What did you do today? 2017 version

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Thanks. :flowers: I do realize that I could quite likely qualify for a disability, but I just have an issue with going that route because what hearing loss I have has not really been a detriment to me. Now those who have to repeat themselves, sometimes more than once, for my benefit may disagree. :cool:

Are you in the VA system at all..with everything going on now, It's prudent to be in it , if you can....no harm in filing a claim and you would not to pay for those hearing aids.
Are you in the VA system at all..with everything going on now, It's prudent to be in it , if you can....no harm in filing a claim and you would not to pay for those hearing aids.

I am on Medicare. It covers about everything but hearing aids. I'll take a look at signing up after I get my house built. Like anything to do with the government, the time and paperwork are extensive. The lawyer that did my will and power of attorney, etc. also thought it was something I should do. But then, I was driving my old pickup when I met with her...
Played a round of golf today...the course was in horrible shape except for the greens so we played winter rules.

On a good note, my regular golf buddy who wanted to ride almost every single round last year, agreed to walk today. After the round, his back which had bothered him last year was fine. I prefer walking so I'm hoping that he sticks with it...he did admit (without prompting, lol) that he needs to drop a few pounds so he'll try to walk as much as possible.
Went hiking at Starved Rock State Park to photograph waterfalls after the deluge that we've had the last few days. Great time, but got soaked.
Began a series of modifications/upgrades to our new RV.

First was to re-mount the water pump on a one-inch platform of high-density foam rubber to dampen vibration. It isn't exactly quiet now, but it makes considerably less noise than it did.

Next up - additional LED under cabinet lights.
A day of full contact beekeeping. We are in swarm season so I am hopping trying to stay ahead of the bees. Since none of my hives died over the winter, I am arsed for hives to split into and deal with the excess, so bursting hives are getting split into nucleus colonies, have a queen added to them, and sold to eager beekeepers who want locally produced colonies. I worked 8 hives in 3 locations, checked 4 nucs to make sure the queens I introduced are laying (they are) so they can be delivered to buyers, and I split another 5 nucs out of overfull hives. In the middle of all of this I swung by the beekeeping supply shop to pick up new queens for the 5 new nucs. At one location the grounds were a mudpit, so I stopped halfway to the apiary and hoofed it across the drainage ditch carrying stuff back and forth. A nuc buyer is coming to get one of the finished ones tomorrow morning and after that I will probably go shoot trap.
Working with my sister cleaning out mom's house, getting it ready for sale. Lordy, what a pile of junk in the dumpster. Folks spent years going to garage sales buying anything that was cheap and taking anything that was free. I found a canister of lemonade that expired 16 years ago. I promise to NEVER do this to my kids....Mom has moved to a senior apartment, she is there everyday supervising. It's not going well, I'll probably blow a gasket any day now.
My husband's niece from a U.K. Stopped by to visit us from San Diego. Her FIL and family were in San Diego. We went out to eat lunch at a nice French cafe. It was nice to see my niece's young kids, they were so cute. Afterwards, we went to play some bridge. After bridge we went and did our usual food shopping. Now back at home resting.
Started my day the same way I do everyday... with a walk on the beach with the dog.

After that I scurried home and changed to my swimsuit. I tested my new swim cap. I've decided to add swimming laps before and after my old-lady-geezer-water-aerobics class. (The class is good for stretching, but doesn't really get the heart rate up.) I have long hair and hate having to wash it more than once a week because it gets so dry....

The new swim cap is a winner... big enough to cover up the large hairbun on top, long enough to go over the ears, down the neck, and down the forehead. My hair was 90% dry at the end of my swim... good enough. Plus it's a super stretchy silicon so easy to get on and off.

After that I did housework, drove the kids home from school, and read my book.
Took DW to her bone doc as she has more back pain (had 4 compression fractures of vertebrae earlier this year). Doc can't do anything more for her and suggested a pain management doc. We have been there and that's a help but the only meds that work are controlled narcotics and the doc won't prescribe more. So the next step is a trip to Colorado.

