What is your pet peeve of the day?

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Sorry about the issue with the dermatologist. Now, if you’d wanted a boob job or a face lift... BAM!
My pet peeve of the day is the swipe (instead of click) bait.

Websites do this often. There may be a picture with a heading of interest. But to read the article description, this might be about 10 swipes in instead of the very first one.
Looking for a new smartphone. Don't want or need the latest/greatest, just a basic middle line smartphone. Okay, picked out a couple that might work. But reading the specs and reviews it seems the latest thing is the back is made out of .... glass! Haven't the manufacturers realized the biggest complaint of users is that the screen breaks? And the phones are too big to stick in a shirt pocket so people put them in their pants pockets? So let's make the darn thing out of ....glass. The reviews on these phones are that they work great except that the back breaks. Well I'm not surprised since there are made out of ....glass!
Anyway yesterday I did a factory reset of my phone to clean up all of the apps that I don't use anyway. Hey, it works ok now. So maybe I can wait until they make a phone again out of metal or plastic that might last a while.
My pet peeve of the day is the swipe (instead of click) bait.

Websites do this often. There may be a picture with a heading of interest. But to read the article description, this might be about 10 swipes in instead of the very first one.

+1 It's awful.

I especially dislike the ones like this: Best Skate Boarding Park in Your State. They then list the states alphabetically with no way to simply jump to a desired state. If one lives in Alaska or Alabama it's not a big problem, but the people in Virginia and Wyoming must surely be desperate or just plain bored to swipe all the way to their state.
Looking for a new smartphone. Don't want or need the latest/greatest, just a basic middle line smartphone. Okay, picked out a couple that might work. But reading the specs and reviews it seems the latest thing is the back is made out of .... glass! Haven't the manufacturers realized the biggest complaint of users is that the screen breaks? And the phones are too big to stick in a shirt pocket so people put them in their pants pockets? So let's make the darn thing out of ....glass. The reviews on these phones are that they work great except that the back breaks. Well I'm not surprised since there are made out of ....glass!
Anyway yesterday I did a factory reset of my phone to clean up all of the apps that I don't use anyway. Hey, it works ok now. So maybe I can wait until they make a phone again out of metal or plastic that might last a while.
I agree, that's silly to make the back out of glass!

I got a new LG phone for free when I switched to Cricket Wireless, for porting over my phone number to them. Honestly I have NO idea of what the back is made of. The day I got it, I bought the only case they had for it at the Cricket store, which is basically a very stiff purple plastic thing that only covers the back and is on there quite firmly. I'd have to pry it off to look, and I'm only about half interested. :LOL:

I only bought that case because the phone was free (so why not), and because I wanted it to look pretty. Anyway, if/when you buy another phone, maybe you will need to get a case/cover like that to protect the back.
My pet peeve of the day is the swipe (instead of click) bait.

Websites do this often. There may be a picture with a heading of interest. But to read the article description, this might be about 10 swipes in instead of the very first one.
Ten times as many opportunities to display ads.
Not exactly a peeve, as I find it somewhat amusing, but since the medical incident in Malaga we've been obliged to have contact with Visa a few times.

Before conversing, the reps, like automatons, invariably start their spiel with a parroted recitation about "recording for training purposes" which prompts me, (although I should know better), to ask who they are training, "Is it me?".

Interruption of the monologue is treated as a non sequitur, and invariably throws them off balance, (since they have evidently been instructed to say it, and say it from start to finish, but apparently have never given the statement any consideration), before they determinedly start again from the beginning.
Vanguard pet peeves:
After logging in, you get a secure message alert. Click on the notice and you see a list of alerts, and can open. This clears one of your alerts. Can you open the next alert (statement or confirmation), well sort of. The next screen lists documents, but the ones not opened are not flagged. This is abuse of the user! Even if you guess which to open, it is not cleared, and is still counted on your opening screen.
Also noticed today that Vanguard has decided to implement another obstacle, namely, presenting you with a modal screen you must click on to dismiss. Purpose of screen? To let you know that you need to have acrobat installed to view the document.
Wake up, Vanguard, it's almost 2019.


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Iced tea in a restaurant. Or should I say pale brown water with somewhat of a hint of tea? For $2-3 ? If you're gonna charge so much for iced tea at least make it stronger. Oh and I don't add sugar or sweetener to my tea, like it straight.
At least you usually get free refills.
I'm recently noticing a lot of people who do not seem to have much situational awareness. What's that about?

Within the past week we have eaten out in local restaurants, and have had people standing and talking in the doorways totally blocking the entrance and exit. We waited patiently....we said excuse me....and got dirty looks in return. I expected a look of surprise and apology when they realized they were being so rude....but nope. We had a choice to wait longer or push through....we waited asking if we could please pass.

DH & I live in a 55+ golf community where golf carts are the norm. Lately we have run across clutters of people totally blocking roads with their carts while they socialize. They do not move as cars or other carts approach. Totally oblivious to the situation and others around them.

Is this a new norm, or am I just getting tired of selfish people?
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That is a pet peeve of mine as well. Totally oblivious to the world outside their narcissistic bubble.

Grocery stores are the worst for it. People get their carts and then stand in the entry way trying to figure out what to do.

