What did you do today? 2017 version

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(Approaching 7 months FIRE'ed) Let myself sleep late, because I CAN. Had a couple cups of coffee, caught up on e-mail, social media, FINALLY made myself go through that huge pile of STUFF on my desk, and then Windex'ed of all the mug and glass rings on it. Fixed that baseboard heater cover that had been bugging me. Made lunch, went to the Post Office (to mail my mom something that was in that pile that I had always "meant to" send her), visited our son to see his newly adopted rescue dog. Came home, took our two pups on a 1.6 mile woods hike and pressed myself a bit to make a 3mph pace (19:59/mi Yes!) this amid playing treat games with the dogs as we walked. Logged in again (CLEAN desk!) paid son's Fall tuition, moved money out of a 529, did another transfer and checked that my mega spreadsheet of all things financial was up to date. Went into my shop and tinkered with some vintage VW electric stuff, posted a $550 voltage coil I restored last night on an on line classified site. Folded a basket of laundry and vacuumed the whole downstairs ("DW tax", she still is working)... hmm, and it's only 4:06pm.....
Took a drive out to Icelandic State Park 6 miles west of town. I have been watching something I have never seen before. Normally in the spring and fall the Canadian geese will stop there for a few days and then move on. This year at the end of spring I noticed about 4 pairs of geese that hadn't gone north. This little group now has a herd of goslings. It will be interesting to see if they return next year.


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Spit repeatedly into a test tube.

Ancestry DNA testing kit.

Did the 23andme test some years ago and found it really interesting (I got in before they restricted the health reporting). I even found a previously unknown first cousin through that.

Figured it might be just as interesting to try a different lab, so we'll see what Ancestry comes up with.
Packed resupply packages for my upcoming hike of the Sierra PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) section. Hoping to go around 550+ miles in addition to the 328 I did earlier this year in the California desert. It's always funny to see the face of the grocery check out clerk as I pass through with such junkie delights as pop tarts, peanut butter, candy bars, ramen, cookies, crackers, trail mix, and other high calorie sundries. But it's necessary to try and keep up with what's burned off on trail. Many other to do's before leaving one week from today. Here's a pic from my first trip on the PCT in April.
The deck replacement is all done after a 2-week stay at the high-country home, so we drove back to the low desert to the main home. What a change, going from a climate of 70F high (21C) to 108F (42C), but we need to see what's going on at the other house.

Took some before/after photos of the deck, and will make a suitable post for bragging.
Yesterday was supposed to be a day to rest and catch up on chores around the house, but I ended up getting called in last minute to work on the river. The water was very high so the trip was easy. I didn't exert myself much, but also didn't get any chores done.

Today I led a 26-mile bike ride on the rails-to-trails, with a 1-hour side hike to a waterfall. Barely had time to get home and shower off any poison ivy before heading out to kayak roll clinic on the river. I will start a load of laundry before heading up to bed so I'll have some clean clothes to wear tomorrow.
Packed resupply packages for my upcoming hike of the Sierra PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) section. Hoping to go around 550+ miles in addition to the 328 I did earlier this year in the California desert. It's always funny to see the face of the grocery check out clerk as I pass through with such junkie delights as pop tarts, peanut butter, candy bars, ramen, cookies, crackers, trail mix, and other high calorie sundries. But it's necessary to try and keep up with what's burned off on trail. Many other to do's before leaving one week from today. Here's a pic from my first trip on the PCT in April.
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Have a great trip. Take pics for us. Will you have any traveling companions?
Went to see Stephen Stills and Judy Collins yesterday, the first show of their new tour.
Not sure he is. Her voice is still good.

Now that is amazing! She is 78 years old.

Some women start sounding like Edith Bunker as they grow older. (At least, my voice seems headed in that direction, darn the bad luck.) So I am especially thrilled to hear that her voice is still good. She had/has such a beautiful voice. "Both Sides Now" sung by her is unforgettable.

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Yeah, I've always been a fan.
I used to w*rk with a guy who went to high school with Judy Collins. He said she was a perfectly nice person, no affectations. I agree that Both Sides Now is truly a classic.

I only saw her once in a concert, back in the late 70s. She had that special charisma that grabbed everyone in the audience.
Have a great trip. Take pics for us. Will you have any traveling companions?

Thanks. I'll be taking lots of iPhone pictures for sure. But blogging to my family and friends is how I mostly document my trip.

Generally you rely on meeting up with other hikers randomly. However, as it happens, I'll be hiking with a guy I met during my first section back in April. Don't know him well but he seems like a good guy. And hiking in the high Sierra with a partner is much preferred to going solo. That's true anytime. But especially this year when the California snows were huge and now melt off is creating some very hazardous water crossings. Sadly there have been too many deaths this year among PCT and other Sierra hikers. Just two days ago a PCT hiker was found by SAR submerged in the south fork of the Kings river. It's heartbreaking. Anyway, I'm glad to have a companion to start out with on the adventure this time.

Have a great trip. Take pics for us. Will you have any traveling companions?

Btw, meant to mention. Tried hard to talk DW into going. She likes day hiking and quite good at it. But she wants no part of overnight camping. She likes her showers and bed. So after pushing some, I've backed off, in my endless push to try not to screw up our marriage. Tried to get my older brother who is also retired to go. But he also lacks interest.
I'll be hiking with a guy I met during my first section back in April. Don't know him well but he seems like a good guy.

Let us know if you run into Robert Redford & Nick Nolte! ;)
Let us know if you run into Robert Redford & Nick Nolte! ;)

Haha. Honestly, that'd be awesome. A curmudgeon like Nolte was in 'A Walk in the Woods' would certainly keep things interesting. Definitely have to keep the mind open and willing to meet all types on the trail. That's part of what makes it great.
Angel Flight

Flew a cleft palate patient and his sister home after their medical visit. It was 70 in Santa Monica when we left, but 105 in Bakersfield when we landed.
Got home and showed my copilot the TENS unit we had. Hooked him up across his back and he loved it. I ordered him one from eBay. I have to keep him healthy LOL
Now that is amazing! She is 78 years old.

Some women start sounding like Edith Bunker as they grow older. (At least, my voice seems headed in that direction, darn the bad luck.) So I am especially thrilled to hear that her voice is still good. She had/has such a beautiful voice. "Both Sides Now" sung by her is unforgettable.

I was fond of "Both Sides Now" in my teenage years, but never knew of the singer!
We went to a museum called Playland Not at the Beach yesterday. They had amusement park games, pinball machines and arcade games on free play and all sorts of amusement park games and memorabilia. I learned I'm not a pinball wizard but we still had a fun evening out.

Tonight we went to an special evening event called "Boardwalk Tilt" at The Chabot Space and Science Museum in the Oakland Hills. They had activities like pinball machines on free play, a live music from a local band and dancing, drinks, laserium shows and carnival acts like jugglers and stilt walkers walking around for a pretty fun carnival meets space museum kind of night out.
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