What did you do today? 2017 version

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After I bought my plow truck I replaced the passenger door. The replacement has a power window. I replaced that with the manual one in the bent up door. :LOL: It works fine!

At one point we had to replace an inner door panel on a car. The one we got came from a car with power windows, but the car it went into did not. We left the switches in the panel. So we cut the hole for the hand crank and told people it would work either way.
Stopped by the Toyota dealership to look at a Highlander, which should be perfect, and coincidentally will just bring my asset allocation back into line if I sell some small/midcap funds. I can't believe what they want for accessories, though. Will buy a hitch and roof rack on Amazon.

Picked the Highlander up today. Dealer was very professional about the whole thing, no tricks or up charges, took no for an answer on extended warranty and other add-ons and price matched Toyota floor mats that were also sold on Amazon.

The manual for the "multimedia system" is 3/4" thick. All I wanted was a radio and a backup camera. This thing even displays the weather forecast.
Moemg, thanks, and it has been a rough winter here in south Texas. Just about everyone I know has been affected by the pollen allergies or flu.

Ouch, not much better here up north. DW and I have been passing something back & forth. Same with friends, one ended up in the hospital :(

Glad we don't have to drag into w*rk...

But, really catching up on our reading! :)
Picked the Highlander up today. Dealer was very professional about the whole thing, no tricks or up charges, took no for an answer on extended warranty and other add-ons and price matched Toyota floor mats that were also sold on Amazon.

The manual for the "multimedia system" is 3/4" thick. All I wanted was a radio and a backup camera. This thing even displays the weather forecast.

Congrats on your purchase. I hope you're as happy with your new Highlander as we are with ours.
Was a nice temperature day but very windy. I did go down on the river to look for moose horns. The snow was vey deep but a great day to be outside.
I've added shredding old paperwork between bouts of ripping DVDs. I have two full trash bags of stuff that needs shredded. I've been carrying all this crap around with me for years; it's feeling very good to finally downsize the storage requirements, or be rid of it completely.

Day three of ripping DVDs now. Something like 100 out of the way, nearly a quarter of what's still waiting for me. This is going better than I expected.
This is something I promised to do "one day" when I retired. I spent a couple hours cleaning up music files on my computer...got a few thousand songs saved in different folders all over the place, many of which were duplicates. Deleted the duplicates and compiled everything into one folder and made a second backup folder on a different drive. Also started the same process with excel and word docs that were scattered all over the place.
Tuned and practiced the harpsichord. Spent some time editing photos from our Italy trip. Posted a few to Facebook. Loaded an extension that hides (almost) all of the political rants from my Facebook feed. Ran errands and fixed dinner. Read part of a book on Churchill's WW2 leadership. May not sound like much, but I think that's a pretty good day.
Went out with some friends for dinner and a couple drinks to celebrate the 10th anniversary of my retirement.
Congrats, Nodak! :)

As for me, I had a quick and painless root canal done today. It made my day because my tooth feels so much better. :D
As for me, I had a quick and painless root canal done today. It made my day because my tooth feels so much better. :D

Now there's something you don't hear everyday!

Wow! That's encouraging to know it's not always as bad as you hear about. Glad it went well for you, and it must be a real relief to be rid of the ache.

With all that wonderful food in NOLA, you sure don't want to be handicapped with a bad tooth!

All ya'll over here talking about wanting manual everything in your cars and I'm sitting here like:
I can't believe the Q50's only has heated, not heated and cooled, seats. If Infiniti doesn't put heated AND cooled front seats in their sedans soon I may need to look into something else when it's time to replace my G37...
As for me, I had a quick and painless root canal done today. It made my day because my tooth feels so much better. :D
Now there's something you don't hear everyday!

Wow! That's encouraging to know it's not always as bad as you hear about. Glad it went well for you, and it must be a real relief to be rid of the ache.

With all that wonderful food in NOLA, you sure don't want to be handicapped with a bad tooth!

