what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Finally out of the heat!

Well, 4 hours @ 100 F was enough fr today. Managed to frame up the doorway and supports. Lots of measuring, cutting, trimming, up and down the ladder, leveling, drilling and swearing, but here's where we are (tomorrow it's the screen door install):

Framed Up.jpg
aja, It's looking good. You work like we do, clean up your work area.
Yesterday was sunny and very warm but enjoyable.

Did the Sunday grocery run, went on a nice 4 mile walk in the PQ preserve on the shady side of the creek.

Got home and did have to deal with one of the neighbors who parked one of their 4 cars on my side of the street which had about 3 ft 'poking' into our driveway - made it really hard to back out of the garage. But, we are on good terms, he got it moved.

Listened to music on the back patio with some cold beer.

Smoked a nice sized tri-tip for the family dinner with grilled corn, baked potato, and fresh made cornbread.

Then cooled off with a Klondike ice cream sandwich for dessert.
Went up the Eiffel tower. Then walked over to the arc de triomphe and climbed those stairs. Walked back to the apartment by way of the Louvre. My feet hurt.
DW's grandnieces, ages 5 and 9, are visiting SIL who lives 15 minutes away. Today we all took them to Luray Caverns in VA. It's cool thing to do on a hot day so that worked well and they enjoyed it although the little one was getting tired by the end.

The third photo is a pond inside the cavern so yes that is a reflection. The organ works by activating rubber mallets that hit stalagmites and stalactites that have the proper tone for that key. And the last photo is a three-frame vertical panorama of a 47-foot column.


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Beautiful pictures as always Walt.

I just found out that there is a Pickleball Club in California where clothing is optional!!

I've had a grimace on my face since reading the article... the thoughts of us older folks bouncing around the court with our privates hanging out is not a pleasant picture! I desperately need some new image to erase the horror! :cool:
Post of the week! Thanks for the laughter!
I just found out that there is a Pickleball Club in California where clothing is optional!!

I've had a grimace on my face since reading the article... the thoughts of us older folks bouncing around the court with our privates hanging out is not a pleasant picture! I desperately need some new image to erase the horror! :cool:
Driving home from our mountain house today, I passed a Dairy Queen and that got me thinking about ice cream. I knew I had ice cream sandwiches in the freezer at home so I spent the rest of the drive anticipating a nice snack.

I arrived home to a mess. The freezer compartment of our fridge was not fully closed (our freezer compartment is on the bottom) and had been that way at least since DH left for work at 7 a.m, but most likely since Monday night. ( I haven't been here since Friday, so not my fault....). Lots of stuff had to be tossed and there was a big puddle of melted goo. I had to take everything out and remove the baskets to thoroughly clean. The worst part was that the ice cream sandwiches all melted! All of the ice cream was part of the goo!

I was not amused. After coming home to that mess ( and not getting ice cream) I was in no mood to cook dinner so I ordered cheesesteaks and made my dear husband go pick them up while I moped on the sofa. Tomorrow I will go buy some ice cream.
Nice photos, Walt! Looks like a cool place to take the kids.

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Looks like a cool place for any age.
Pulled appliances, completing the task of emptying out our kitchen. Tomorrow the renovation crew arrives and sets up, including a dumpster. Then we start breaking stuff...


Pulled appliances, completing the task of emptying out our kitchen. Tomorrow the renovation crew arrives and sets up, including a dumpster. Then we start breaking stuff...

I did a similar renovation in our last house. The tall cabinets with crown molding looked very good and provided more storage. I put dimable low voltage lighting behind the crown molding and puck lights under the cabinets. With the glass cabinet doors, I would also put puck lights in the cabinets.

It looks like you are putting in a garden window. That should be very nice. The drawing shows the beam across the top of the window will be removed. I would guess the drawing is conceptual and not the exact plan?
Day 3 of a heat wave...by East Nowhere (upstate NY) standards, that is. I made sure I got outside by 8 AM to water my container garden before the heat got to be too much.
I am harvesting pickling cukes to beat the band. I love them sliced with a little sea salt on them. What I can't eat in 2 days goes into the refrigerator pickles I have started up in a quart mason jar. I add at least 3 cloves of garlic to the mix. I'm leaving them whole this time instead of slicing them into spears. I use the minimum amount of salt possible.

