What is your pet peeve of the day?

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Life is getting better after applying TENS & EMS unit to my lower neck/upper back area for 4 days/30 min each. The pain is almost gone. My crankiness level has markedly came down. Life is too short to have pet peeves. Pet peeve posters .... that's my pet peeve of the day :D.
I have similar thoughts when I glance at the "giant-sized ladies' underwear" catalogs which keep getting sent to my house, even though no giant-sized ladies live here. Why on earth doesn't a 44HH bra, involving major engineering and vast amounts of material, cost 10 times as much as a 34B? But no, they cost about the same...


The price and quality of womens underwear. Seriously - the dudist version of the all cotton variety is waay more complicated to make and has more expensive base materials than the girly version yet the price is about half. What gives?
I have similar thoughts when I glance at the "giant-sized ladies' underwear" catalogs which keep getting sent to my house, even though no giant-sized ladies live here. Why on earth doesn't a 44HH bra, involving major engineering and vast amounts of material, cost 10 times as much as a 34B? But no, they cost about the same...



If it's any consolation, I get pregnancy planning, diaper ads sent to my house. I suspect we are getting ads intended for DW's niece who stayed at our house for 6 months.
I have similar thoughts when I glance at the "giant-sized ladies' underwear" catalogs which keep getting sent to my house, even though no giant-sized ladies live here. Why on earth doesn't a 44HH bra, involving major engineering and vast amounts of material, cost 10 times as much as a 34B? But no, they cost about the same...


Brought to you by the builders of the Hoover Dam...
My pet peeve are sites that offer a list of something, but rather than showing the entire list at once, force the viewer to click through a number of displays in alphabetical or numerical order. There is no way to jump the queue. For example, take a list of the the most interesting natural wonder in each state. If you want to see what wonder makes the list in Alaska or Alabama, no problem. But, if you want to see what makes the list in Wisconsin or Wyoming, you may wear out your mouse.
I am a motorcycle rider and use my bike (Victory Crossroad) often to get around. My bike has the factory exhaust pipes and is smooth and quiet.

I can't stand folks that put straight un-baffled pipes on their bikes - some are ridiculous loud and then also backfire (like a gunshot) because the unrestricted pipes mess up the fuel mixture. The worst are the guys who then rev the motor at stops.....makes everyone around them dislike motorcycle riders :nonono:

We have a guy that put on very loud pipes in our riding group - he is delegated to the "tail gunner" position at the end of the group on all rides.

Just think of the millions of lives being saved by those pipes.
DD left home in 1999, changed her named when she married in 2001, and has lived in 3 different States since then. Over the same period we have moved 4 times and to a different State, and while we live in Texas, she now lives in California.

So, Why have we now started to get spam flyers in our mailbox addressed to her in her married name? :nonono:

I suppose it is good news for the Post Office....
DD left home in 1999, changed her named when she married in 2001, and has lived in 3 different States since then. Over the same period we have moved 4 times and to a different State, and while we live in Texas, she now lives in California.

So, Why have we now started to get spam flyers in our mailbox addressed to her in her married name? :nonono:

I suppose it is good news for the Post Office....

Talking about junk mail... I checked the mail yesterday for the first time this week. The mailbox was jam-packed with mostly junk mail (5.5lbs worth according to my kitchen scale!). After spending 20 minutes going through it, I kept a single sheet of paper. And there is apparently no easy way to stop the madness.:mad:
The mailbox was jam-packed with mostly junk mail (5.5lbs worth according to my kitchen scale!). After spending 20 minutes going through it, I kept a single sheet of paper. And there is apparently no easy way to stop the madness.:mad:

You must be a "good consumer" who according to the marketer's measures, buys lots of stuff. Or at least they think you are.

Hey, it's job security for the mail carrier so by receiving this you're accomplishing a social good. Doesn't that make you feel better?:LOL:
And the Post Office photocopies every piece of mail that comes and goes to every address. Just a friendly service for all of us.
Mail carriers: Pet Peeve.

