What benefits do you receive

What may be of help in lighting a fire under the right butt is contacting your congresscritter's office. They have entire staffs whose sole job is to keep a Rolodex (or the functional digital equivalent) of people in government who will

A. Answer the telephone.


B. Know what they're talking about.

That's another good idea. I may try that if my current issue isn't resolved soon. (I just made a SS office visit last week and hand delivered my newest paper work documenting "their" mistakes and explaining it to an agent, who of course isn't empowered to make the "ruling".) Fortunately, I don't need the money and I won't miss the few months of payments they plan to withhold (I'm sure I'll get it back later anyway when this is resolved). What about the folks that really depend and/or live on these payments. What are they suppose to do. Not eat or pay their bills for a few months!
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Car-Guy, what was the issue if you don't mind sharing?

Sent from my iPhone using Early Retirement Forum
Car-Guy, what was the issue if you don't mind sharing?

Sent from my iPhone using Early Retirement Forum
Without going into too much detail, it has to do with how deferred income is treated differently between the IRS and SS.
When my company retired everyone over 55 years old, I was able to draw unemployment benefits for almost 2 years. We were allowed to purchase MegaCompany's Cadillac insurance coverage until age 65--most of which was paid out of a Retiree health savings account.

I thought companies were not allowed to shed employees by age. I recall that when my megacorp did a headcount cut, they published data showing an even distibution against the existing employee population.
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