What did you do today? - 2022 version

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I’m at the gym this morning, getting it done before the snow starts. Today is bike day, I’ll spin for as long as it takes for DH to do his workout. I really prefer to ride outside but it’s too cold for me. At least the spin bike gives me time in the saddle.
Different day same game. Another 6 to 8 inches of snow arrived for another day of snow removal and roof cleaning. I like the exercise and being outdoors so not all a bad thing. Good for the heart!

Have a nice lunch than finish my book I didn't quite got dome yesterday.
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We stayed inside and didn't go any farther than the mailbox. We did see some sleet early this morning but after that it's been all rain. DW played with jigsaw puzzles and I played with salvaging all the still-useful items from an R/C airplane that got stuck in a tree about last May or June. Attempting to retrieve it would have been too unsafe so I wrote it off. It eventually came down (they usually do) and surprisingly all the electronics save one servo with a stripped gear train seem to work okay. Another club member found it and let me know. I think I'll send the receiver in for a checkup before trusting another airplane to it but everything on it works.
Played pickleball; checked the mail; went over finances again; and now I'm heading out to the pool. It's a beautiful day outside!
It started out frosty. I thawed out the tool truck and went to the jobsite, and fired up the dump truck and excavator and scraped windows.
I moved the dump truck to the shop, got a ride back to the job, and spent the day running hither and yon, getting the lowdown on sleeves for the next phase of that job. It's a car wash building. We are putting in some stubs of plumbing for the car wash contractor, along with our usual scope of work. I cut sleeves and installed them below the footing excavations to make our part much easier. That job will go in two weeks after they get the footings and stemwalls poured
Different day same game! lol

Another day of digging out for the fourth time in 3 days from a Colorado Low that brought us some snow.

Will be heading to the city to watch granddaughter pretty soon. A beautiful blue bird day and some melting has started. Will see how roads are been a mostly no travel for the last three days.

Not sure if anyone here wears wool outer gear for winter months. I have for just about my entire life and the stuff is amazing.
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I used a metal cutting blade, but I think most any blade would work, although with a cheap one it might be a single use operation. The metal skin on the safe is incredibly thin. You could fold a sheet of aluminum foil in half 2 or 3 times and get the same thickness. Under that is a couple inches of insulation, then the inner shell is thin plastic. No real security at all.

After cutting the front off, I went ahead and cut the main part in half so I would have three pieces instead of two. That made it easy to load in the car and haul away.

Be sure to put a disposable drop cloth down -- cutting through that insulation creates a lot of dust!

I had the same problem with a Sentrty safe, the batteries went dead, I put new batteries in there and I think it kept the same combo, but it did open. Problem is the new batteries went dead in two days, same with the following set, so now I have to pull out the battery rack so the batteries don’t drain. Then I pop it back in to use it.

I did call the manufacture, and they told me to clean up the battery contacts, but that did nothing.
I haven't yet but I'm about to go flying an R/C airplane in the back yard, one that doesn't need much room. Maybe I can talk DW into taking some video or still photos, but it's a bit chilly for that and she dislikes cold weather just as much as I do.
Took a carload of cardboard moving boxes to the transfer station aka dump for recycling. If I was feeling super cheap we could save $27 a month on weekly trash pickup, unloading at the dump is free for residents. But then I would have to take my own trash 8 miles to the dump every time.
picked up some prescriptions, then went to the shop to take care of paperwork and pick up 6 tons of sand for a water line job we are digging on Monday.
Cold but sunny day here.
Cleaning the house after watching DGS for two days--home from school with a nasty cold and Dad needed to work. (nope, just a cold, no Covid)
DH and I have been upping the Vit C and Zinc and I was meticulous on hand washing and cleaning touch surfaces around the house when he was here. Didn't wear masks, but I have air purifiers in every room, and I don't think we will catch it. He was on Day 4 before he came and no fever.
DW and I went to the Post Office to mail out Christmas and Holiday gifts. Not as many this year, as we sent out more online gifts directly to relatives than usual. Things were not as crowded as I thought it would be. There was a line, but we had to wait maybe 10 minutes.

It was our choice to stand on line. We do the "Click and Ship" mailings, and they had a big and overflowing bin for folks who just wanted to drop off those types of mailings and not wait on line. But I prefer to get a receipt so that I have proof that it has been accepted by the local office. Trust, but verify :).
I am doing laundry and watching some favorite musicals, while comforting an old dog who woke up hurting. He forgets his age and goes nuts, playing with the younger dog and charging around like a fool. He's a Jack Russell, it is how they roll.
I made more of my homemade granola. I like it because it is far less sugary than the store bought stuff. I also replace about half of the oatmeal flakes with wheat flakes. And I add more nuts.