Thank you! My dentist is amazing. :D It's also amazing what advances have taken place in root canal procedures in recent years. It only took about 30 minutes or so, and was completely pain free. As soon as the Novacaine wore off, I could not keep from smiling because I felt so much better.
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The beagle and I bagged our first goose this morning. ETA: Of course when I got the dog and goose out of the truck to go into the house, a done-up blonde woman was pushing a stroller down the block and spotted me. I got the, "holy crap, there are rednecks in the neighborhood!" stare.


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Reflections on my first month of FIRE

My first calendar month complete. Some observations:

I am not bored. At all.

I set my alarm M-F for 9:00 and reserve the right to get up, hit snooze (as mony times as I want) or shut it off.

I think I have shut it off once, maybe twice and went back to sleep. Got up before it went off a few times also.

That "Saturday" feeling of waking up, thinking "Hmm, what do I want to do today" followed by " Hmmm, do I want to get out of bed now or later?" ... is amazing. Every day.

I am a bit more "routine" focused M-F but like to leave the weekend days open as I always have and am much more amenable to doing social things with my DW than I used to be when I was w*orking.

In conversation with family and friends, I say "I used to work" a lot.

DW still works. I do maybe 20-40 minutes of housework a day. Make the bed fold the some laundry and either vacuum, or just move the vacuum cleaner to another spot :cool:. She is happy. If she comes home to the smell of something cooking, she is THRILLED.

DW goes from work to exercise on Fridays, and I am starting a trend of cooking a really nice meal and having a glass of wine ready for her when she gets home. Getting huge mileage out of that.

Discovered Wegman's and while I always liked to cook, I used to just have too many other higher priority things that I wanted to do.

Mid morning weekdays is by far the best time to go to the grocery store.

Our dogs love me. M-F we try to go walk in the woods/park trails 1-2 miles every day after lunch. Challenging in the New England winter, ice spikes on the boots were needed most days this month. As soon as they see me grab my hiking boots, they go nuts.... then take naps when we get back.

I nap when we get back sometimes.

I have found that a day spent doing lots of different things, some "productive", some not, is best. Even the stuff I like to do the most, I start to lose interest in after a few hours.

I find that all of those little "annoyance" projects/jobs that you used to tell yourself that you would never get to, are now perfect distractions and give me a great sense of achievement.

I have finally started a major bathroom renovation that we have talked about, and stashed money away for, for 3 years now.

Having the house, picked up, clean and clutter free is far more important to me now. I truly enjoy spending time here.

Dogs are great company when you are home alone all day.

Managing finances, severance pay, unemployment, tracking spreadsheets is a bit of a chore, but, again, 30 mins at a time is not that bad and I expect it to decrease over time somewhat.

I got my first unemployment check today (I was technically laid off a month before I was going to retire anyway, got a severance and a bonus. Truly lucky.)

So far, this is as least as good as I thought it would be.

Similar thoughts from other recent FIRE'S? Others?
Until you realize the folly of that particular habit you can't consider yourself to be truly retired. :LOL:

Well I do it because I am a bit of night owl, seldom in bed before midnight and I am very capable of sleep right through to 10:30-11:00 and I want to at least give myself the option of getting up at 9-ish if I want.
Well I do it because I am a bit of night owl, seldom in bed before midnight and I am very capable of sleep right through to 10:30-11:00 and I want to at least give myself the option of getting up at 9-ish if I want.
I do the same thing. I think a lot of retirees who scoff at alarm clocks have spouse, kid, pet to awaken them at a regular time, but I don't.

I set my alarm for 9 AM usually, but earlier for a few days if I am going to get up early for something important (like my dentist appointment last Monday).
I don't set an alarm unless I need to get up early for a flight or an early appointment. I tend to wake earlier as I get older, anyway. I am fortunate to live overlooking countryside, so I can leave the blinds open and wake with the dawn. Or earlier.
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