What did you do today? 2016 version

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Thank you, I was aware of that. I was just trying to be funny. Silly me. :facepalm:

It's funny. Not your post, although that was cool. I was thinking about the difficulty people have interpreting internet posts due to the lack of visual confirmation/body language/audible intonation. Since we're well on the way to having the internet become the communications method of choice, will later generations become more able to interpret nuances in print? And will they also lose the ability to interpret in person communications nuances? I doubt I'll be around long enough to see it, but it's an interesting (to me at least) thought.
Today is/will be a good example of one person's diverse day in ER- up early to 1) work on my Spanish homework and 2) get dinner in the crockpot, before we head out for our weekly Monday morning 10 mile conditioning hike. Quick lunch after at Chipotle, then home to shower and head out again to my Monday afternoon Lifelong Learning Spanish class (I attend three Spanish classes a week through this program, plus one online tutoring session). After class we rip home to get dinner completed and ready to serve to our monthly bookclub.

This month the club read Moonstone by Wilkie Collins, about a stolen Indian gem, so dinner is Indian themed - Chicken Vindaloo, Basmati rice, cucumber salad and naan bread. Dessert will be banana cake with cream cheese frosting that I baked last night.

I'm currently addicted to doing puzzles on my Kindle, so I'll likely work on one after dinner for a bit until it's lights out.
Skated. Showed a young lady some tricks. Figure skating tricks.
DD came down to visit for the weekend. We went to the cinema to see "Deadpool" and then had an enjoyable dinner out.

Deadpool was fun to watch, especially for anyone interested in learning new insults or obscenities.
Cleaned a couple of 38's and 22's. Relaxing task, taking them apart and putting them back together.


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Typical ROMEO breakfast at Burger King this morning. I introduced a new potential member who recently lost his job at age 64. Gotta love the energy industry these days. He is now an official retiree with Cobra insurance. Seeing he is a newcomer to the group, he is in "Interloper" status for a while.

Members attempted to tell some of the same stories they told before and were quickly cut off. The big topic for the day was.....well, I can't remember..:facepalm:

On with the rest of the day. DW had a stress test in the morning for her upcoming colonoscopy. Not your typical stress test, but an injection that apparently stresses the heart for a while. Apparently, when you get old enough, you have to do this before being accepted for the colonoscopy. That was news to me.

A friend and I went to Harbor Freight in the afternoon to pick up a few tools and supplies as I am helping him resurrect a 1991 Ford RV (30 foot job) that has been sitting for 5 years. This could be a long project.
... I am helping him resurrect a 1991 Ford RV (30 foot job) that has been sitting for 5 years. This could be a long project.

Yep, long and potentially frustrating if moisture has invaded the RV structure, which it almost certainly has if it has been stored outside and not had the roof carefully maintained. Good luck.
Yep, long and potentially frustrating if moisture has invaded the RV structure, which it almost certainly has if it has been stored outside and not had the roof carefully maintained. Good luck.

Yes, it's been full of surprises so far (2 months). Everything is rusty, but the price was right.:D
Yes, it's been full of surprises so far (2 months). Everything is rusty, but the price was right.:D

Reminds me of the Jaguar joke, There is nothing more expensive than a cheap Jaguar.
Tax time

I spent the day at the local Senior Center as a volunteer preparing taxes for seniors and low income people.
Yep, long and potentially frustrating if moisture has invaded the RV structure, which it almost certainly has if it has been stored outside and not had the roof carefully maintained. Good luck.

The motor home I currently call home is a 1985. It had sat for probably over 10 years, but the engine had been started from time to time. It didn't leak when I got it, but with the drive up to the mountains to its present spot, I had roof leaks. My first attempt was with a very expensive sealer from the motor home place. Worked sort of for that first summer. The next spring it was leaking like a sieve. I used a roof sealer from the hardware store that was clear and came in both calk tubes and more liquid 1 gallon cans. Less than half the cost of the motor home place and I have not had a leak since. This is my second winter of full time in it. Here in Colorado, the air is so dry that there is not a mildew smell. I don't think this rig is road worthy, so I don't know how the sealer I used would stand up on the road.
It's tough to live in a motorhome or any RV in a real winter location. The 1" thick wall does not provide much insulation. The builder of my high-country home lived in a trailer while working on a home he was building after mine. One night when it dropped below 0F, he and his wife cried murder and fled to the lower elevation the next morning.

