What is your pet peeve of the day?

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Comcast. Terrible, terrible customer service. Just cancelled my subscription and feel liberated.

Try Direct TV's customer service, then maybe you'll feel better about Comcast.
Try Direct TV's customer service, then maybe you'll feel better about Comcast.

That's what a SIL said when I said I was thinking of changing from Comcast to Direct TV. "Don't bother, they're worse."
This is a hellasciously long thread so this might have been mentioned already but I haven't seen it.

People, probably in the last 10-15 years have started using this annoying and ignorant little speech pattern: "Most everyone does it." or "People put most everything on their Smart Phone nowadays."

What they mean is "Almost everyone does it" (80-90+%) OR perhaps they mean "Most people do it" (50%+1) "Most everyone does it", as far as I am concerned, conveys no information. It is grammatically null. Unless, of course, you are good at inferring and decoding like when someone says "Then he goes...." when he means "Then he said..."

Now when regular people (especially young people) use it, OK I can dig it. But I have noticed that even the "professional talking class" (TV reporters and people giving a speech) are using it more and more often.
Now when regular people (especially young people) use it, OK I can dig it. But I have noticed that even the "professional talking class" (TV reporters and people giving a speech) are using it more and more often.

Relax. It is merely more evidence of the decline and inevitable fall of western civilization.:D
Relax. It is merely more evidence of the decline and inevitable fall of western civilization.

Obviously. That's why I posted it here. To alert everyone.
This is a hellasciously long thread so this might have been mentioned already but I haven't seen it.

People, probably in the last 10-15 years have started using this annoying and ignorant little speech pattern: "Most everyone does it." or "People put most everything on their Smart Phone nowadays."

I could care less.

This is a hellasciously long thread so this might have been mentioned already but I haven't seen it.

People, probably in the last 10-15 years have started using this annoying and ignorant little speech pattern: "Most everyone does it." or "People put most everything on their Smart Phone nowadays."

What they mean is "Almost everyone does it" (80-90+%) OR perhaps they mean "Most people do it" (50%+1) "Most everyone does it", as far as I am concerned, conveys no information. It is grammatically null. Unless, of course, you are good at inferring and decoding like when someone says "Then he goes...." when he means "Then he said..."

Now when regular people (especially young people) use it, OK I can dig it. But I have noticed that even the "professional talking class" (TV reporters and people giving a speech) are using it more and more often.

I could rant on about people who spell "hellaciously" incorrectly but I'll cut you a break on that :D

If enough people adopt a particular word usage over a protracted period of time, doesn't it gradually become an accepted part of the lexicon? I imagine if anyone who lived 200 years ago could hear the way we speak nowadays, they'd think we were a bunch of dimwits.
Lack of sleep during week days. After 11 hours of Megacorp + commute, I only have 13 hours left for the rest of my activities including sleep. I am getting by 5 1/2 hours of sleep per day which isn't good for me.
News articles the have a name of a city in the dateline at very beginning, but NOT THE STATE !! For example, the article has "Smithville" as the first word in the dateline, and no state. The story is about something occurring in and around Smithville. We are all supposed to know what state this Smithville is in, I suppose. And of course the article never mentions what state it is in. :nonono: :mad: :facepalm:
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News articles the have a name of a city in the dateline at very beginning, but NOT THE STATE !! For example, the article has "Smithville" as the first word in the dateline, and no state. The story is about something occurring in and around Smithville. We are all supposed to know what state this Smithville is in, I suppose. And of course the article never mentions what state it is in. :nonono: :mad: :facepalm:

These writers grew up watching staunch Springfield citizens, The Simpsons.
I could rant on about people who spell "hellaciously" incorrectly but I'll cut you a break on that

This is a completely different inexactness though. Typo, hando whatever you wanna call it. Nobody here that I have ever read is writing for The Ages. "Most everyone" doesn't SAY anything. It's almost like a dodge of some sort. That's my prob with it. Personally I use "ain't " with alacrity around people good enough for it. Yes, things once considered wrong attain a status of "normal" after a while. I have no problem with that.
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This is a completely different inexactness though. Typo, hando whatever you wanna call it. Nobody here that I have ever read is writing for The Ages. "Most everyone" doesn't SAY anything. It's almost like a dodge of some sort. That's my prob with it. Personally I use "ain't " with alacrity around people good enough for it. Yes, things once considered wrong attain a status of "normal" after a while. I have no problem with that.
When you quoted me, you missed out the grinning emoticon at the end. It was a lighthearted dig, but I'm guessing you knew that.

When I hear someone use the phrase, "most everyone", I read it as a shortened form of "almost everyone", as opposed to a shortened version of "most people". This is probably why it doesn't bother me, as in my interpretation there is no ambiguity. Perhaps I'm mistaken.

But hey - feel free to get upset about it. I just went to my local AT&T store and had to stand in line for 30 minutes to buy an AC adapter for my modem, only to be told they didn't have it. Normally, there would be no line but unbeknownst to me, today was iPhone 6 release day. Aaaaaaaaargh.

