order online and run in just long enough to pick it up because he has an elderly person at home but can’t afford to shutter his shop. I hope he’s still open once this is over.
Still doing a lot of the same stuff... just a lot less of it.

Golfed today. Restaurant at the course was closed but they were offering pre-made sandwiches.

We ended up going out to lunch at a spot nearby that we frequent. It was really slow and they had placards on numerous tables that that table would not be served... only tables that would served are those without placards... so essentially only 1/3-1/2 of the tables were available... but only a few were occupied at 1pm on a Thursday afternoon.

We're going out very infrequently... mostly cooking in. Had a lunch cruise scheduled with 20 friends for Saturday and canceled that.
The biggest change is that the gym is closed so walking is the substitute. DW has some kind of bug (no, not that one!) which happens from time to time. She sleeps a lot and occasionally has mild nausea so I'm not too concerned at the moment but will of course watch her carefully.

We're pretty much furnished as far as groceries and such go so I don't see any need for us to venture out farther than we can walk for at least a week and probably longer.
I postponed my trip back to Florida to start setting up the town home I recently purchased. So disappointed about that.

What I'm doing around the home on wet cold Minnesota late winter days:
- Talking to several people each day.
- I surf the internet on and off each day, including this forum.

- I check on my two aunts, and my father and stepmother, to see if they need anything. They are all fairly stocked up, and all are trying to stay in their homes.

- Cooking. Big batch of bean soup today, and I have the ingredients to make chili and beef stroganoff in my fridge.

- I was out of everything, because I was planning on leaving. I did grocery shopping yesterday, and was surprised to see how well the store was stocked up. They were only out of a few things I was looking for. Didn't see any hoarders stocking up. That is good.
- I have plans to do taxes, closet cleaning, and window cleaning. So far I'm ignoring these fun tasks.
- listened to some music. It has been awhile on that.

- I have a book I've been ignoring. I usually read fiction, but this is a non-fiction book about the Comanche indians domination of the American southwest up through the 1800s. It is interesting.

Take care, JP
Pretty much same as before, minus the social outings. So, walking, taking drives, watching Youtube, participating in some online discussion forums, reading, hanging out with my dog, listening to music, fiddling on the interweb, feeding the squirrels, that sort of thing.
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