I guess if you have electric hookup plus a propane heater, it would help. The cost of heating can be huge though. I read the blog of a Canadian RV'er who decided to tough it out somewhere south of Calgary one winter. The propane bill to heat a class C was several hundred a month, as much as it cost to heat a home.
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It's tough to live in a motorhome or any RV in a real winter location. The 1" thick wall does not provide much insulation. The builder of my high-country home lived in a trailer while working on a home he was building after mine. One night when it dropped below 0F, he and his wife cried murder and fled to the lower elevation the next morning.

I guess if you have electric hookup plus a propane heater, it would help. The cost of heating can be huge though. I read the blog of a Canadian RV'er who decided to tough it out somewhere south of Calgary one winter. The propane bill to heat a class C was several hundred a month, as much as it cost to heat a home.

I just happen to have the latest bill for propane in front of me - $137.78. First fill up since October. Including this bill I have paid a total of $282.48 for propane in the last 12 mos including $24.70 for tank rental. Electric for the 12 mos is $945.98 including a little over $10 per month for the separate power up at the house. I keep the place between 68 and 70. The electric heater I got at Costco varies that much. The furnace is set at about 68 so it kicks on when it is too cold for the little electric heater by itself. I'm pretty cozy and it isn't too hard on the billfold either. :)
That's not bad at all. The Canadian RV'er I talked about built a skirt around the RV to help shield its bottom. It was perhaps colder there, because the outside propane tank often refused to gasify and she had no propane flow even though the tank was half-full.
That's not bad at all. The Canadian RV'er I talked about built a skirt around the RV to help shield its bottom. It was perhaps colder there, because the outside propane tank often refused to gasify and she had no propane flow even though the tank was half-full.

That must have been cold. I skirted my motor home with 1 inch aluminum foil faced foam.

Last winter it got down below -20 several nights and was down in the -5 to -10 range during the night quite a bit. I used a second electric heater for those nights. The only time I was not comfortable was when the electricity was out for 5 days but that was in the Spring and it was not that cold. This year was not so cold with just a few nights below zero.
Made a library run, and dermatologist's office for a checkup and have some keratosis frozen off. Ouch! But only for a short time. Dropped off the pickup for the state inspection and tire rotation.

And stumbled across yet another article praising the virtues of chocolate: Eating Chocolate Regularly Is Good For Your Brain, Says Science Good thing I stocked up before the rush starts!
Had two kitchen appointments scheduled for today. Refrigerator had been making odd noises for a week or so and so I scheduled them to come out and check it out (based on Google, it looked likely to be an ice buildup on the fan, which seems to be a design flaw in these Samsung fridges - at least ours lasted 6 years before the problem came up). Tech ordered the parts and warned us that it might seize up anytime. He couldn't have been 3 miles away when the crunching noise told us it happened. They agreed to overnight the part in from KY for $25 so hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow afternoon. Fortunately, the freezer has a separate cooling system so it's working OK.

Afternoon was more fun - I splurged to buy a new Bosch dishwasher because the Samsung I bought when we remodeled 6 years ago I have never liked. I made a big mistake not taking our dishes to the showroom to see how they fit - and they have never fit well. When the adjustment on the top rack broke, that was that. So I took my dishes to BestBuy this time and picked a Bosch. Installer ran it for a test cycle and I could barely hear it run at all. They were here and gone in less than 30 minutes, which was amazing to me.

Time to fix dinner and get ready for the endowment committee meeting at church tonight.
Skied today with DD and her boyfriend. It isn't easy for an old man to keep up with twenty somethings. I'm tired.
We got home from Puerto Rico last might, so I've been busy this morning doing laundry and getting groceries.

My daughters stalked my Amazon wish list to get me a birthday present. I had heard rave reviews of the Instant Pot, so put it on my wish list while I researched and decided if I wanted one. Well, one showed up on my doorstep the day before we left on vacation. I'm not sure I would've bought it for myself but since it's here I'll give it a try. I spent some time searching Pinterest for recipes while we were away. I just made macaroni and cheese in it, which we will have for dinner tonight with turkey drumsticks (also to be cooked in the IP).
Mailed in the state taxes. I've filed electronically for so many years that it felt weird doing it on paper. But since we moved last year we were part-year residents of two states and neither one lets you e-file if you're not a full year resident.
Called several painting contractors to come out and give me estimates on painting the exterior of our house. Had to work to find a couple willing to come out here in the sticks to take my money.
This showed up in my email this morning, apparently by way of Facebook. I'm not even ON Facebook! (but I did have the pleasure of seeing the original guys just before Christmas) This is a version by Nicki Bluhm and The Gramblers. Helps to have spies out there!

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