Now THAT's something worth getting upset about :LOL:
Tom, I really love that you had no idea that today was release day for the iPhone 6!!
LOL--and I'd imagined that there couldn't be a person on earth who didn't know! ;)

FWIW, I ordered my new 6 online so as not to wait in line. Sorry about your AC adapter--maybe check online?
Tom, I really love that you had no idea that today was release day for the iPhone 6!!
LOL--and I'd imagined that there couldn't be a person on earth who didn't know! ;)

FWIW, I ordered my new 6 online so as not to wait in line. Sorry about your AC adapter--maybe check online?

I didn't know either but why would I. I have never owned any Apple product, why start now.
My pet peeve, the grammer police. No one knows the poster's (dis)abilitys with English, yet they critique. Here's some language:

LA 1,0
BCT 1,*-6

Grammer police, please tell us what this does.
Tom, I really love that you had no idea that today was release day for the iPhone 6!!
LOL--and I'd imagined that there couldn't be a person on earth who didn't know! ;)

FWIW, I ordered my new 6 online so as not to wait in line. Sorry about your AC adapter--maybe check online?

I knew there was an iPhone 6 that was either about to come out, or just did, but I didn't know it was today. My SO's internet went out last night and I diagnosed the problem over the phone. When she told that "brown stuff" had oozed out of the AC adapter, I knew it was the electrolytic capacitor(s) that had bulged and leaked. It's a common and known issue with these particular wall warts. She was a bit bummed that she had no internet to entertain her last night, but this morning I decided I was going to be the knight in shining armor and arrive at her doorstep with a brand new AC adapter.

As I cycled down the street to buy one, I was wondering why there was a long line outside the Verizon store. I thought that maybe there just happened to be a lot of people who, like me, thought they'd get to the store just before it opened, and who wanted to buy phones and phone-related stuff on their way in to work. Then as I arrived outside the AT&T store and saw the same situation, my fuzzy head began to realize "there was something going on", but silly old me didn't know what. Just before I asked someone in line what all the fuss was about, it began to dawn on me what it might be - and sure enough, it was!

I'm a bit ashamed to say that I acted like a grumpy old toad and made a few loud, snarky comments while standing in line. The others did seem to see the funny side to it all though. Either that, or they were laughing to my face while secretly thinking what a grouchy old fart I was.

When I got to the front of the line after a 45 minute wait, the AT&T employee told me that they didn't have the AC adapter I wanted. Doh!

But at least I got a free coffee and Rice Krispies Treat bar out of it :LOL: - and some fun conversations with other people my age in line, about the "old days" when answering machines had cassettes, and we didn't just have phone numbers, but local exchange names too, and similar old codger tales, while the young kids most likely listened in amusement :D

I got back home and called all the stores in the area. They were all out of stock, probably because my modem is a few years old, which means it might as well have been manufactured in 1890, and they're not interested in stocking the AC adapters for it anymore. I went back home and ordered it online.

Now that's done, I can concentrate on getting ready to go with her this afternoon to the 3-day food festival that is here in town. No food item over $8. Yippee!

Eat Real Fest
I bet the youngsters got a real kick out of you waiting in that line for an AC adapter for a modem, Tom! And free breakfast, too!
Full disclosure, my boss pays for my phone, and my DH's phone, and my home internet. I would probably use smoke signals if I had to pay for it myself! :)
I bet the youngsters got a real kick out of you waiting in that line for an AC adapter for a modem, Tom! And free breakfast, too!
Full disclosure, my boss pays for my phone, and my DH's phone, and my home internet. I would probably use smoke signals if I had to pay for it myself! :)
Yes, I suppose that even modems are getting a bit old-school nowadays! And there I was, going on about the days when phones were hard-wired into the walls and didn't even have jacks. When I admitted that I didn't own a cellphone at all, the iPhone lady I was talking to looked at me with eyes wide open in surprise!

Another 10 years, and I might turn into one of those old codgers who purposely joins lines like that for the free snacks alone :LOL:

About your disclosure - no problem at all. Even if you were paying for it yourself, that would be fine. We each have our own priorities, although I do think it's kinda funny that people can't even wait a few weeks, and have to line up just to get the latest and greatest phone. I have to admit though, that as I was standing in line thinking of the funds I owned that contained significant holdings in Apple, I felt grateful to them for buying all that Apple stuff :)
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Another 10 years, and I might turn into one of those old codgers who purposely joins lines like that for the free snacks alone :LOL:

There were free snacks! I would've gone for the free snacks if it was within walking distance.
I still have my iPhone 1 that DS gave me a few years back. I use it as an internet device, not as a phone. I am 5 generation removed from the latest and it's no wonder I can't install any new apps. That's my pet peeve of the day - Apple's strategy of making older apps obsolete. Then again, who needs one more gadget when there is whole life to live (traveling, golfing, watching movies, ....)?
And the same idiots with dogs who don't clean up after them. I have a dog. I carry plastic bags and pick up after my dog. I am constantly amazed that there are so many dog owners out there that think the rest of us (and our dogs) want to walk through a minefield of their dog's poo. And then people wonder why some places aren't "dog-friendly"......

Yeah, one of my pet peeves as well! One day I was looking out the window of my house and a neighbor was walking her dog and her dog took a dump on my lawn. I went outside and asked the neighbor to pick up after her dog and she said "well, it will just dissolve into your lawn". I replied, "then let it dissolve into YOUR lawn". I asked again if she could clean up after her dog. She went home to get a baggie to pick it up. The whole time she acted like I had done something wrong. Geez! C'mon lady, get some manners!
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