And you are correct. It is getting worse.
Silver & Koogie, I have to agree about people blocking aisles/doorways. They also think that you shouldn't mind. I usually say "excuse me" or if they aren't near their cart I move it to one side. Sometimes they get upset and I don't understand why it's suddenly my fault. I can't figure out the ones that turn their shopping cart sideways in the aisle.
Just got back from a road trip to a customers and sure wish they would make people go back and take their driving test and re-learn the driving rules. Three times today I went to move into the right hand turning lane and almost got side swiped. As soon as the white line marking the shoulder opens up I put on my turn signal and move into the turning lane. The white lines are solid not broken which means you should stay in your lane. People are trying to move into the turning lane, without their turn signals on, after the white line has gone solid. Well, hello, I'm already in the lane and almost along side you. If you would get off the phone, whether talking or texting, maybe you wouldn't have missed your turn.
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Silver & Koogie, I have to agree about people blocking aisles/doorways. They also think that you shouldn't mind. I usually say "excuse me" or if they aren't near their cart I move it to one side. Sometimes they get upset and I don't understand why it's suddenly my fault. I can't figure out the ones that turn their shopping cart sideways in the aisle.

LOL... this happened to me two days ago and I was thinking 'are these people oblivious or what?'.... So, there is a young mom and dad in the grocery store... baby in a stroller and dad pushing the cart... and they are going up and down the isles NEXT TO EACH OTHER.... when they stop to look at something, they stay next to each other...

Lucky for me I only got stuck when they were changing isles and I made sure I avoided them after that...
Gonna say an Oregon Trader Joes was really bad for this - big broad aisles with trim well dressed women mooning about crosswise with their carts in the aisles. My ill founded opinion: lawyer/doctor/FA wife done got her smoke on. Honey, you look good, but stand next to the artisanal cheeses while you try and remember why you are there.
Then there is the Palm Desert Costco: pissed off old people in motorized carts with too much money and not enough life remaining. Yeah, they're blocking the aisle and !#@$% you with your decades of life left!
Gonna say an Oregon Trader Joes was really bad for this - big broad aisles with trim well dressed women mooning about crosswise with their carts in the aisles. My ill founded opinion: lawyer/doctor/FA wife done got her smoke on. Honey, you look good, but stand next to the artisanal cheeses while you try and remember why you are there.
Then there is the Palm Desert Costco: pissed off old people in motorized carts with too much money and not enough life remaining. Yeah, they're blocking the aisle and !#@$% you with your decades of life left!

OMG, you made me laugh!
Aisle blockers.....I've been known to stand, holding my basket, about an inch away from them, without speaking or making a sound. Most wise up, some don't get it.
LOL... this happened to me two days ago and I was thinking 'are these people oblivious or what?'.... So, there is a young mom and dad in the grocery store... baby in a stroller and dad pushing the cart... and they are going up and down the isles NEXT TO EACH OTHER.... when they stop to look at something, they stay next to each other...

Lucky for me I only got stuck when they were changing isles and I made sure I avoided them after that...

I like when they are side by side and don't understand why you can't get by without them moving. They don't seem to realize that the store has some display blocking part of the aisle too!
My pet peeve.


SERIOUSLY!! one day after holloween, click on the radio and I hear Tony Bennett white christmas.
You hit a nerve with me on that. I was in the produce section of my market, and blocking the aisle was a woman BS'ing on her cell phone I said,"excuse me", and she looked at me and said ,"You can go around the other way". Fortunately, I have learned to hold my tongue, or I would have simply said,"Get you fat a$$ out of the aisle":D
I had to really hold my tongue today . I went to a grocery store I rarely go to . There were two people in their late 20's racing down the aisles in the handicap carts .This was wrong for so many reasons.
I had to really hold my tongue today . I went to a grocery store I rarely go to . There were two people in their late 20's racing down the aisles in the handicap carts .This was wrong for so many reasons.

Are you certain they didn't really need them? One of my daughter's friends got dirty looks for using one of those carts. Until he got out at the end of the shopping trip and they saw that he was limping. He'd sprained his ankle earlier that day.

My daughter (in her early 20's) had foot surgery earlier this year. She couldn't put any weight on it for 3 months. She's been in physical therapy, learning how to walk again. She's had a long road to recovery, from not being able to put weight on it, to strengthen it to support her weight, to learning to walk again properly without a limp. Under different circumstances, she might have been one of those young people using one of those carts and not appearing to need it. Instead, I pushed her around in a transport chair.

I'm sure there were some who thought we didn't need to use the handicap placard. Especially when I got out on 2 good legs. Until they saw my daughter struggle to get into the transport chair, with a dressing/cast/boot. :)
But it does happen. DW went to Walmart with a friend of hers who is handicapped. There was a woman riding around in one of the carts, and DW asked if she needed it. Woman told her no, she just liked to ride in it.

At that point DW tore her a new one. Told her she had her friend waiting in the car because the woman was joyriding in the cart. The woman just blew her off.
I guess it takes all kinds
Are you certain they didn't really need them? One of my daughter's friends got dirty looks for using one of those carts. Until he got out at the end of the shopping trip and they saw that he was limping. He'd sprained his ankle earlier that day.

. :)

At first I gave them the benefit of doubt but when they continued to race in them and had no appearance of any problem I was upset .I have seen young people who need them for various reasons but these two just seemed to want to race them and annoy shoppers . They finally were approached by someone and they got out of the scooters and walked away.
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My pet peeve of the day: drivers who leave their turn signals on for blocks and blocks or miles and miles. Anyhow, I read in one of Dave Barry's books a suggestion that would eliminate this problem. And, here it is: "After 15 seconds, the car will automatically turn the direction indicated by the signal."
My pet peeve of the day: drivers who leave their turn signals on for blocks and blocks or miles and miles. Anyhow, I read in one of Dave Barry's books a suggestion that would eliminate this problem. And, here it is: "After 15 seconds, the car will automatically turn the direction indicated by the signal."
That is most of the people in Florida !
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