what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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When we had our house repainted, we ran into some of these issues. Some of the greens looked grey to me. Everyone else would say no, it is green. It took us quite a while to pick out colors for all of the rooms and for the vinyl on the outside. So glad that that is behind me. Good Luck!
Yes, that seems to work surprisingly well!
The fact is that I don't really care very much about the wall color, but when I'm asked my honest opinion of something I have this unfortunate tendency to actually give it. :facepalm:
Light beige and antique white are a guy's best friends when it comes to commenting on paint color selection. :LOL:
(Ahhh...deferred maintenance) Try doing some of that out in the water when the engine putters and spits to a stop. I'd have a look at the fuel filter for sure if you are going to do anything.

Actually, yesterday I ended up changing the oil, spark plugs, and lower unit oil and put it in the water and it is running like a champ. I thought about the fuel filter but it is in a location that looks like it will be hard to change so I'll pass on that for now.
Brau, you are moving in the right direction. "I love it!" is the right response to whatever she picks out!

Yes, that seems to work surprisingly well!
The fact is that I don't really care very much about the wall color, but when I'm asked my honest opinion of something I have this unfortunate tendency to actually give it. :facepalm:
Honesty is not the same as full disclosure. :) When it comes to interior design, I have learned to honestly say what needs to be said and then STHU. Domestic harmony and dinner are more than worth it.
Really interesting interaction with DW today.

As mentioned before, we recently bought a condo and we're taking our sweet time about moving (probably by the end of June, but who knows?).

Meanwhile, we're starting to bring small things over there, although we won't be bringing furniture until everything is stable. We're having hardwood flooring in much of the main floor to replace the carpet, etc., etc.

Now we're looking at wall paint. There are four major colors used on walls throughout the place, and we have no clue exactly what they are (different paint manufacturers, no paint names or numbers available, etc.).

What we found out is that we see colors completely differently.
Color A: I hate it, she likes it.
Color B: She hates it, I don't care.
Color C: I like it, she doesn't care.

Even worse, she asks me what one of the colors is, and I reply "Pale purple." She gets this strange "What planet is this guy from?" look, and says "Really?"

I finally decided that the only sensible course of action is to let her do the colors and just try to ignore it all.

Honestly, I had no idea! :peace:

You are lucky! Only paint colors?

Ha, DW and I can't agree on furniture, cars, clothes, where to go eat, and who's turn it is to walk the dog (I've forgotten a few things here too).

As far as paint colors, I say, "Yes, dear, that color is wonderful and brings out the best in (whatever it's painted on)". :D
Well, we've been back from Florida for 3 days now, and DW has turned into a decluttering dervish! She loves living in the 1200 sf house down south, and has decided to start getting us into position to downsize up north from our current 4400 sf'er to something smaller. We've got bags of clothes and boxes of stuff piled everywhere. There are going to be some well dressed poor people on the Eastern Seaboard this year.

I, on the other hand, am hobbling around since I kicked a box the other night when stumbling off to bed. I don't know if I broke my toe or just jammed the hell out of it, but it hurts! Got a bag of frozen peas on it right now. Hopefully I can just walk it off, since I have load the car to do a few trips to the Salvation Army.

I'm glad to see her doing this. She's a collector and we have a huge amount of what I consider crap stuffed in closets and such (as opposed to my stuff). After she does the easy stuff she'll be starting to sell some of it on ebay. We're not downsizing for a few years, at least, so she'll have time to move it all out. This is her version of the accumulation and draw down phases of retirement.
I will be packing a few more boxes today, after a couple of days off to let the pulled muscle in my back heal. With closing probably getting moved back to July, I have a little extra time to pack. My house is full of packed, half packed, and empty boxes.

My real estate guy told me that from his point of view, this is going unusually smoothly. That's encouraging.
As far as paint colors, I say, "Yes, dear, that color is wonderful and brings out the best in (whatever it's painted on)". :D

Last time we painted, the young wife got dozens of sample squares and taped them up all over the walls. After agonizing for weeks, she picked the colors and I painted them all. Then she decided that one was "too green" and another "too blue". I said "looks good to me", which I should have known was a losing hand. So I got different colors and painted them all again.
The fact is that I don't really care very much about the wall color, but when I'm asked my honest opinion of something I have this unfortunate tendency to actually give it. :facepalm:

Slow, eh?:D I learned that lesson long ago. The correct answer when it comes to decor is "Yes, dear". Life is so much easier that way.

On another front, there is a community yard sale here next week so we're listing stuff to put out front with "FREE" signs on them in the hope that they'll just go away. A couple of items will have "for sale" on them, like the motorcycle, but I don't really expect to sell a motorcycle and a boat at a yard sale.
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Made a wonderful mothers day breakfast for the DW - omelets w/ the left over delectable NY steaks from Saturday.

Did the grocery shopping.

Went for my 'traditional' walk in the open space preserve behind my house - walked to the waterfalls there - lots of people enjoying a gorgeous day here.

