What did you do today? 2017 version

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My family had our last big trip today. All day sailing from Maui to Lanai for snorkeling and lunch at the beach. After almost 8 hours under the sun, we came back to our temporary home, I'm so tired, I had a bit of seasickness. But the snorkeling was wonderful. Too many colorful fish, the best I've done in 25 plus years in Maui. Plus I finished my last mango, simple and delicious, much better than what I can get in California. I like to eat fresh fruits and fresh fish in Hawaii.
Tomorrow we are resting before we fly back to the states. This trip reminds me not to go anywhere too long. I too miss my home and my garden.
I waited long after the sun went down to brave the heat and made a run to Total Wine to get a bottle of Aperol, one of Prosecco, and soda. These were for bringing to the party hosted by my daughter tomorrow. I have grown fond of the Aperol Spritz drink from the recent European trip. When you are thirsty from walking under the Tuscan sun, and want a change from the usual beer, this drink hits the spot.

On the way home, stopped by Safeway to get a couple of oranges to garnish the above drink. Also got a big container of Blue Bell ice cream. Have not had ice cream for a while, and people on this forum said it was good stuff.
We stocked up on supplies for the holiday weekend to try to beat the crowds - groceries for a party, gas for the car and tranquilizers from the vet for the dog. We picked up Dim Sum that was enough for lunch and dinner and went to a Beach Boys tribute band concert in the evening.
On Saturday, took the train to the big city. Started with coffee and French pastry. Then visited the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia. Walked a zillion steps, maybe. Walked through the terminal market, but much too crowded. Settled for dumplings in Chinatown, and home by 3pm.
I have grown fond of the Aperol Spritz drink from the recent European trip. When you are thirsty from walking under the Tuscan sun, and want a change from the usual beer, this drink hits the spot.

I want to try that. I immediately fell in love with Campari (in a Negroni) despite being told it was an acquired taste.

Ah, here's the official recipe.
We had a nice weekend. Yesterday we went to a 4th of July (America's Brexit vote) party. Today we went to a 4th of July event at a historic home, Meek Mansion, with house tours, a band and picnicking on the grounds.
Sunday was a repeat - visit the city, but this time the Phila. Museum of Art. First, had a great breakfast of baked eggs with feta and ratatouille served in a skillet. Then onto the trove of European and American art.

These walks in the city seem much longer than a just a few years ago!
First day back at home and I made a tour trip of my garden. Beans galore! Huge smiley. I finally have some beans from my garden. One huge zucchini but not massive. Have had time to inspect the rest yet except that it does look like I have a jungle. Huge smiley again!
Hey, I remember that day too, when the training wheels were removed.

It was actually uneventful, because my father had slowly raised the training wheels so much that I had learned to balance the bike straight if I wanted to ride. Leaning on one of the wheels meant I would be listing 30 degrees to one side. :)

Never had training wheels. Kept riding downhill until you didn't fall over anymore.:)
My memory is not that good. I have to rely on my sister's memory for my childhood because she was older. She did say I was almost bitten by a Cobra until a captain from a military pulled out a gun and killed it. That may explains why I'm such a dare devil today. Haha
I was put on a new (to me) medication and a couple of issues arose when getting it filled at the pharmacy.

But now I have a way to communicate with my doctor by email and we were able to get things cleared up easily.

This is so much better than having to visit his office or negotiating the voice mail hell on his phone line. I love it!

There really is a lot to like about modern medicine, even with its faults.
I went back to the phone store with my new Samsung. Second time in a week. First the screen protector broke and fell off when it dropped. OK, the nice person replaced the protector outside warranty. Two days ago the protector started separating from the curved display and by today, it was only hanging onto the bottom.

They gave me a liquid cover, surprisingly plastic doesn't cling to curved surfaces? very well. Well who could have predicted that.

When I drove home I saw a mule deer standing near the road. Couldn't figure out why she was standing in the open. A few minutes later the weeds separated and her new-born fawn came out to nurse.