Currently, I am eating lunch while I watch the snow fall outside. It's too warm to stick (34 degrees) and most flakes are melting as soon as they hit the ground. Tonight, with lows below freezing, the roads should be a slippery mess. I'll stay home.
Last bike race of the year this morning. Finished 4th in our Fall race series in a field of two dozen. Happy with that result. Last year I finished 7th overall and year prior was 13th.

Either I’m getting faster or my buddies are getting slower as we age. Probably a little of each.

Winter mountain bike race series starts up after the New Year. The good times keep rolling.
It was a busy day. I sold my wife's vintage Trice recumbent trike (25 years) in like new condition with only 300 miles to a senior person who drove up with some friends from a couple of hours away. It was his first trike and he was looking for something that would be more gentle to his back instead of a bike. One of his friends was a long time recumbent and bike rider so he had someone to help check it out. When he saw it he was very pleased with the deal. No haggling. I heard back from him later in the day and he had already taken his first ride for 4 miles and was really excited to be back on wheels pain free.
Then I went to retrieve my table saw motor from the repair shop. My wife gave me the saw about 30 years ago and I only used it a couple of times before it gave me a problem and I couldn't use it. I finally cleared out enough of the garage to start using it again. I had to wait 2-3 weeks since it was being checked out in their spare time. I was expecting to pay $100+ but he only charged $20. Merry Christmas to me. It took an hour to bolt it back on the saw then read the manual, and measure and readjust all the set up. Turned it on and I think I have a useable table saw to learn.
Cooked up a big pot of chicken soup with fresh veggies for the next few days then prepared and set out all the Luminaria bags and lit the candles. The entire neighborhood participated with dozens of luminaria lining both sides of the street.
All in all a pleasant day.

Took down 3 old light fixtures from the porch cover. Pulled out a bunch of old baling wires that used to hold up lights, I guess. Unscrewed a few dozen screws that were just sticking out of the wood. Almost all phillips head, but a few wanted a star bit for no apparent reason. Cut up a weather beaten piece of plywood to fit the trash can.

Put a dent in what needs done. I wish it was not just a dent, there is a lot more to do. Thanks Black and Decker for cordless screwdrivers. A must have. :greetings10:
I went with my son and the grandkids to Enchanted Christmas. It’s a Christmas themed maze, ice skating rink, food drinks, Santa, and some entertainment.
The kids had a blast and asked if we could go again next year. This was their first time ice skating. I think they enjoyed the challenge.
It was a fun time but it was so cold.
Heading out to pick up younger DB to take him Christmas shopping for SiL. He had knee repair (torn tendons from a fall) surgery last week, but doesn't want her to go get her own gifts!
Simple trip--he just wants gift cards.
He is taking me to lunch afterwards.
Pest control is also coming later today for routine visit. I know the spiders and ants just want to come in from the cold, but not in my kitchen!
3rd candle tonight / 1st linner (lunch @ 3) today then off to turn on city's menorah Screenshot_20221220-091326_Photos.jpg
Started checking all the exposed water pipes for the cold weather that's heading this way in a few days... Last years insulation job has held up pretty well so not that much to do.
I took my mom out for lunch today. She was so happy to be out.

My wife extracted a promise from her not to drive anymore. In return, we will arrange with my siblings to take turn driving her to her hairdresser, and to get her out of the house for errands or meals. I personally will take her to her medical appointments, and will be cognizant of her medical needs and conditions.
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Overnight snow has made the roads in my area a bit iffy. There isn't much snow (about 4 inches max) but we have a lot of hills. And a lot of drivers who can't drive well in snow. So I stayed home.

I made a pot of baked beans which I like much better because they are less sugary than the canned store bought baked beans. Now that my regular CD/bond ladder is almost done, I took advantage of the time at home to start researching TIPS which interest me.
Went to ranch and had to walk in because county pushed snow up in my access road. I wanted to get some SD cards won't be back here for about week now.
A few pictures from the walk-in a 3-mile trip. Not sure I will get to cabin till spring now but will use the line shack this winter when I spend days here. A lot of snow coming soon. A great day to be in the outdoors.


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Looks cold. I hope the 3 miles was round trip, not 1 way.

I bought 4 bags of stove pellets at 40 pounds each. At $9 - $10 a bag I don't know it will be all that economical to heat the house with but will see.
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