what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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We should be up in our high-country hideout where it is 76F right now. But we have a yard improvement project going on in the low-elevation home, and need to be here. Yesterday, in removing two big pine tree root balls they cut through a water line, and now my wife has to water her garden by hand.

The tree root balls are massive. One is 5 feet in diameter. These trees are 30-year-old. The guy is probably regretting bidding too low for the job. I told my wife we will give him some extra money when he finishes. It is hard to complain about the heat when you stay in the air-conditioning air and see them laboring out there in the heat, hacking and hauling away huge chunks of wood.

The trees have to be removed because their roots destroyed the front patio and the block fence. The pine needles clogged up the tile roof valley, kept rain water from draining properly and already ruined my ceiling. But now with the trees gone, my house looks naked.
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Grandson (14) is in town from the Wet Coast and we took him go karting. I scored a Groupon for 4 rides each for 4 people plus pizza and pop, but when the three of us showed up, they told us we had forfeited the fourth person's ride privileges. This inspired a response from my inner Mr. Grumpy :rant:and in the end the manager slipped me 4 free ride passes to [-]shut me up[/-] promote total customer satisfaction.

It was a lot of fun. :dance:
I'm doing a wonderful "down day" today. Mr B left early this morning for a visit to NH to see his Mom.
I begged off on the trip because his Mom cannot tolerate AC in the car (not much body fat at age 87) and I cannot tolerate No AC in the car (hot flashes). :LOL:
The best solution was for me to skip the trip versus trying to find an optimum temp for both ladies. It's all good for him to have mother-son time.

So I have the castle all to myself. >:D

I'm watching the Smithsonian channel and surfing.

I just heard from Mr B...it took him 6.5 hours to make what is normally a 5 hour drive. Bumper-to-bumper on several sections as he traversed from Worcester (I-90) to I-495, to Nashua (Rt 3).
Note to himself...never travel on a Friday in the summer when people are leaving early to get to Cape Cod and other coastal destinations.
I also have the place to myself. DW is babysitting her grandnephew and will return tonight complaining of her sore back, but she wouldn't miss it for the world. He is ~14 months, just started walking a couple of months ago, and has two speeds: full throttle and asleep.

So I just went to the gym, grocery on the way home, read part of a book, and post here.
I'm giving up "the place to myself" (and the dog) after 12 days, as DW is back from Lima, Peru tomorrow. Cleaning ladies got the place ship shine yesterday and I got the grounds taken care of. ;)
I'm giving up "the place to myself" (and the dog) after 12 days, as DW is back from Lima, Peru tomorrow. Cleaning ladies got the place ship shine yesterday and I got the grounds taken care of. ;)
Too bad you didn't take a set of BEFORE (bachelor mode) and AFTER (back to normal) photos. :LOL:
Too bad you didn't take a set of BEFORE (bachelor mode) and AFTER (back to normal) photos. :LOL:

From the description I think it was something like these:


  • messy-room.jpg
    366.1 KB · Views: 34
  • clean_bedroom.jpg
    158.6 KB · Views: 29
Looking at the photos would bring tears to male posters, who wish they had stayed celibate. :biggrin:
Saw a couple former co-w*rkers names in the local business journal. I used to w*rk with these clowns on a weekly basis. They left Megacorp a while back, then became "C" level executives at a new Tinycorp. According to the article both were fired for attempting to cheat the owner out of ~6.5 million dollars. The owner has filed a lawsuit against both. While I'm shocked at the claim, I absolutely believe they are both guilty. Too bad they weren't charged criminally!
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Not today, but yesterday.

I went to the grocery to get a few things I wanted (top of the list: beer). Not many, so I could use the self-service checkout. Mid-afternoon, no crowd (isn't that NICE?), sunny day so I was feeling pretty chipper all around.

The disembodied voice that guides you through the checkout was female, pleasant (say, who was that girl?). When I was ready to pay up, it was "Do you have any items under the cart?", "Do you have any coupons?", "Do you have a frequent shopper card?". No, no, yep.