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I was put on a new (to me) medication and a couple of issues arose when getting it filled at the pharmacy.

But now I have a way to communicate with my doctor by email and we were able to get things cleared up easily.

This is so much better than having to visit his office or negotiating the voice mail hell on his phone line. I love it!

There really is a lot to like about modern medicine, even with its faults.

I'm totally stuck in voice mail hell at my doctor's office and am very envious of your situation.
I donated blood today. I am O neg, and they are always need it. In return I got a coupon marked "A pint for a pint". It was for a free pint of Baskin and Robbin ice cream!:D
I want to try that. I immediately fell in love with Campari (in a Negroni) despite being told it was an acquired taste.

Ah, here's the official recipe.

It takes no time for first-time drinkers to like Aperol Spritz. At the party a couple nights ago at my daughter's home, the guests all liked it. Instead of the 3+2+1 official recipe, I make it 1+1+1 to reduce the alcohol content. This allows me to knock down several glasses in a short time to quench my thirst. All 3 bottles going into the mix were pre-chilled, else the ice would melt immediately and dilute the drink further.

A glass of Aperol Spritz will cost you 6 euros in the Italian hill towns, and 10 euros in Paris. I bought the 3 bottles in Europe for $20, and that was good for 12 large glasses. Here in the US, it costs $30.

Don't forget to provide a full report on the experience! :)

I bought the strawberry+vanilla flavor. I am not good at writing flowery reviews, so can only say that Blue Bell ice cream is pretty darn good. I am going out to the fridge to get some right now.
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I bought the strawberry+vanilla flavor. I am not good at writing flowery reviews, so can only say that Blue Bell ice cream is pretty darn good. I am going out to the fridge to get some right now.
So glad you like it too! :clap:
Went to the Constitution Center yesterday. Nicely built, and plenty of room.
Lesson learned: U.S. has been in upheaval since day one. Many conflicts along the way, with modest gains to follow.
Holiday time with the kids: DS and family over Sunday, DD and family over yesterday and will be here later today for BBQ.
Did a tour of my garden to see what's growing. I happy to report I have 1 big Sugar baby type, 3 Ambrosia melons that are bigger than a baseball and 2 tiny golf size of Charentais melons. So I removed the ones that were not fertilized properly and gave my melons extra water for growth. I will withhold the watering part when they are starting to ripe. But it's not going to be for a few months yet.
I also picked and tasted our first Brown a Turkey fig or maybe Peter's Honey fig, it was delicious. 1000% better than the ones I can purchase in the store. I'm living the Good life, a British TV sitcom about people living off their land, IIRC.
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We got the results from 23andme for DW and DM, I received mine a week ago. Looking over DW and my ancestry is funny - we have virtually no common heritage (less than 5%). Both are typical for where we were born, and both reflect the last 400 years or so of human migration. This is not a surprise, as we were born in different parts of the world, but to see it spelled out in such a clear and precise way is interesting. I'm getting a email ready to share with our children.
We dog walked this morning followed by lunch in the park (sponsored by the city) where a big brat in a bun and a couple beers went down.

Kelly coming over in a bit for gin & tonics followed by smoked ribs and corn on the cob then watch the city firework display from the backyard.
We got the results from 23andme for DW and DM, I received mine a week ago. Looking over DW and my ancestry is funny - we have virtually no common heritage (less than 5%). Both are typical for where we were born, and both reflect the last 400 years or so of human migration. This is not a surprise, as we were born in different parts of the world, but to see it spelled out in such a clear and precise way is interesting. I'm getting a email ready to share with our children.

That's cool y'all did this. And the results reflecting such strong differences I think is also neat. You can feel responsible for diverging the genetic pool into a truly new direction. Quite an accomplishment [emoji4]
Cookout, boat ride on the 4th, took SIL and BIL to the airport early this am. Now embarking on 4 days of golden retriever sitting.
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