Ahh, took the old tires off the 1971 VW I am restoring as the date code on them was the 22nd week of 1999.:eek: They are not road worthy. Ordered new tires - 165 80R 15 Nexen radials. I am getting closer to getting the Bug ready for the Antique plate purchase.
I'd previously posted about strategies to rent a house cross country. Today we flew to Portland and in the Chicago airport, I checked Craigslist for any new rentals. There was a new one that looked good and we pounced on it and had our rental in 3 hours from landing. Since I had allocated 5 days for the task, we now have 4 days to just goof off.
Went hiking at Starved Rock State Park to photograph waterfalls after the deluge that we've had the last few days. Great time, but got soaked.

Went to Starved Rock State Park once as a teenager, with my uncle and teenaged cousin. That was the first time I ever did any rock climbing. What a blast! We had a great time there and it was beautiful as well. Great memories.
I am on Medicare. It covers about everything but hearing aids. I'll take a look at signing up after I get my house built. Like anything to do with the government, the time and paperwork are extensive. The lawyer that did my will and power of attorney, etc. also thought it was something I should do. But then, I was driving my old pickup when I met with her...

We've not short of a dollar either and my DH now has Medicare with a supplement because his heart guy is not in the VA system.

They have a great system for prescription drugs with minimal monthly co-pays and also have dental insurance at low cost.

If it helps at all, the enrollment process is very simple, my DH took his final discharge papers to the local vet's service office and the whole process was completed there in about 20 minutes. Based on your age, if you were an in country Vietnam vet, that's all you need and you are admitted without any further hassle. Based on your MOS they have pretty much admitted that they did not provide any ear protection and are granting many hearing disabilities.
Finished up my amplifier;

Powered up and biased fine. No smoke, no bad connections and sounds great!


Just catching up - looks great, do you have a link to a schematic and/or build instructions? How many watts ( 4 big glass cylinders, I'm guessing pretty high power?)?

Added up my spending for April, which is something I look forward to doing every month. I know, that's kind of odd but for me it is fun and I feel like I can share that here since many forum members seem to like doing this sort of thing too..

The first of the month is my favorite day for that reason. It doesn't even matter if the market or spending was up or down. I share your strange joy.
Just catching up - looks great, do you have a link to a schematic and/or build instructions? How many watts ( 4 big glass cylinders, I'm guessing pretty high power?)?


Thanks! Sounds great too. It's a "Bob Latino" ST120 that is available in kit or assembled form. 60 watts / channel stereo. Great project for retired folks - :)
Began a series of modifications/upgrades to our new RV.

First was to re-mount the water pump on a one-inch platform of high-density foam rubber to dampen vibration. It isn't exactly quiet now, but it makes considerably less noise than it did.

A very good idea! :) Do you have a name or link for the foam rubber you used?
A very good idea! :) Do you have a name or link for the foam rubber you used?

It's a highly specialized vibration-isolating closed cell polymer, available to the general public in the form of an interlocking foam play mat. :)

I cut out a couple of 8x8 inch foam squares from an old play mat, removed the pump from the floor and fastened one foam square to the floor with screws. I placed the second square atop the first and attached the pump, using screws long enough to go through both layers of foam but not penetrate into the floor.

One other thing I did to dampen vibrations/noise was cut other small pieces of foam and wedge them between all points of contact along the Pex water lines running to/from the pump.
Put a pork shoulder in the smoker last night before bed, took it out at noon, let it rest for a bit. I just finished pulling it. Taste great, guess whats for dinner tonight.
I had an AM dentist appointment for a checkup/cleaning, they found a small area of a front tooth that was chipped and will interfere with a filling if not fixed, so that's early next month. Then a haircut, then a workout at the gym, and finally to the grocery store. By then being very hungry (yeah, I know, never go to a grocery store when hungry) I succumbed to temptation and bought a bag of fried chicken at the deli for a late lunch. It sure was good!
Walked the dogs for 3 miles then waited for the buyers of 4 nucs to come pick them up. One dude just marched in and grabbed them, not worried at all about the small cloud of stragglers around the boxes. The other buyer was a bit nervous, so I threw on my suit, swept off the hangers-on, and put it in her car. Finished cleaning up the kitchen and went to shoot a few rounds of trap. Now waiting for DD2 to finish her yoga lesson and will make tequila chicken for dinner.
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