What did you do today? 2016 version

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First Sunday of the month is open hangar day. Fun to walk around the airpo
rt and watch the planes.

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12+ mile hike with my wife in Waterton Canyon just outside Denver.
We earned an afternoon on the couch.


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Fri and Sat, about half day each, put the front sheetmetal, running boards and rear fenders on my 37 Ford. Sure seems that the concrete garage floor gets harder and lower these days compared to when I was younger. Rest of the time was spent chasing an electrical issue on my 38 Chevy, quick run to grocery store, and watering some around the house. Been so dry here, I know my water bill is probably going to be 50% higher than avg. Today was mowing the lawn and a lot more watering. Quick rest break hereon the computer, and then back to the garage some more.
This morning I watched two baby Killdeer birds hatch in the back yard. Mom and Dad have been squatting on them for a couple of weeks. Then noticed in one of my pots with a large cactus that there are eight Mourning Dove eggs in there. Mom and Dad nowhere to be seen. Must have been out foraging!

They join the myriad of baby quails running around the yard.
This morning I watched two baby Killdeer birds hatch in the back yard. Mom and Dad have been squatting on them for a couple of weeks. Then noticed in one of my pots with a large cactus that there are eight Mourning Dove eggs in there. Mom and Dad nowhere to be seen. Must have been out foraging!

They join the myriad of baby quails running around the yard.

We got to do that years ago! What a treat, noticed one egg rocking and brought out lawn chairs.:) Watched three hatch and get up and around for the first time.
Been spending time visiting the Philly part of the family. I enjoyed spending time with MIL today even though she had no clue who I was. Dementia made her think I was her mother at one point. But she told some great stories from her childhood and early marriage. And she still remembers her Italian. (Her parents immigrated and that was the language spoken at home when she grew up.) I would ask her questions in Italian, she'd answer in English. My husband (her son) was surprised she was still as comfortable in Italian as English since he doesn't remember her speaking it often.
We don't having any baby birds to watch but last week a mom fox and 4 kits were in the yard. We were sitting out on the patio with friends when two of the foxes appeared along the top of the fence and let us know in no uncertain terms we were in their space. So we took the dog inside and watched them play for twenty minutes in the backyard through the windows. It was too cute.
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I went back down into the hell-hole low desert heat today. The deck in the high-country home had been removed, and the joists and beams treated with Thompson sealer. I have some business at the main home to attend to. In a week, will be back up to the home in cool climate to install the Trex boards and the trimmings. Will post photos of before/after when I get all done.
Weather here is in the low 70's so took advantage and did a short kayak trip on the South Branch of the Potomac yesterday. This is Hanging Rocks about 5 miles north of Romney, WV.


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I just ordered a new kayak paddle and some clothing to use for my river guide part-time gig. We get a nice discount by ordering through the employer. So far I'm $250 in the hole from this "j*b"; good thing we are FI. Most of the gear I've purchased will work for my personal use kayaking or sailing, so being able to get the discount is a very nice perk.

Going down now to check the lake conditions. If it's windy, I'll go out on the Sunfish. If not, I'll go fishing in my kayak. RE life is very good ?
OMG, you have a real talent for writing with humor! I had a great laugh over how you described your incident. Has happened to lots of us but I've never heard it described in such a hilarious way. Thank you for making me laugh! ?

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I meant my post for imoldernu. Thought I replied to it but must have been user error.

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Hung out on the porch this morning before it got too warm. Squeaky and Jasmine joined me for a while.


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davemartin, adorable picture! Assuming the cat is Squeaky, Squeaky is obviously completely relaxed with the dog to how her "innards" that way. She knows she had the upper hand.
Today we walked more than 5 miles around the very center of Vienna. Stephansdom was the focus for today.

Missed you by a few days - our church choir sang there last Thursday! We also sang at the Salzburg Dom and at St. Salvator (across from Charles Bridge) in Prague. I averaged 6.5 miles walking each day so was able to enjoy the wonderful European breads, pastries, and ice cream without gaining weight. Although I'm not generally a fan of group tours, this one went very smoothly thanks to great advance logistics by our tour company, an excellent local guide and bus driver, and a generally positive attitude by all 52 of the travelers. A fantastic trip, and it's also great to be home (although this 100 degree heat every day is not fun at all).
davemartin, adorable picture! Assuming the cat is Squeaky, Squeaky is obviously completely relaxed with the dog to how her "innards" that way. She knows she had the upper hand.

Squeaky is the cat. We have two other dogs and she is not quite this relaxed around them but nearly so- Jasmine is our 16 year old cattle dog that probably won't be with us much longer so try not to miss a picture when it's there.

Squeaky arrived here as a kitten a couple of years ago, she just wandered in and decided to stay. Friendliest cat I've ever seen, there are two others that we see outside that arrived around the same time but we never get close to them- they do come up on the deck sometimes but at the first sign of humans, they make a run for it. They look healthy and there are plenty of critters here for them to eat.

Thanks for the comment.
Yesterday I had jury duty. They get me as often as possible, every 2 years. I'm always double summoned once from DMV and again from voter registration. Even though I have appeared 15 times in the last 30 years I have never been on a jury. Amazing.

This time the defendant no showed for trial. He's now in big trouble.

And I'm off the hook for another 2 years - :)
Missed you by a few days - our church choir sang there last Thursday! We also sang at the Salzburg Dom and at St. Salvator (across from Charles Bridge) in Prague. I averaged 6.5 miles walking each day so was able to enjoy the wonderful European breads, pastries, and ice cream without gaining weight. Although I'm not generally a fan of group tours, this one went very smoothly thanks to great advance logistics by our tour company, an excellent local guide and bus driver, and a generally positive attitude by all 52 of the travelers. A fantastic trip, and it's also great to be home (although this 100 degree heat every day is not fun at all).

Interesting that the world grows smaller...

It is 12:15 am, Thursday. We are back from Baden, where we visited our third wine garten. Fortunately we saw the last half of Portugal-Wales.
Earlier in the day we were at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Too much to list.
I started the morning with coffee on the patio with the dog and the local momma fox showed up again and barked at us to leave so she could bring out the kids. We went inside and watched the baby foxes play. They are so cute. Though today they were out there for a couple of hours so I missed my morning patio time. The dog was not impressed taking orders from a fox so I took him for a walk and all was well.

We went out to a pub for lunch and I had a bison burger, strawberry margaritas on the patio later on and the rest of the day I just kind of dawdled away.
momma fox showed up again and barked at us to leave so she could bring out the kids. We went inside and watched the baby foxes play. They are so cute.

We had a fox raise a couple of kits under the garden shed two years ago, and they are incredibly cute to watch.

One day we were watching and suddenly our cat appeared next to them (we had no idea he was outdoors) and one of the fox kits played with the cat for about five minutes until they both lost interest. It was amazing to see them chasing each other and jumping over one another. The other kit and mama fox ignored the unseemly behavior.
Clean tablets are overrated. Dirty tablets that work are better.
Went to physical therapy for the lingering pain/swelling in my left leg from the fall last May, then an hour+ workout at the gym in the same building. By then very hungry and not in the mood for cooking/preparing anything I stopped at the pizza shop on the way home and ordered a loaded-up pizza (extra cheese, pepperoni, ham, bacon, some other kind of meat I forgot) and green peppers.

Surprising myself, I ate half of it at one sitting. I guess that PT really took it out of me.:LOL: I probably won't eat dinner.
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