I got my results yesterday from my recent blood w*rk for my physical. All things are right where they belong...blood pressure, triglycerides, LDL and HDL cholesterol, thyroid, fasting blood sugar, and liver something or other that they test for. I'm still 10 lbs lighter than 2 years ago. My doctor gave me major kudos for the weight loss, exercise and diet changes I have initiated and stuck to on her advice for general prevention.
Next up is the mammo and bone density scan tests to finish up the set of routine screenings.

Then it's back to the chicken wings and pizza diet...just kidding. :LOL:
I just found out that there is a Pickleball Club in California where clothing is optional!!

I've had a grimace on my face since reading the article... the thoughts of us older folks bouncing around the court with our privates hanging out is not a pleasant picture! I desperately need some new image to erase the horror! :cool:

Yeah. :p

Let them run around nakkid on the court, and before long they will be able to swing body parts rather than the paddle to hit the ball. >:D
Walt, I remember going to those caverns when I was a kid. Thanks for sharing the pics!

+1 - my Girl Scout troop visited there when I was about 10 I think. Great photos - I remember the organ.
Driving home from our mountain house today, I passed a Dairy Queen and that got me thinking about ice cream. I knew I had ice cream sandwiches in the freezer at home so I spent the rest of the drive anticipating a nice snack. ......Tomorrow I will go buy some ice cream.

Tomorrow, July 30th, at participating DQ's they will donate a $1. or more to Children's Miracle Network Hospital's when you buy a blizzard. Love blizzards and don't buy them often but I will tomorrow.

Can't even imagine the mess you had.
Took a break from my workout schedule - had recently turned things up a notch with higher weights and was feeling the somewhat painful results - and decided to park myself on a beach for much of the day. Looking across to the U.S. San Juans Islands I found myself a bit emotional that yes, I have actually pulled off this dream of FIRE.

As I write this, it is getting HOT (well, hot for a PNW'er) and I'm going to head up to the garden to grab one of my rather large 8-ball squash, which I will stuff with all sorts of goodness for dinner tonight.

Maybe a post dinner paddle is in the offing...sigh...these are my days. :)
Trying to stay on a regular regime for walking to get some cardio exercise in an attempt to lower my BP.

I went back to the Torrey Pines Extension preserve area today and found a trail that leads to one of the most spectacular overviews of Torrey Pines and the ocean to the west, and Carmel Valley all the way to Black Mountain to the east.

I've been in SD since '75 and never explored this trail. One of those "this is SO cool" and "Wow" discoveries.

Definitely going back with DW.

Enjoying a cold beverage, fresh salad, and some relaxing tunes now.
Tomorrow, July 30th, at participating DQ's they will donate a $1. or more to Children's Miracle Network Hospital's when you buy a blizzard. Love blizzards and don't buy them often but I will tomorrow.

Can't even imagine the mess you had.

Mm, I haven't had a Blizzard in years. They are very good-- I may have to buy one on 7/30, since it's for charity.
Spent the hot day in the cool wooded hills of my camp, cleared some trails, admired the scenery, contemplated belly button.
Bike ride, bought a new orbital sander, went out for lunch, and spent the afternoon building a table.

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Mm, I haven't had a Blizzard in years. They are very good-- I may have to buy one on 7/30, since it's for charity.

That is what I keep telling myself......it's for charity. :dance:
Are you in the Phillie area? If you are there is a ice cream place called O Wow Cow. Has a store in Wrightstown, Pa, Lambertville, NJ and Ottsville, PA My gym was near one of the stores........I had to find another gym. I couldn't stay out of the place. Their ice cream is "to die for".
Climbed Wheeler Peak in New Mexico this morning with DD and SIL: 13,161 ft. 10 miles round trip complete with 3500 feet elevation gain, stinging hail and torrential rain on the trip down. Exhilarating!!!
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