Called home to DM, but not to wish her a happy mothers day (years ago she avowed to hang up on me and DB if we bought her presents or cards on MD, or even call her-she wanted no part of commercial schemes) - so we had a good laugh over that one.

I started my big production cold pasta salad that has a menagerie of multi-colored rotini pasta, bell pepper, cucumber, shredded carrots, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, left over bacon and steak from breakfast, herbs from the garden, all drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar - it is cooling off now for dinner later.

About to settle onto the back porch with something cold to drink and just do nothing til dinner.
I was up at the crack of dawn to cook breakfast at the local volunteer fire department. They run a fundraiser breakfast once per month. DH and I are "social members" of the FD, which must be code for "free labor" ?.

After cooking for 200 people, we are taking it easy this afternoon. We went out for a short canoe ride but we were too lazy to fight the wind so headed back fairly quickly. Now I'm sitting on the porch, alternating between reading/ surfing/ dozing. Dinner tonight is leftovers -- I've had enough kitchen work for the day.

Just a short time into ER, but so far I love the peacefulness of a Sunday afternoon knowing that I do not have to go to w*rk tomorrow.
Just got home from a 3 day Pickleball tournament. DH won 3 silver medals in his division. I refereed all 3 days and am beat!

Our next event is in Pasadena Memorial Day weekend. DH and I will be playing as partners for the first time... Wish us luck!
....On another front, there is a community yard sale here next week so we're listing stuff to put out front with "FREE" signs on them in the hope that they'll just go away. A couple of items will have "for sale" on them, like the motorcycle, but I don't really expect to sell a motorcycle and a boat at a yard sale.

A neighbor friend of mine sold his fishing boat at a community yard sale.

A couple years ago DH actually gave away our garage at a garage sale. We were planning on demolishing our one-car garage that fall and rebuilding a two-car garage with a loft so at a June garage sale she put a sign on the garage "Garage - Free!" and one of the people who attended the garage sale was a contractor who had a use for the building and later that fall came and took it away. It was a win-win-win, he got his building for no out-of-pocket cost, we saved the cost of demolition and disposal and we all avoided more debris in the landfill.
Just got home from a 3 day Pickleball tournament. DH won 3 silver medals in his division. I refereed all 3 days and am beat!

Our next event is in Pasadena Memorial Day weekend. DH and I will be playing as partners for the first time... Wish us luck!

Good luck! This sounds like fun!
A neighbor friend of mine sold his fishing boat at a community yard sale.

A couple years ago DH actually gave away our garage at a garage sale.

That's why I'm going to put them out there - just on the odd chance that someone looking for something else will stumble on a boat or motorcycle they'd like.
Today, I watched the crew of tree guys kick butt and take names...several potential problem trees are completely gone, lots of branches hanging over from the neighboring yard are all gone, my cedar hedges are trimmed way down below the cable and power lines, and I have a nice pile of custom cut birch logs sitting in the backyard.
My yard does not have a single cut branch left behind due to their meticulous cleanup.

I had pictured the cost to be about $1200 for it all based on the congregate hourly rate and what got done. Nope - only $893.

Only 1 half dead tree remains to be taken down. The tree service owner estimated it would be maybe $300 for that one. The height is at least 50 feet if not more. It will be a delicate takedown process.
I told him that the safety of his wo*rkers was more important to me than the price, i.e. bring as many guys as was necessary to do the j*b safely. He was very happy to hear that. He said past customers always made comments about how many people were on a given j*b.

I cannot believe people would be so cheap as to try to dictate the number of w*rkers on hand to do this type of difficult and high risk labor. :nonono:
Cleaned out the mini-van top to bottom for a long haul drive I'm making tomorrow to pick up our oldest son who just finished his freshman year at Cal State Humboldt.

2-day drive from SoCal.

So, I'm resting for today.
what did you do today?

I packed my home office room in preparation for moving. Well, I'm almost done with that room, and will be done before bedtime anyway.

Also, went to the gym with F. I don't need to do any weight lifting since packing involves plenty of that. So, I did some cardio and called it a day.
I'm not sure. That's a long way to ride a hybrid for a free hamburger and t-shirt. :blush:
Time for a road bike I think. :D
Oooo....a road bike...very nice!

Makes me think with a road bike on your next marathon, you'll get cheese on that hamburger. ;)
I'm not officially retired but the longer I'm off work the better it looks/feels.

I "project managed" the landscapers today as well as the guy redoing our kitchen island. DW doesn't think that really counts as work :) First time we used the landscapers tho.

Just got home from a 3 day Pickleball tournament. DH won 3 silver medals in his division. I refereed all 3 days and am beat!

Our next event is in Pasadena Memorial Day weekend. DH and I will be playing as partners for the first time... Wish us luck!
Looks like a fun thing to do. I play other racquet sports. I have some older friends that retire and play pickle ball in Austin now.
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