Then the big one: "Do you have a senior citizen discount?".

I paused. But I read what people write here so I decided to go for it. I hit yes and looked at the employee overseeing who looked up and then nodded. Success!

But I was curious so I put my stuff in my sack and stopped at the attendant's station on the way out to ask, "What's the age for the senior discount?". She said, "60. How old are you?". I told her (I'm in my 50s) and she smiled and just waved her hand toward the exit.

Before I left, I said to her, "You're my first! You just MADE MY DAY!". She laughed and said "go celebrate!".

As FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper said, "Every day, once a day, give yourself a gift". Good advice!
today... so far... removed the concrete form from my chimney crown. Did some finish work on the crown. took down the scaffold and cleaned it. half the day done... and I have finished something. Need to find what is next on the list.
Entered the schengen zone again after my sojourn in London. Spent some frustrating time trying to get my new french sim card to work. (Google translate open on my computer as I follow the "easy steps" to recharge so I can get data and unlimited calls.)

Enjoyed a very nice aperitif (Kir Royale) down on Rue St. Michel.
Mowed the "back 40" before 10:30 before it got too hot.

DW's grandnieces (9 and 5 years old) are staying with SIL 15 minutes away for a week so there will be lots of activities to [-]spoil them rotten[/-] keep them busy. Today we just went out for an early dinner.

Tomorrow is just going to the pool here, Monday or Tuesday probably Luray Caverns in Virginia, a good idea for hot weather. They spoke of tubing on the Shenandoah River and a few other things. I'm sure we'll be tired by the end of the week. Or at least DW will, since I have the option of opting out.
Scraped and plastered cracks in the front hall, preparatory to repainting this coming week. Took the young wife out to lunch in the roadster. We went to a nice place right on the Sound, enjoying the sun and sand as we ate. Brewed 5 gallons of summer ale when I got back home.
Continued working on framing in our covered patio to make it screened in. Tomorrow the door frame gets built (and maybe hang the door too). Gotta love this work in 100 F temps!

aja8888, Hope you had a helper. Are the studs metal? Are those shutters on the windows?
aja8888, Hope you had a helper. Are the studs metal? Are those shutters on the windows?

No helper, just me and the ladder and the dog (and a lot of tools). The framing is extruded aluminum made especially with a groove for screening. The kit was spec'd out from a drawing I made and submitted to Home Depot's vendor, a manufacturer, Madden Metals out of Missouri. They manufacturer extruded framing for commercial and residential applications (windows, screen products, etc.).

The shutters (internal) on the windows are on all the windows and are quite nice (they came with the house). They have wood slats.

I'll put up more pictures of the patio project next week. Today I frame in the doorway and next week install the screen in all the openings.
I was wondering if it was extruded aluminum. One of the vendors we represent is Bosch extruded aluminum, I don't sell it but know the product. I like the clean look. Looks like you're doing a nice job. Looking forward to more pics, love seeing construction.

Do those shutters help keep out sun/heat?
I was wondering if it was extruded aluminum. One of the vendors we represent is Bosch extruded aluminum, I don't sell it but know the product. I like the clean look. Looks like you're doing a nice job. Looking forward to more pics, love seeing construction.

Do those shutters help keep out sun/heat?

Yes, they close up and keep the sun/heat out a bit. Need that here in the South.

Nice job, aja8888! Now I see why you needed those tapcon bits.

Sent from my iPhone :).using Early Retirement .//82339)

Yes, that old concrete is pretty hard! Topcons went in nicely though! Nothing like a good hammer drill and quality bits!
Went to the Louvre and saw the Ruben's commissioned by Marie Medici. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_de'_Medici_cycle I remembered these from the last time I was in Paris... Almost 20 years ago. Still stunning.

Also saw the Mona Lisa.... Meh... Crowds were horrific in that room.

Loved the Paris museum pass. Bypassed the lines and went straight into the museum. (The lines were super long).
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