What did you do today? 2017 version

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Don't turn your back on a goat!


I looked out the front window a few minutes ago and saw the goat eating the shrubs along our front porch. I went out the front door (leaving it open) and down the steps to chase it off - it circled around me into the house. DW was NOT amused... :nonono:

Don't turn your back on a goat!

I w*rked with a Nubian goat. She ran wild over my DBs sawmill. Thing jumped on cars, equipment. She loved to climb on top of log piles, stripping the bark to get to the tender cambium layer.

She was my frequent visitor while stacking lumber and RR ties, finding ways to knock me over. I was a smoker back then, and she was a cigarette bum! If I didn't understand what nicotine did to me, it was easy to see it's effects on the goat.
One of the craziest things I've ever seen was on a tram ride through the San Diego Wild Animal Park: a pack of goats in the branches of a tall tree. I still have no idea how they managed to climb up a vertical trunk.
In the following video, you will see some goats playing seesaw.

I think ReWahoo's encounter with his goat will continue, and perhaps next time his wife can take some videos.

Just got back from our first Tai Chi class - not as easy as it might appear, (especially when you're a total klutz).
Installed a trailer hitch receiver and wiring on my Highlander at my local DIY garage. As I have given away everything I don't want to move cross country, I made temporary $2 ramps from a piece of 8 foot 2x10 that was in the Home Depot 70% off pile because it was so knotty. Took me a little over an hour to install the hitch and wiring and I knew it was done right, including being torqued properly. Love this DIY garage.
So we got the chicks today. 28 of the little buggers are in a box in the basement. They are 2 days old and about the size of a golf ball. They should be big enough to put outside in 4 weeks or so.


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Made up a custom mitered cable cover out of 3/4" aluminum angle for the finishing touch to my wood stove insert project. No more exposed cord for the blower unit. Painted and rivited.
Went to a gem and mineral show in Tucson to get minerals for woodworking inlays, had a conversation with an elderly Arizona gentleman who was intrigued by the surface rust on my car, took a drive to Tombstone and then Bisbee for dinner, and went through a border patrol checkpoint on the way home.
Got outside for a change. The back 40 had a bunch of half-fallen trees that I've been meaning to address. It was such great weather today, just had to find a reason to spend more time outside.


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Tourist RR

I volunteer on a tourist Railroad in Ventura County CA. I work the caboose to let people climb up into the cupola for a better view. Today it was a young mother and her 8 year old son, who both enjoyed the experience.


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Waddled my way around the Hong Kong marathon this morning.

It was a lovely day for it, but notes to self: 1. proper training is generally recommended and 2. it's a lot less painful if you remember to apply the Vaseline. :facepalm:
Finishing a marathon is a big accomplishment at any speed.

Best thing for me is to ice the quads right afterward.
Waddled my way around the Hong Kong marathon this morning.

It was a lovely day for it, but notes to self: 1. proper training is generally recommended and 2. it's a lot less painful if you remember to apply the Vaseline. :facepalm:

Congrats! Waddling is the perfect pace for a marathon.
Financial meeting with DS

Just came back from a lunch meeting with DS. Topics were far ranging, from annuities, to present value theory, asset allocation. retirement strategies, etc.. Recommended he visit this website frequently.
Deleted my Facebook account.

I've always been a light user -- once or twice a week for maybe 5-10 minutes each time. But lately it has gone downhill so fast I couldn't take it any more. Loads of ads, coupled with the silly and/or political posts of people I know (or vaguely know) just reached my breaking point.

A feeling of relief. I'll no longer have to make up an excuse for why I didn't see or "like" someone's inane posting.
Deleted my Facebook account.

I've always been a light user -- once or twice a week for maybe 5-10 minutes each time. But lately it has gone downhill so fast I couldn't take it any more. Loads of ads, coupled with the silly and/or political posts of people I know (or vaguely know) just reached my breaking point.

A feeling of relief. I'll no longer have to make up an excuse for why I didn't see or "like" someone's inane posting.
I agree. I cannot believe some people have 200 "friends".
It's morning, but I can write it now because moving snow around is all I will do all day today. Roof raked the roof cuz ice dams, and threw up roof salt hocky puck things. Half of them missed the roof because I'm afraid to throw them too hard in case I hit a window. And they're white so if you miss they are impossible to find in the snow.

There is a good 3 feet of snow plow heavy snow with ice chunks at the end of the driveway. How come they don't invent snow plows that just melt the snow? The resulting water would be the same as rain and run right into the street drains.

I'm thankful for library audio books. They make shoveling bearable.
Busy day. Radiation and chemo early, then went to river camp to check on boats stored there. We had 60 mph winds overnight and found a cedar tree down across the road. Always carry a chainsaw in the truck so cut up the trunk and brought a few logs home to mill to lumber after checking the camp. Home about 3 pm and feeling tired so will surf a bit and try to stay awake for a hockey game later.
After my usual figure skating session, at the coffe shop had to decide the lesser of evils: oatmeal rasin cookie or everything bagel with cream cheese to have with with an Americano.

Without any research choose bagel with cream cheese.
Made two racks of some of the best ribs I've had in quite a while. One of the few things I go to Aldi for, since their ribs are both better than Kroger and also cheaper.

Also continued my streak, up to eight days now, of a good walk around the neighborhood. I've been having difficulty with it since being stricken with arthritis in my hip last year.

My current system is to walk as quickly as I can, and intersperse it with as many segments as possible of very slow, gentle jogging. That way, I can keep my average time under 15 minutes per mile and experience no pain. (Caveat: I take a couple of ibuprofen before starting out).
After spending much of yesterday working with GnuCash, I spent much of today doing the same with Moneydance. It sure is a lot of effort to figure out what to use for financial software. I'm just too cheap to stick with Quicken! :facepalm:
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