This week we had a mail order prescription delivered to our mailbox but it wasn't ours. Same house number, much different street and clearly labelled.

So we left it in the box with a note saying it was not ours. Next day...still there (ignored by the carrier). So I delivered it myself to the old gentleman who had asked the SAME carrier why it showed "delivered" online and he had not received it. Go figure...:facepalm:

Hey, we are not talking about a Lego set here, this is prescription medicine.
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Getting a receipt 14 inches long for a single item purchase.
I have similar thoughts when I glance at the "giant-sized ladies' underwear" catalogs which keep getting sent to my house, ....

Chuckle -- I had to do a double look a this to see if it was the catalog that was oversized. Apparently not the catalog.....

Chuckle -- I had to do a double look a this to see if it was the catalog that was oversized. Apparently not the catalog.....


No, not the catalog. There is apparently a market for them though. This was taken at a cousin's wedding. They skipped the garter and went for the laugh.


  • underwear.jpg
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Getting a receipt 14 inches long for a single item purchase.
Is that the one where at the bottom of the receipt they try to get you to go online to give their service a rating and get your email address at the same time. I'm so tired of stores trying to get my phone number, zip code, email address. I'm also tired of when you check out of Sam's club their always trying to get you to upgrade your card. How many times do we have to hear that sales pitch. I feel like recording it on my phone and playing it back as I check out. Sorry for rant, was in several stores today and the above happened. Please stop bothering me when I'm cranky!!!!! LOL
I . . . often ask someone loading their trunk if their cart was a good one and ask to use it - saving them the trip to the cart return area.
I've been doing this whenever I go to the supermarket if I pass someone nearly done unloading their cart--I just ask if they are done with the cart. I usually get a big "thanks" for saving them a trip to the cart corral, and I save the cart fetcher from having to hoof that cart in. It's no work for me--I'm walking into the store anyway. (Sometimes I do ride the cart).

In Europe the carts are typically hooked together inside the store. You insert a coin into the lock and the cart pops free. Return the cart and hook it to another one and the coin pops out. There's aren't a lot of loose carts in the parking lots.

Pet peeves:
1) No recycling symbol on that big plastic lid. Why not make it out of something that can be recycled? Some of those mayo lids have about as much plastic as the jar.

2) Recycling symbols that are too small to read. I know my peepers ain't what they used to be, but a 1/4" symbol on the bottom of a clear plastic container is ridiculous. Does it cost more to make it bigger?

3) The increasingly common use of "So, . . ." to begin sentences in conversation. I don't know when this started, but it is annoying. Just say what you want to say without the affectation, please.
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No pet peeves today (TGIF!).

One of my co-worker used to say "life is a bitch and then you die." I say, life is good ... then you fade away.
We have a Verizon Wireless family plan and I wanted to drop one phone number that is no longer needed. Turns out you cannot do this via your online account, you must call customer service. I contact customer service and tell them I want to cancel a number since it is no longer needed. I had to repeat that close to a dozen times, as they kept asking variations of "Are you sure you don't need it for someone else?" "Was there any problem with the line?" "Do you want to just suspend it in case you want to activate it again?"

While I wasn't upset, it was tiresome, and I politely pointed out to the call center rep that, since all of our phones could be cancelled without penalty, the conversation was making me consider if I could get a better deal elsewhere. Lo and behold they "discovered" a plan that gave me unlimited talk and text and will save me an additional $30/month (on top of the savings from cancelling one number), without any cancellation penalty since no new phone equipment is involved.
The catalogs themselves are 5X8 or 8X11 inches.

Clearly, there is a market for the large items; the question is, are those customers being sent catalogs for the items which I would like to buy? No doubt that poorly targeted advertising is sparing people all sorts of temptations, so perhaps I should be grateful instead of peeved.


No, not the catalog. There is apparently a market for them though. This was taken at a cousin's wedding. They skipped the garter and went for the laugh.
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