What DVDs have you seen recently?

I watched most of Bag It, Tivo'd from PBS.

There were some scenes and statistics showing that the problem with plastics is much worse than I considered.

For example, much of the plastic for recycling is shipped to Asia, where people manually pick out the types of plastic that something can be done with.

Each year five tons of plastic are brought to Midway island in the stomachs of Albatrosses (and fed to chicks).

It's an engaging video -- kind of like Supersize Me.
For example, much of the plastic for recycling is shipped to Asia, where people manually pick out the types of plastic that something can be done with.
Oahu residents sort our trash for recycling but HPower still has people pick over it to catch the additional recyclables.

Our "Dept of Environmental Services" offers a variety of "Tours de Trash" to visit the various processing places. Our daughter watched one of the recycle trucks dump its load and a swarm of sorters made sure the right things got to the right processes. The day was full of opportunities for "Kids, stay in school" conversations.
One of my favorite movies: The Station Agent

The Station Agent (2003) - IMDb

A simple story with lots of humor and very compelling actors. Really enjoyed this movie a lot. Have shown it to others and everyone agrees.

On recommendation here I have started watching Doc Martin, which I am really enjoying. Love the main character.

Of course I am a big fan of BBC so any other recommendations are welcome. I look forward to seeing Downtown Abby. Upstairs Downstairs was very good.

Of course Sense and Sensibility is one of my all time favorites. Sense and Sensibility (1995) - IMDb

And also very much enjoyed Notting Hill.

Notting Hill (1999) - IMDb

Really thought it very clever and funny, as well as romantic. (good writing)
We watched "The Maiden Heist" last week. It was OK but kinda "out there" in parts. William Macy's bare backside was interesting. :cool:

Next up is "The Fighter". We are saving it to watch on the next rainy day.

We barely manage to watch 2 movies per month. Accordingly, I changed our Netflix plan to only 2 DVDs per month and no instant viewing (never used) for half the cost of what I was paying. :D
Paranormal Activity (2007) - IMDb

This was all foreplay and no climax. The foreplay was great and it got the hairs on my back and arms to stand up, but the ending was totally unsatisfying. You never get to see the monster. 2/10.

Rumor Has It... (2005) - IMDb (Rumor Has It)

Enjoyed this. Light entertainment. Don't watch the preview, it gives too much away. 8/10.
Paranormal Activity (2007) - IMDb

This was all foreplay and no climax. The foreplay was great and it got the hairs on my back and arms to stand up, but the ending was totally unsatisfying. You never get to see the monster. 2/10.

Didn't see that, but saw Paranormal Activity 2. By accident: we went into the wrong cinema and by the time we had that figured out....Anyhow, I thought the sequel was heartstopping. I didn't need to see a monster to be suitably scared.
We just saw " The Lincoln Lawyer " . If you like Michael Connelly books you will like the movie .
Lars and the Real Girl (2007) - IMDb

10/10. Don't watch the trailer, since it is essentially an outline of the first 80% of the movie, and will spoil all of the funny moments. I did a lot of laughing, but this isn't your typical Hollywood formula movie.
T-Al....Oooh, creepy. I've heard about that and seen some of the other short videos about Real Girls. Too freaky for me.

I just watched Motorcycle Diaries with DH the other night. What a fantastic story, even if I didn't realize until the end that it was about Che Guevara's early life. The motorcycle journey was hilarious and touching, and the camaraderie between the two guys was very powerful. I loved it!
Lars and the Real Girl (2007) - IMDb

10/10. Don't watch the trailer, since it is essentially an outline of the first 80% of the movie, and will spoil all of the funny moments. I did a lot of laughing, but this isn't your typical Hollywood formula movie.
I saw this when it was first in the theaters. An excellent movie, it is really about love and redemption, and the love and good will of a community.

T-Al....Oooh, creepy. I've heard about that and seen some of the other short videos about Real Girls. Too freaky for me.

No, I promise it's not freaky or creepy. It's funny and poignant.
We watch a lot of concert vidoes- watched "Queen, Rock Montreal" last night on BluRay. We have the DVD version as well and it's good but the BluRay really made a difference including some new video that looks to have been added. Audio is done really well, heard some background vocals and other sounds that either aren't on the DVD version or I just missed them. The Eagles, Hell Freezes Over DVD is another great concert.
I took my Mom to see "Water for elephants " . We had both read the book .It was good but not as good as the book .
Mulholland Dr. (2001) - IMDb

Forget it, visually interesting, but totally weird and nonsensical. With an actual understandable plot, this would be a good movie. 3/10.
Mad Men season 1 disk 1. Disk 2 is on its way. Interesting series of an advertising agency and it's employees set in the late 50's, early 60's where almost every actor over the age of 12 smokes. Funny - that's how it was back then.
Lincoln Lawyer. Really good with Marisa Tomei and Matthew McConaughey. Nothing deep, but completely enjoyable movie from a Michael Connally book.

OK, probably my favorite music DVD of all time is the Concert for George set. Recorded in 2002, a year after George Harrison's death, one disk is an Indian concert, the other a spectacular concert of Harrison's music led by Eric Clapton. You can hear a lot of the music if you search for "Concert for George" on YouTube. I own it, listen to it at least twice a year, always end up in tears. Billy Preston doing My Sweet Lord is a highlight -- also Something by the whole group. Ooh and While My Guitar Gently Weeps.

Eric Clapton, Dhani Harrison, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Ringo Starr, (a slightly irritating) Paul McCartney, Joe Brown, and many, many others. Rent it or buy it. It's great if you're a George Harrison fan.
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