What did you do today? 2017 version

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Busy day today...just got back from meeting with FA, am meeting a friend for lunch shortly, then meeting other friends at a lounge for wings and a pop around supper time, then have a full 3 set rehearsal with one of my bands tonight.
I used a gift card to get a facial this morning which was wonderful. DH and I went out to lunch. Tonight, DD is in a school play so we'll go watch that.
Sold my old vehicle. I advertised it for $4500 on Craigslist so I could allow someone to "bargain" me back to the $4000 I wanted, but I got an unexpectedly large response and sold it for the full price. Buyer pulled the cash out of her purse in $100 bills. :dance:
I just got back from two days of skiing. Tuesday was my birthday and DD and her husband skied with me and took me out for dinner. It snowed at the slopes both days. That provided a nice powder for the slopes. It was in the 30s so overall the conditions were very pleasant. The biggest issue was that I had been up and down ladders all day the day before so my legs were tired which slowed me down a bunch. :( But any day of skiing is a good day and any day I get taken out to dinner is a good day too! :)
Rolled the garbage out to the road for tomorrow's pick-up. This followed me home...


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Played "Renegades of Funk" from Rage Against the Machine on the 2500watt home theater system REALLY loud and vacuumed the whole first floor. Then made a dry rub and plopped a pork tenderloin on the grill. DW comes home in t minus 30 minutes....
Rolled the garbage out to the road for tomorrow's pick-up. This followed me home...

What are you planning to do with him?
We have decided to keep coturnix quail as a smaller footprint alternative to chickens. I could not find a coop built solidly enough to last as an outdoor structure, so I decided to embark on building one myself. I am about 80% done and will finish it up next week. I am somewhat amazed that it has gone well considering I have never even used a circular saw before.


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    80 percent coop.jpg
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I spent about 4 hours shoveling snow today. About 12 inches of wet, heavy snow. I expect I'll sleep well tonight.
We have decided to keep coturnix quail as a smaller footprint alternative to chickens. I could not find a coop built solidly enough to last as an outdoor structure, so I decided to embark on building one myself. I am about 80% done and will finish it up next week. I am somewhat amazed that it has gone well considering I have never even used a circular saw before.

Looks quite solid. I had a similar rabbit hutch many years ago. I had to redo the flooring after a year or two. It needs to be fairly waterproof.
I spent about 4 hours shoveling snow today. About 12 inches of wet, heavy snow. I expect I'll sleep well tonight.
Wow, you sure got your exercise today! Four hours of shoveling heavy snow must have been a huge task to accomplish. My sympathies, and I hope that's the end of it for now. I read about the snow storm online and it sounds pretty significant.
Ten pounds of beans, lentils, rice, and beef turned into a pan of black bean brownies, 24 burgers, and enough beans and rice left over to toss into eggs for breakfast and whatever for dinner. One month of meal prepping down. I love bulk cooking because I'm lazy and can eat the same thing forever without getting bored.

All of that done, including cooking, in a couple hours, all thanks to the Vitamix and enormous Cuisanart food processor. Those have been life savers, because I just can't do any of the mixing and chopping anymore.
Dr. appointment to get a tube removed from my armpit where it has been draining fluid for the last week. (Maybe TMI?) Then to the gym for the first full workout (with much reduced weights) for a bit over three weeks. Doc said take it slow and do many repetitions with low weight, I'm looking for range of motion, not strength at this point. And a full reach overhead caused much pain so I only did that once. Doc said "if it hurts, don't do that" per the Laurel & Hardy skit.
DW and I were just discussing making some cabrito...

Oh, you got a new lawnmower/weed eater!

That was definitely NOT what he was thinking....


In Portuguese, the name cabrito is used for a goat kid (not just roasted) in Northeast Region, Brazil, especially in the Sertão Nordestino and in Portugal. The goat being about 3 months old. It is slow-cooked over a charcoal fire for about eight hours, turning it every 15-20 minutes.

I looked out the front window a few minutes ago and saw the goat eating the shrubs along our front porch. I went out the front door (leaving it open) and down the steps to chase it off - it circled around me into the house. DW was NOT amused... :nonono:

But I am. Thanks! [emoji16]

I looked out the front window a few minutes ago and saw the goat eating the shrubs along our front porch. I went out the front door (leaving it open) and down the steps to chase it off - it circled around me into the house. DW was NOT amused... :nonono:

:ROFLMAO: Sounds like you have acquired a pet goat! Better think of a name for it now.. :LOL:
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