What did you do today? 2018 version

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Yes, it's for the whole year. Thank you for cheering me up about it! :)

We went to the springs early this morning, 27°F early. There was steam rolling from most of the springs and you couldn't really see through it. A deep unknown voice said "nice to see you folks". I never could see whoever said it, may have been from above? There was a bit of ice down on the river's edges, a few big hunks are forming upstream. Hopefully there's more cold and snow than the weather forecast correctly predicts.

Stopped for a mexican breakfast on the way home. The only other person in the place was the gal who checked us into the springs a couple hours prior. [emoji12]

I'd love to take a nap but the dogs want to go for a walk. It's warm and sunny I guess I'll go. Sad when two old dogs have more ambition than their masters.
Last night went to my girlfriend and myself went to her ball team's windup which was a potluck supper at one of the team member's houses. After that we went to my parent's house for my dad's 80th birthday party.
was up early and looked at ordering a 4K firestick from amazon and saw target had them on sale for the same price as amazon and could pick up today. I had been moving our current firestick between the bedroom and great room tv's as necessary.

Since great room tv is 4k the new firestick allows for ultrahd streaming! Didn't think our 10meg service would allow for that but we watched a prime video show in ultrahd without any stuttering.
I went to my first ever qigong class. What an interesting experience. I was the only male, other than 2 very young people I was the youngest, and the only person who didn't know anything.

They were all very nice and the class was extremely gentle, slow easy moving and stretching. My motivation is balance and dizzy issues. Some of the exercises certainly aggravated dizzy but hey that's life. Despite the fact I jog 15+ miles weekly and lift 3X weekly I hurt! I'll try this again; some of it's going to be beneficial for range of motion and balance.
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Dental checkup and cleaning, dropped DW off at the nearby gym while I was doing that. Then collect DW, on to a grocery run, what a scene that was! I deliberately did not go to the grocery yesterday figuring that the Sunday before Thanksgiving would be a zoo. But I didn't figure on Monday being almost as bad! With store points we did get a dollar off per pound on a 25 lb. frozen Butterball turkey that we'll save for Christmas dinner at BIL's.

I have to give the management and staff credit though, they've seen that movie before and had their ducks in a row, no long lines. That store has signs up "If you're fourth in line, your groceries are free". So far I have not been able to collect.
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Got up with the start of a horrible cold. So stayed in bed and complained a lot to my wife. She eventually left the flat for a while, inexplicably :), and I slept until evening, dreaming of sneezing a lot. Not my most productive day!

Joking about my spouse. We take good care of each other when we are ill. So far, in 35 years, we haven't both had colds/flu at the same time. She went out for lunch with a friend and brought me back a really nice slice of torta (cake) that the owner of the restaurant gave her as a treat for poor, sick, me.

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Good that you're doing the right thing.

I've always said that sleep is the best medicine.
Cleaned 3 bathrooms today, but while cleaning, was listening to Boston's first record and Meatloaf's Bat out of Hell record on You Tube. Great memories.
Cleaned 3 bathrooms today, but while cleaning, was listening to Boston's first record and Meatloaf's Bat out of Hell record on You Tube. Great memories.

Similar here. Cleaning the house for the holidays. Just two bathrooms but we swept and mopped all floors, vacuumed the rugs. We’re in good shape. Tomorrow focuses on the kitchen and the beginnings of food prep for Thursday.

I have to give the management and staff credit though, they've seen that movie before and had their ducks in a row, no long lines. That store has signs up "If you're fourth in line, your groceries are free". So far I have not been able to collect.

You obviously were not shopping at Walmart. :cool:
Similar here. Cleaning the house for the holidays. Just two bathrooms but we swept and mopped all floors, vacuumed the rugs. We’re in good shape. Tomorrow focuses on the kitchen and the beginnings of food prep for Thursday.

What is it about the holidays that bring out extreme cleaning ? I shampooed the rugs and cleaned the base boards and every other surface .
Extreme cleaning holiday version going on here as well. More extreme this year. I’ve been cleaning up from a remodel for the past several days. DW is doing the final touches while I hide out in my bunker. Got to get it all done by Thursday.
More cleaning and sorting here. Two bands rehearse in my basement and both have had several gigs in the last couple months...I normally "borrow" a few cables, power cords, etc. from the non gigging band to take as backup when the other band gigs. Unfortunately, I have let things get mixed up and most of it was in a tangled mess. Plus I had a bin full of old cables that had to be gone through.

So today I gathered every single cable in my house and spent 3 hours testing, sorting, and then wrapping about 70 cables and cords with coloured Velcro ties so they're easily identifiable.
We've been cleaning and getting the guest room ready for the holidays during the days. In the evenings recently we went to a Christmas Ballet and an astronomy lecture. The astronomy lecture was pretty interesting. It was by a planetary scientist at the SETI Institute who goes to remote places on Earth to try to figure out how to build products from similar materials available in Space. He had a wallets and laptop cases made from a process involving volcanic basalt and a 3 D printer that felt like normal products (pictures here if you are interested).
Such a pleasant day today! It was sunny and a little chilly, in the upper 50's, so I got to try on my brand new sweatpants that are 2 sizes smaller due to losing weight. They fit perfectly and are nice and warm, too. We went out to lunch and also a few errands.

Then came home to a 550 point drop in the Dow, and not one mention of it on the forum that I could find! We are getting so used to this level of volatility that I guess nobody is getting too upset by it any more. Good. :)
A cold, ice-ladened fog roll in the end of last week and my chimney backed up. I wasn't sure what the issue was so I closed the damper on what was a very nice warm fire in the wood stove. The next day I checked the pipe and it didn't look too bad at all. Today I was working in the basement all day, but I noticed it was dead still in the afternoon. I didn't think I would get much better conditions to clean the pipe and chimney so I went up on the roof and got it done. About the time I finished it got cold and I thought the sun went behind a cloud. I looked around and no clouds. The sun had just gone down. That was just-in-time chimney sweeping!
Worked in my backyard on my home solar project, and did not get back in until 3PM.

Went with my wife to do a grocery run for Thanksgiving, thinking we will beat the shopping crowd by not waiting till tomorrow. Nope. Too many people having the same idea.
Went to DM today to rewire an outside motion light for her and turn off the shutoff for her outside tap. Whoever installed the shutoff put it in between the floor joists above a heating duct !! Why, I oughta... :mad:

Also, we finally sold our house last night. 75 days on the market. Closing in 60 days and we're moving in two weeks. Nearing the end of an almost five month process so far.... to quote Canadas' late poet laureate: "It's a good life, if you don't weaken"
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It would be nice if posters could include a bit of information like this instead of just an unidentified link. That would give us something to be thankful for this week. :greetings10:
The first storm of the season is coming in tomorrow. When a little bit of rain hit this morning, and the power went out for thirty minutes. We're considering cooking the turkey today, because we won't be able to use the oven if the power's out.


PS Three cheers for my uninterruptible power supply.
Sent e-mails to & fro with DW who's been with her mom for the last three days/nights at the hospital 50 miles away. From what DW told me today it appears that the Death Rattle has started, so I presume the end isn't far away.

It'll be a blessing for her mom when it arrives.
It would be nice if posters could include a bit of information like this instead of just an unidentified link. That would give us something to be thankful for this week. :greetings10:

It would also be nice if the alleged feature that is supposed to embed YouTube videos in a post by simply copying and pasting the URL to the video from YouTube worked. That would also give us something to be thankful for this week. :greetings10:

We have a feature that will a feature that will convert links to videos into embedded videos in the post. To embed a video in a post simply copy and paste the URL to the video from YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video or PhotoBucket. The rest will be done automatically.
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